Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<JVFoxy> sigh.. I keep meaning to work on a mission, but.... distractions, mood isn't quite there like it used to be. :(
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<Deddly> Fluburtur, I know I'm late writing it, but...
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<Mat2ch> Ah, a thread from 2017. Such a nice year. I quit my job there. :D
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<Deddly> Heh, nice :)
<Deddly> It's taken me longer to write up that report than it took to actually do the mission, and I'm still not done
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<Mat2ch> You have no idea. I had to use Hyperedit, because the game kept screwing with me :(
<Mat2ch> It doesn't manage my 500 part behemoth very well...
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<Mat2ch> Maybe I should give up on this game. I can't undock the miner...
<Mat2ch> I click undock and nothing happens.
<Mat2ch> Nice.
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<packbart> "I’m kind of shocked at the number of KSP players that embark on epic journeys without doing basic mission planning" - uh, well, every time I think about maybe creating a spreadsheet or using Matlab-Tools, I say to myself "that's getting in too deep"
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<packbart> some rough dV and launch window calculations are ok
<hatrix> I draw on my whiteboard and that's usually enough
<hatrix> some checklists
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<sandbox> where's the fun?
<hatrix> the fun is in the calculations
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<darsie> I calculate by adding dvs.
<darsie> Launch window is by trial and error iteration.
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<darsie> Recently I didn't fine tune the launch date and used a bit more dv instead.
<darsie> like 10 m/s.
<darsie> When I flew my helicopter to Duna.
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<darsie> Earlier I used the rocket equation.
<darsie> With RSS I used for rough departure dates.
<Mat2ch> darsie: I really hope we get a good MP for KSP2.
<Mat2ch> So people who like planning can do the planning, others can do the building and then there are the flyers
<Mat2ch> and everyone can add their part and don't have to care about things they don't like
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<Mat2ch> also my Jool ship hat 8k dV. Which is usually enough, when you don't get thrown out of the system. grrrr
<packbart> I was looking at and decided that I'm not ready yet for *that* level of mission planning
<Mat2ch> hrhrhr
<UmbralRaptop> Kerbal Excel Program is a perfectly reasonable way to play
<Althego> no, that is eve
<Flayer> eve is a planet
<Althego> and a game
<Flayer> i played spreadsheets online
<darsie> And a character in a story.
<Flayer> also evening
<hatrix> good afternoon
<darsie> Good afterevening.
<Althego> after evening, tht is night
<packbart> KSC - After Dark
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<Althego> hehe anybody remembers the after dark screensavers?
<packbart> "Flying Toasters" redirects here.
<packbart> I didn't ;)
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> I heard about the Flying Toasters screensaver
<Althego> that was one
<Althego> i likes it better than the modern version in xscreensavers where they have little jet wings. the original had flapping bird wings
<Althego> and the toast color was also settable
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<Althego> ::?:??:?:?::?:?scott didnt talk about the end of spitzer
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<UmbralRaptop> F
<packbart> neither did he talk about the spy satellite stalking dance in the sky
<Althego> what
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<packbart> russia performed a rendezvous maneuver to keep its "inspection" sat in sight of a US spy sat
<packbart> the US now moved its sat further away
<Althego> hehe
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<UmbralRaptop> yandresat
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<Mat2ch> I'd move my sat in a way that it flies as long over Russia as possible now. You're trolling me, I'm trolling you. ;)
<UmbralRaptop> Well, Russia is the largest country, so…
<darsie> I guess some geosynchronous orbit would do that trick.
<UmbralRaptop> молния!
<darsie> Molnir!
<Althego> molniya?
<UmbralRaptop> molniya
<UmbralRaptop> The "я" is a "ya"
<Althego> mu generation barely missed learning russian
<Althego> *my
<darsie> I don't know much Russian, but some Cyrillic.
<Flayer> i can only curse in russian
<UmbralRaptop> darsie: pretty much same
<Mat2ch> Приве́т!
