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<Guest15650> hi, anyone here?
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<UmbralRaptop> I don't have seconds turned on, so I can't tell how long that guest was in here
<Althego> from 49:23 to 52:43
<Althego> more than 3 minues
<Althego> must be a new recors
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<UmbralRaptop> It all says 01:54 on my end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Althego> the clock may be off
<Althego> because windows just cant use ntp
<Althego> it is set up
<Althego> doesnt do it unless i click it by hand
<Althego> but the duration is correc
<Althego> t
<Rolf> 2 minutes and 45 seconds
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<Mat2ch> where's our greeting bot? :P
<Althego> that is useless anyway
<Mat2ch> So, a well trained neural net that fools them until a real human comes along?
<Mat2ch> Oh no, Mad Mike is dead.
<Mat2ch> Now he can watch from above that the earth is round.
<Althego> a flat earther that did something noteworthy
<Althego> wait, actually died while trying to launch a rocket?
<Mat2ch> Well, he got up, but the parachute didn't open
<Mat2ch> and he didn't bring a spare it seems
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<packbart> check your staging
<packbart> Mat2ch: the parachute opened at launch and detached.
<kmath> YouTube - Mad Mike Hughes Last Launch, 02/22/2020 #BlackSwanDive
<Mat2ch> packbart: oh, you are right
<Althego> looks so kerbal
<Mat2ch> He could have boarded a plane and get higher...
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<Mat2ch> 10 km should be high enough to see the earths curve...
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: Fluburtur Fluburtur
<Mat2ch> you need to get in touch with someone who works in marketing
<Mat2ch> your props are great, but you need somebody who knows how to sell them :)
<Althego> you cant really see it while jumping out of an airplane
<Althego> we have to wait a few years for those space tourist contracts :)
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<darsie> 1337
<Mat2ch> Althego: few years? I bet at the end of this year or start of the next year we will see SpaceX fly their first tourists...
<Althego> ah yes if we are lucky
<Althego> technically it is going to be ready for action after the first crewed test flight
<Althego> but the competitors are really not even close
<sandbox> the person recording shortly before launch "you just y'know, you just strap yourself in, today's the day I may die"
<Althego> even though some of them are for suborbital flights and working on it much longer
<Mat2ch> It's the workplace mentality
<Mat2ch> ever wondered why you see so many young people at SpaceX?
<Mat2ch> Alsmost nobody from the boomer generation?
<Mat2ch> SpaceX and Tesla are managed like a sports team. You want the best people, but you want them to be able to play in a team
<Mat2ch> so sometimes you just don't go for the best players, but those who are best for the team
<FLHerne> "60-year-olds tend to not be interested in a work/life ratio of infinity, so Silly Valley firms don't hire them."
<FLHerne> ^ok, so Hawthorne is at the other end of CA, but that's a more plausible explanation to me
<Mat2ch> no, no, the younger generation is interested in a good work/life ratio. That's why it is so important to have a job that is not considered as "work" in the old meaning
<FLHerne> Young people are excited to do cool stuff, don't have family commitments, and prestige/CV enhancement is more valuable than pay
<Mat2ch> and that's all about meaning
<Mat2ch> ehm, have you read the job offerings lately? They can pretty much chose where to work
<Mat2ch> there are so many open positions...
<Mat2ch> and if building rockets is your hobby... well, you're not really working then
<Mat2ch> (but on the other side everyone is telling you to ask for a decent pay, so you get a decent pay...)
<FLHerne> That sounds like something a young person would say :P
<Fluburtur> Mat2ch I feel the exact same way
* FLHerne being one, but still...
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: The point is that young engineers can put "I worked at SpaceX" on their CV, and that's worth more in the long run than a significant pay increment in the short term
<FLHerne> For someone approaching retirement with lots of background already, that's much less true
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: do you really think that way?
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: you are a special case :)
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: It's sort of obvious?
<Mat2ch> not for me here
<Mat2ch> because I'd rather do a job that is fun than one I wouldn't like just because it may look good on the CV
<Mat2ch> (actually nobody really looks anymore at the companies what you worked, but what you have done there and if this is useful or not)
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<Mat2ch> funny thing, the job reference paper you get here in Germany is not worth the paper it's printed on...
