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<hatrix> are you that interested in astrophysics or do you work in the field UmbralRaptor?
<hatrix> I've never seen other people than physicists use it :)
<hatrix> (arxiv I mean)
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<Olympic1> Mijn locatie: Zulte, Belgiรซ
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<packbart> Hello, Great Olympic One
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<UmbralRaptor> hatrix: grad student working on exoplanets
<Althego> your commute time must be killing you :)
<Mat2ch> Althego: time is killing us all
<Mat2ch> :P
<Althego> i didnt know a soyuz came back
* UmbralRaptor ๐Ÿ’€
<Althego> ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’ฉL
<UmbralRaptor> โ˜ 
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<UmbralRaptor> incidentally, Return of the Obra Dinn is very good
<Althego> so i have heard
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<hatrix> nice UmbralRaptor :)
<UmbralRaptor> sneks, sneks everywhere
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<Althego> hehehe, cletala, dont you understand?
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<Mat2ch> Althego didn't shout "SCOTT" yet. Is he ill?
<Mat2ch> :P
<Althego> no, just watching atc videos
<Althego> and i never type that with capitals, i am too lazy for that
<Althego> interesting
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<Althego> with the same technology it is also possible to steal spacecraft
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<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> attach small rocket onto spy sat, deorbit it on command
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<Mat2ch> also stealing a sat... I guess that's easier by just hacking the communication
<Mat2ch> there are sats developed around 2000, launched in 2010, still operating
<Mat2ch> how secure is their communication system? Is it encrypted at all?
<Althego> if we wait enough scott is going to make a video about that
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<Althego> finally
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<Althego> hehe boeing software issues, nothing new. at least nobody died because of this yet
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