<darsie> :)
<darsie> privet
<UmbralRaptop> \o
<Mat2ch> как у вас дела́?
<UmbralRaptop> other important words: токама́к, Черенко́в, Чебышёв
<Mat2ch> Well, "important" ;)
* UmbralRaptop should probably look up reactor terms
* darsie can't figure out the last one.
<darsie> Tshebishev?
<Mat2ch> The stochastics guy ;P
<Althego> more like a filter to me
<Althego> that is important
<Althego> but filters are more important :)
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<Mat2ch> But many people don't use Chebyshev filters at all.
<packbart> Черенков
<Mat2ch> And most filters today are done in software...
<Althego> since basically everything is a fitler :)
<packbart> hm. copy&paste fail
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<UmbralRaptop> his name has hundreds of different transliterations
<kubi> oh, good old times at the uni
<Althego> hehe
<kubi> nowadays most of the science I do is in KSP :)
<Althego> hehe
<UmbralRaptop> There's always grad school
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<Althego> hehe, returning to airport after takeoff, because there was a bird flying inside the cockpit :)
<packbart> the bird wasn't type-rated for the aircraft?
<Althego> probably a distraction
<packbart> sadly no report on, yet ;)
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<Althego> probably old story
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<packbart> ah, I see
<packbart> a search says "Incident: Elal B737 at Tel Aviv on Mar 15th 2007, bird at the controls prevents takeoff"
<Althego> around 2 years old, or even older
<UmbralRaptop> Another 737 problem? <_<
<packbart> so it happens more often than I thought :)
<Althego> the hitting a deer during takeoff is better
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<sandbox> another Boeing problem
<hatrix> anyone experiencing problems with drag on fairings?
<hatrix> I tend to remove fairings because it creates too much drag and the rocket tips over
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<JVFoxy> oof... fun times trying to relearn OBS.. >.<
<JVFoxy> doing a test run for some KSP stuff... trying to push myself to finally do some recording
<packbart> hatrix: don
<packbart> err
<packbart> hatrix: don't make the fairing the root part
<packbart> it will have unshielded drag
<packbart> otherwise they work fine for me. creating a bit much lift at the top of the rocket, sometimes
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<hatrix> oh packbart
<hatrix> that might be why
<hatrix> It's usually the top of the booster, so I put the fairing as the root part to move the rocket around
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<hatrix> how do you name your crafts? I always end up with like 5 "Duna Orbital Station" around Duna or else
<hatrix> I started doing something like "5P Orbital station + relay" but there must be a better way to describe crafts
<UmbralRaptop> Theme names?
<hatrix> do you have an example?
<UmbralRaptop> eg: Nergal, Ares, etc for Duna missions
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<UmbralRaptop> Or, like, xl
<UmbralRaptop> er
<hatrix> that's a good idea
<packbart> probes have boring names. KerbRelay, DunaRelay, DMOSat A. stations might have fancier names. I built Vertigo Station, Spiro Station and Minmus Hub
<hatrix> I'd need to keep tracks of capabilities of those missions though
<packbart> Spiro had a lot of toroidal tanks
<UmbralRaptop> unfortunately, stock KSP doesn't have any tanks named E2
<UmbralRaptop> er, wait. wrong channel for that sort of joke
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<Althego> btw way, did you know that the huge squids living in the ocean have a toroidal brain with their esophagus going through the center hole?
<UmbralRaptop> odd
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<JVFoxy> Donut brain.. Homer would be jealous
<Althego> eating through donut brain. maybe eating donuts through donut brain
<JVFoxy> around and around we go
<JVFoxy> and with that.. duty calls
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<Mat2ch> Well, the docking port is really stuck.
<Mat2ch> I hate this. I really do. Why do they even have something in the configuration file saying that a docking port is docked?
<Mat2ch> If there's a part attached to a docking port, then it's docked. It's as easy as this.
<Mat2ch> Why save it somewhere?
<Mat2ch> Sometimes I question my fellow coders...
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<Fluburtur> heh
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