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<Mat2ch> some might say that this is an overbuilt Tylo rescue vehicle
<Mat2ch> others may object and say that I should've tested the Tylo lander beforehand...
<Mat2ch> inside the bay is a refueling robotic arm...
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<Lyneira> Objection! You should definitely test the arm beforehand... :P
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<Mat2ch> Lyneira: I did
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<Mat2ch> and the arm only made both crafts warp into each other once...
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<Mat2ch> Lyneira: I did
<Mat2ch> and the arm only made both crafts warp into each other once...
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<packbart> sorry, had to rewind time there for a few minute
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<Mat2ch> and nobody from the team seems to have time to post this here first :P
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program 2: Episode 1 - Next Gen Tech
<Mat2ch> and they're going the weird way...
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<sandbox> not sold
<Althego> next gen tech? it runs on the same engine
<Althego> oh next gen in space
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<Mat2ch> erks
<Mat2ch> this game killed three of my Kerbals
<Mat2ch> they were in a stable orbit around Tylo
<Mat2ch> and now they're listed as KIA
<Mat2ch> since 1.9 there are some weird bugs in this game.
<Mat2ch> orbits jumping, manouver nodes not working properly...
<Mat2ch> well, I give up. This mission doesn't want to happen
<UmbralRaptop> whelp
<JVFoxy> I've yet to get 1.9... some did say there might be a few bugs and probably some foxes
<JVFoxy> er fixes
<JVFoxy> still remember days when doing a few orbits with a spaceplane. Come in to land on runway, wings spontaneously blowing up cuz game thought I hit the KSP buildings even though they were 2 km out
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