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* darsie landed the helicopter on Duna, but the wings are too low. Break easily if hit the ground too fast.
<darsie> It's possible, though, to slow down near the ground, stop rotation and land.
* darsie improves the helicopter ...
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<darsie> Much better with more ground clearance:
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<darsie> Either Ike is cheating, or I calculated the maximum safe orbit within it wrongly.
<darsie> Ahh, Ikes orbit is probably above Duna's surface, not Duna's center.
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<UmbralRaptop> The in game distance shown is from the surface, yes
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<darsie> UmbralRaptop: Not for SOI in the tracking station info box.
<darsie> UmbralRaptop: Topic Δv. V is volume, v is velocity.
<darsie> Almost half the atmosphere.
<darsie> by height
<UmbralRaptop> change in voltage. contrast with ∇V
<darsie> I'd like to be on that mountain, but unfortunately my helicopter is on the other side of Duna.
<darsie> I might make 50 m/s.
<darsie> hmm, I could make a speed test.
<darsie> Perhaps fly over the pole :).
<darsie> Hmm, flying over the pole may be hard because of the Suns angle.
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<Guest46237> heelo
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<Flayer> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Flayer
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<transit> Bwoop
<Althego> mmmbop
<Althego> and mmmpol :)
<transit> 👀
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<Flayer> damn, my return vessel toppled over
<Flayer> i went too skimpy on the landing legs
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<darsie> At least you have legs. This one took a huge amount of patience/dedication to land:
<darsie> Umm, was it this one?
<darsie> no. This had 4 large RWs.
<Mat2ch> Time to finish the last parts of the Jool expedition and then finally (after a year or so) launch it!
<darsie> Just had RWs in the capsule. So basically purely propulsive landing without legs.
<darsie> Was a single stage Mun sample return mission.
<darsie> Flayer: BTW, putting a battery on the side of the rocket can angel your rocket up for take off.
<darsie> angle
<darsie> Much lighter than legs, too.
<darsie> Good for low gravity like Minmus, Mun, Duna ...
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<Mat2ch> Wow. My creation is finally done and then KSP decides to get stuck on something
<Mat2ch> meh
<Mat2ch> I hope it saved everything
<Mat2ch> All I wanted was a route to Jool. That was too much
<darsie> I think KSP also autosaves ships.
<darsie> Sometimes I see it in the load list.
<Mat2ch> I had to kill it :/
<darsie> using mods?
<Mat2ch> many
<Mat2ch> This time mechjeb could be at fault
<Mat2ch> Node in 15d, burn time 14 min. ok.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> Wasn't there a mod that could split such nodes in multiple smaller ones?
<Mat2ch> mechjeb doesn't seem to have this option.
<Mat2ch> Jool ship completely assembled
<darsie> Mat2ch: Is that a departure burn?
<Mat2ch> yes
<Mat2ch> 0.26 TWR
<Mat2ch> 2k dV to go
<darsie> Single and split burns can get exactly the same results, so some manual intervention is probably necessary.
<darsie> Although, if you set the maneuver and the system displays the result of a split burn, it could work well. Not sure if a mod could do that.
<darsie> Heck, KSP only displays instantaneous maneuvers.
<darsie> Well, a sequence of instantaneous maneuvers would be a compromise.
<Mat2ch> There was a mod
<Mat2ch> and it should be fairly easy to calculate
<Mat2ch> you know where you are in time and when to leave and how fast you need to go there...
<darsie> But Kerbins location changes all the time.
<darsie> And hte location of the target.
<packbart> Mat2ch: there was a kOS script called "MechVel" that could split a node into multiple burns
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<Mat2ch> darsie: all you need is the last node for a start. Then you split it backwards.
<Mat2ch> The theory behind this is that you need a certain speed at a certain point of time (which is a certain point on your orbit)
<Mat2ch> Say at 30 min into your flight you need to be 1500 m/s fast in relation to your current planet you're orbiting
<Mat2ch> well, it can be a moon as well
<Althego> that's no moon
<Mat2ch> it's not a star either!
