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<darsie> NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
<darsie> ~20 min ago they play KSP.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> what is happening?
<Althego> disclaimer!
<darsie> They have a suborbital rocket (at best) with goo. Haven't watched it all, yet.
<darsie> And talk about rl, too.
<Althego> this was some fps thing
<Althego> you seem tpo be talking about some rocket thing
<darsie> They want to get to orbit.
<darsie> 48 km Ap
<Mat2ch> stability augmentation system? It's stability assist system, isn't it?
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<darsie> They made orbit in training mode.
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<sandbox> he name-dropped EJ_SA and Scott Manley at the start
<Althego> in elite the game calls it fligth assist. that is an sas lol
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<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> lol
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<hatrix> how bad of an idea is this?
<hatrix> to be landed on Eve
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> try testing on kerbin
<Althego> as usual with a setup like this, that the inflatables want to turn the other way
<hatrix> oh no
<hatrix> I don't even know how I'm going to launch that
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<packbart> yeah, those inflatable shields really want to be a hat in denser atmospheres
<Althego> unless you put them on the other side too
<hatrix> I saw a vid where matt lowne does that
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<hatrix> how I got that into orbit is a mistery
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<hatrix> maybe I can dive nose first?
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<hatrix> now the rocket tips over, but in the other direction, that's new
<hatrix> soooo, I lost 300k because I made bad saves
<hatrix> and the ship does not survive reentry, maybe I need grid fins at the top
<packbart> moar retro-boosters
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<hatrix> ok, airbrakes don't work :(
<Althego> they do
<Althego> not as a torque source on a completely flat structure
<hatrix> is that the intended use?
<Althego> that should work
<Althego> maybe they are not enough
<hatrix> how, they were not activated
<hatrix> ho*
<Althego> for eve i usually build bomb like things. inflatable in front, some fins at the back behind the inflatable so they dont burn up but att stability
<Althego> they do look activated
<hatrix> when I click on them, the button is pushed but it's written "unactive"
<hatrix> failure journal ongoing here
<Althego> you can still the one size bigger conventional
<Althego> still try
<Althego> maybe that creates less drag
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<hatrix> the there are bigger airbrakes ?
<hatrix> or are you talking about the heatshield?
<Althego> yes, you can swap it to an ablative one
<Althego> but a bit bigger than the body
<hatrix> ok I just did that
<hatrix> I don't know if the rest will not burn
<Althego> probably
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<hatrix> yay stacktrace now
<hatrix> this thing will never fly :D
<Althego> hehe
<hatrix> lsot 3 fins total
<Althego> hehe
<hatrix> 11m/s is way too fast
<hatrix> would that work on Eve though?
<Althego> maybe. 1.6 g but way higher pressure
<Althego> 1.5
<Althego> also legs can dampen the impact even if they are destroyed or damaged, way aobve 12 m/s
<hatrix> ok so that _may_ work on Eve
<hatrix> ok Duna as 5x the pressure of Kerbin
<hatrix> don't know how that translates for 1.7g
<hatrix> keep saying Duna instead of Eve, in my head I'm still stuck there :D
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<darsie> cubic struts work as sacrificial legs.
<darsie> Much lighter, too.
<darsie> Somewhat heat sensitive.
<hatrix> changed strategy for the boosters
<packbart> in "Realistic Atmospheres", Eve has some crushing 10 atm pressure at sea level
<hatrix> 5 is enough thanks
<hatrix> I should have packed RCS or more reaction wheels though
<packbart> maneuverability is overrated
<darsie> hatrix: There are no nose cones on the boosters. That'll cause high drag.
<hatrix> there was some on the previous design
<darsie> How do you get negative Ap with hyperbolic trajectories?
<darsie> I've seen it irl, too.
<packbart> there's an answer with math symbols here:
<hatrix> maybe they're doing it the other way around when they're not in orbit?
<hatrix> oh, ok
<hatrix> I'll try multiple aerobrakings on this one
<hatrix> ok my relay around Eve desynchronized :(
<hatrix> how do you keep them on the same period exactly?
<darsie> hatrix: Multiple relays?
<hatrix> 6 around Eve
<darsie> wow
<hatrix> I'm atalking about # of satellites
<hatrix> not number of networks
<packbart> in stock? target the first relay and set up the orbits so that their approach markers form a regular triangle/hexagon
<packbart> with KER: look at the orbital period of the "master", reduce thrust to minimal and adjust the other sats to within the same millisecond or so
<hatrix> in stock I only have the period up to the second
<hatrix> it's not enough apparently
<darsie> I used KER to display orbital period to ms, adjusted the orbit and thus its period as good as possible with pro/retrograde burns, eventually at 0.5% thrust with fine thrust control. Then I turn slightly off normal/antinormal towards pro/retrograde and give tiny thrust again, which will change period very slightly. I've achieved synchronization to the ms this way.
<packbart> I skip the last part and usually end up within a few ms. good enough
<hatrix> looks like I really need this mod
<packbart> or just send more sats on random orbits ;)
<darsie> Or tune your arrival time to have a (possibly single) relay in position where needed.
<hatrix> ok, craft exploded on Eve's re-entry
<darsie> Heat shield used up or overheated?
<hatrix> blob:
<hatrix> oups
<hatrix> everything behind it burned
<hatrix> back to not having any money left :D
<darsie> In some cases using SAS buttons and full/no thrust without connection is sufficient. Adjusting thrust limiter in time may be necessary.
<packbart> Kerbal Space Casino
<darsie> And it's kinda realistic. At low data rate you can get away with a smaller antenna, e.g. the internal 500 km one. And without LOS we can execute programmed maneuvers.
<darsie> IIRC the GPS signal is lower than noise and is only extracted statistically or so.
<hatrix> yep, GPS signals are incredibly low
<packbart> the thing I can't get my head around is the multi-path signal magic basically every modern wifi router uses
<packbart> put a reflecting obstacle somewhere near both stations and the data rate improves
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