<Mat2ch> so nobody cares about them anymore
<Rolf> sad when paper becomes less valuable
<Rolf> ;)
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Althego> hmm, danny in 1.9
<Flayer> alright, i'm gonna stick with this savegame for the next 15 in-game years
<Flayer> my aim will be to build a self-sustainable base on both Duna and Laythe
<Flayer> mach 1 is like 350m/s yeah?
<packbart> depends on altitude but somewhere around that, I seem to remember
<packbart> that's where my rockets like to flip out
<Flayer> yeah
* darsie always goes with 333 m/s.
* Mat2ch too
* packbart goes by the white graphics effects
<Mat2ch> this way you can count pretty easily the seconds between the lightning and the thunder and know who far away it was
<Mat2ch> don't count if it happens both almost at the same time. ;)
<Flayer> lightning is so fascinating
<darsie> Like when someone threatens you with stun gun.
<packbart> the cattle prod is a staple tool of old BOFH stories
<Mat2ch> uh, Danny... I'm waiting for him to find all the bugs!
<Althego> for now he could change the terrain a bit
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<Mat2ch> Which looked only just a bit weird ;)
<Althego> it was underwhelming
<Althego> didnt even destroy a single planet
<Fluburtur> also yeah, 10km might be a little too low
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<NGC3982> im on (steam) on windows 10, and im having some light issues since the latest steam update.
<NGC3982> when i visit for instance minmus, i can see far away "zones" (the big squares that makes the terrain" flash light and dark several times a second
<NGC3982> im trying to fiddle with the graphics settings, but i cant find anything that seems to change the behaviour
<NGC3982> oh my god it solved itself it the best way possibly
<Althego> crash?
<NGC3982> increased my terrain detail to max and it worked. it also increased my fps from ~15 to vsync 60.
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<darsie> Mike Hughes launched himself with a steam powered rocket to prove that the ground is flat. He died
<darsie> Check yo staging
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<kmath> YouTube - Look out for that.....TREE!!! Tator Team Daisy-Chain Recovery
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<Mat2ch> Althego: looks like a shitty day for all parties...
* UmbralRaptop fines Mat2ch one (1) credit
<Althego> in the next one i was watching they have to right a waste water tanker
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<Althego> with you know, stuff, in it
<UmbralRaptop> oh, puns
<Althego> where
<UmbralRaptop> misread waste water?
<kmath> YouTube - Rollover Tanker!!! What a Load of Crap -py Water
<UmbralRaptop> Yeah, that
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<packbart> why do american trucks have these ugly external air filters? I really like flat nose trucks better
<Mat2ch> packbart: they have round analog instruments still, too
<Mat2ch> it's a truckers thing
* packbart is just a Truck Simulator trucker :)
<Althego> analog gauges are still used in airplanes, even i they are on an lcd display
<Althego> if
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<UmbralRaptop> Analog gauges are supposed to be better about jitter
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<Althego> hehe, numberphile, 17 klein bottle
<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: depends. I can build you a digital gauge that looks the same, but has way more functions
<Althego> if you are looking for zero volume one sided r3 immersed not embedded klein bottles, there is plenty to explore with glass
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<icefire> GA aircraft might have the old steam gauges but any modern airliner (re: 1990's and onward) likely don't
<icefire> even the 737NG's standby instrument is just a small digital display
<icefire> anything on the DU's is just a graphics rendering. It could do anything the computer tells it to do
<icefire> 100% digital
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<Althego> of course. but it has nedles just as the analog onese
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<icefire> fair enough
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<hoglahoo> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, hoglahoo
<hoglahoo> how can I opt out of the bot autoreplies?
<UmbralRaptop> Alternate greetings?
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<darsie> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, darsie
<darsie> not that one
<darsie> As-salāmu ʿalaykum
<darsie> works
<darsie> means "Peace be upon you". allegedly
<Black_Eagle> almost had it
<Black_Eagle> turns out my space shuttle isn't stable when reentering