UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs
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<lordcirth> Dangit, I did a contract before taking it, but it's Strategia, so I can't figure out how to cheat it done
<lordcirth> Guess I'll just load a save
<lordcirth> Nope, no good save *sigh*
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<darsie> lordcirth: What are the benefits? money, science? Or just principle?
<lordcirth> darsie, money and rep. I just cheated approximately the right amount
<lordcirth> It's not just the contract, though, because while it's active you get a 4x multiplier on related milestones
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<Eddi|zuHause> when i take a contract IRL i'll also tell them "oh btw, i did that just a moment ago, you should just pay me immediately". that works for sure :p
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<UmbralRaptop> Eddi|zuHause: I mean, depending on the contract it could be signing and then promptly showing the deliverables
* UmbralRaptop assumes that the KSP version is related to world's first contracts
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<Althego> sorry for the word, i take the verbal morality statute, but this has to be here
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<JVFoxy> 1.9 huh?
<darsie> Almost 2.0
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<Mat2ch> How small Kerbin is shows in the fact that you can get to the poles in under an hour subsonic
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<darsie> Gravity also drops faster as you get away.
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<darsie> Same ASL gravity but less mass.
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<darsie> 58 484.090 kg/m^3
<darsie> Must be made of osmium or so.
<darsie> Compressed osmium.
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<JVFoxy> Mat2ch 6 hours to do a full rotation of the planet even..
<JVFoxy> think I managed to get to the pole in around 15-20 minutes at super sonic, more just something silly to do
<JVFoxy> don't suppose anyone here has done their own version of the Kerbin solar system? Kind of wondering how hard it is to do that kind of a mod. I've come up with stats for an 'earth-like' planet, slightly smaller, I wouldn't mind trying out some day. Although, I do wonder if the parts are KSP are scaled smaller because of kberin's being shorter
<JVFoxy> ... kerbals rather. IE: with RO, did they also scale up the parts or just adjusted things to make it seem like they were?
<darsie> Jool 4 678 kg/m3, Eve 85 219 kg/m3, Kerbol 234 kg/m3
<JVFoxy> darsie I'm guessing some kind of average density? Jool is... well denser at the center, but because of it being a sphere, how does one figure out its average
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<darsie> JVFoxy: mass/volume ;)
<JVFoxy> darsie guess we are fortunate that we have a defined point of where jool's surface actually sits in ksp
<darsie> Hmm, atmosphere is 200 km, IIRC. idr what exactly happened when I got to 0 m or below.
<darsie> Or ... where I exploded.
<darsie> IIRC I exploded, not imploded.
<icefire> ;c JoolMass / ((4/3)*pi*(JoolRadius^3))
<kmath> icefire: 4678.783412746511958
<JVFoxy> ;c joolradius
<kmath> JVFoxy: Unknown Token
<icefire> ;c JoolRadius
<kmath> icefire: 6000000
<JVFoxy> oops.. hadn't used kmath before
<icefire> old forgotten bot I suppose :P
<darsie> I guess atmospheres don't have mass.
<darsie> Or at least no gravity.
<JVFoxy> atmospheric dynamics is a bit of a fickle thing
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* darsie installed the picoports mod and is about to install one at the refuelling station.
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