<Althego> but it is sure not living :
<Althego> )
<Mat2ch> Hello Jool!
<Mat2ch> Well, the mission making thing is broken.
<Mat2ch> I'm at Jool. Now I shall dock two vessels near Gilly?!
<Althego> have you tried the science junior thingie?
<Althego> there is a joke there
<Althego> at least there was when i did it years ago
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<Mat2ch> Well, now I will let everything sit in orbit around Jool and do two uncrewed vehicles to Gilly...
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<Flayer> i really want KIS to be merged with the robotics inventory stuff so there's just one inventory system
<Flayer> someone do that for me
<Flayer> or link me to something that has that so i don't have to do anything myself
<Flayer> serve me!
<Althego> hah, found an amazing channel
<Althego> the nerves and professionalism of the pilot is amazing
<Althego> hehe she was an f18 pilot
<Althego> it makes sense now
<Flayer> yeah, she's probably murdered dozens of people
<Flayer> you have to nerves of steel for that
<ShadowJK> Althego, have you heard that atc of the airplane that lost pressurisation and the pilots started suffering from asphyxia?
<Althego> no
<ShadowJK> hypoxia is the correct term I think
<Althego> anyway one engine exploded, took out one of the windows too, and you cant hear that in her voice
<ShadowJK> You can hear the alarms going on in the background:
<ShadowJK> And the speech is getting slower and slower as the pilot's brain's oxygen is disappearing
<Althego> yes i can hear that
<Althego> sound like drunk
<ShadowJK> "Unable to control altitude, unable to control airspeed, unable to control heading. Kalitta six six. Other than that, everyting A-OK!"
<ShadowJK> I think that's one of my favourite lines ever
<Althego> hehe yes just heard that
<Flayer> haha yeah
<Flayer> funny shit
<Althego> dont say that word
<Althego> the mods are going to come after you
<ShadowJK> LOL
<Flayer> oh right
<Flayer> that's a word that's allowed by television nowadays though isn't it?
<ShadowJK> not all pilots are calm in trouble:
* UmbralRaptop fines Flayer 1 credit for violating the verbal morality statue
<Althego> hehehe
<Flayer> ShadowJK: oh that is very discomforting to listen to..
<ShadowJK> "Im rolling im rolling im rolling im rolling oh my god ah- help help"
<Flayer> oh at least you can read in the description that its fine
<FLHerne> ShadowJK: If you want 'discomforting', read the AF447 transcript
<ShadowJK> Yeah I've seen
<FLHerne> > But I've had the stick back the whole time!
<FLHerne> Is probably the most terrifying statement I've seen in one of these things
<Althego> back when i used to fly often i usually watched several episodes of air crash investigations the previous day :)
<FLHerne> I mean, the co-pilot literally stalled a commercial aircraft all the way down into the ocean, out of sheer irrational panic
* FLHerne wouldn't want that job at all
<Althego> the copolot or the stick?
<FLHerne> Co-pilot
<FLHerne> The stick didn't help, because the other pilots couldn't /tell/ he was stalling the aircraft
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<Althego> the inanimate carbon rod :)
<FLHerne> ShadowJK: Wow, that really is a weird video
<ShadowJK> lumps of coal :D
<Mat2ch> The robot is flat enough to fit even under this one :D
<ShadowJK> Considering the high tech world we live in, it's actually kind of surprising how bad communication is with aircraft flying over the oceans
<Mat2ch> at least it looks like it
<Althego> i'm flat, i'm flat, sings the robot
<Althego> goot, that rain must clean some of that soot off
<Althego> they never clean these rockets, they just become uglier with each flight
<Mat2ch> The get "character". ;P
<Althego> why not send them to coal mines first then
<packbart> Rura Penthe
<Althego> wasnt that dilithium
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