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FLHerne has quit [Ping timeout: 189 seconds]
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<transit> bwoop
<transit> i made a thing
<hoglahoo> fun
<transit> mhm :D
<transit> could make for a good SSTO starting point
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<transit> bbl
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<kmath> YouTube - Chernobyl Fungus and Rust May Help Protect Us In Space
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<kmath> YouTube - Building a GIANT Airbus A350 RC airplane, Part 3
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<Flayer> heh
<Flayer> i've done a robotic landing and return on the mun
<Flayer> *never
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<UmbralRaptop> Betelgeuse: plateauing in brightness?
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<Mat2ch> yep, looks like it's not going to explode :(
<Althego> even if it does in 1000 years, it is going to be soon by star standards
<Mat2ch> plan_uuid=b55ef000-b202-4b86-b484-6b0131a520a0 Stacking!
<Althego> what
<Mat2ch> for some reason the link wasn't copied correctly
<Althego> btw, in the last few days a lot of mars society videos were uploaded to their channel
<Althego> lot of presentations, about stuff on mars
<Althego> i listened to most of them while playing elite :)
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, have some rocks
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