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<packbart> ooh, KSP shirts. but no Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. mugs, yet ;/
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<packbart> did the Mk 1 cockpit always have an invisible ladder or is that new in 1.9? https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/foo.jpg
<packbart> I seem to remember Jeb having trouble getting back up there. Now there's a "[F] Grab" hint. maybe I always missed it
<darsie> All rights Take-Two Interactive, Inc.
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<darsie> My klaw pivot jammed. Couldn't correct and almost lost my asteroid. Started rolling the asteroid to cancel the misalignment on average, somewhat.
<darsie> reload, restart didn't help. Gonna try reattach.
<darsie> Got it. Pe is out of Eve's atmosphere. Asteroid in LEO. Contract complete.
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<Althego> were there smaller trees before 1.9?
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<Althego> 7*4/84+9217+
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<Althego> lol scott
<Althego> because drain valves have a thrust, you can use them as engines :)
<Rolf> quick, someone let danny know
<Rolf> or make a plane using it yourselkf
<Althego> lol they can drain intake air too :)
<Althego> so essentially an infinite fuel plane
<Rolf> :)
<Althego> reminds me of the old style jets
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<Rolf> one of manga plot has water snake that got so powerful that its called water disaster.
<Rolf> how? easy enough, its a game type universe, and it had ability to purify water, and it gains power when in purified water
<Rolf> it also gained ability to make water more dense
<Rolf> which means more purified water around it, so it loops, stealing water from world
<Rolf> ksp had couple that could be used to make a "disaster". like my snowflake plane
<Rolf> 5,000 kps just using drag/trust inequality
<Rolf> *thurst
<Althego> how is it possible that i dont know of this isekai? :)
<Rolf> A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder
<Rolf> its not super amazing but its fun to read
<Rolf> world has 8 disasters, including water one I menioned heh
<Althego> seems to be light novel
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<Rolf> yeah. right now im reading the simulacrum. its more typical "die and find self in weird universe" but it twists it around a lot. charactor dont remember past life at all, but guy certainly remember the basic facts
<Rolf> you probably will really enjoy that one
<Deddly> I hate it when that happens
<Rolf> other unusual one is world keeper.
<Rolf> it starts with driver driving when really tired, and hitting someone, which turns out to be a keeper. and whatever kills keeper becomes a keeper
<Rolf> everything got wiped with keeper so new one have to make new world, etc
<Rolf> 451 chapters, that one
<Mat2ch> Althego: they have thrust, but it's so insignificant that you can hardly do anything with it
<Althego> yet scott made it into orbit
<Rolf> mat3ch i made ion engine plane. granted, it was pre-nerf...
<Rolf> someone else made ion engine plane go to space
<Deddly> Ions alone cannot get to space
<Deddly> But Electricity + ion is possible
<Althego> they can if you start from a maountain tio
<Rolf> lol but of course
<Deddly> Unless you launch from the highest mountain, then it might just about be possible
<Rolf> video i saw guy started from landing stri[
<Rolf> so thats near sea level
<Deddly> By Electricity + ion I mean other electric propulsion, like propellors
<Rolf> its pre-nerf
<Mat2ch> how old is that video?
<Mat2ch> Ok
<Mat2ch> it was possible back then, yes
<Deddly> Yeah, back in the old days, it could be done easily
<Rolf> yeah. my "carplane" that uses ion engine cant even power itself around
<Rolf> its hard actually even prenerf
<Rolf> I couldnt do it
<Mat2ch> Deddly: with props high enough, then switching to ions and ditching the props? ;)
<Deddly> Mat2ch, yes
<Mat2ch> I'd like to see that
<Althego> what ion nerf?
<Althego> anyway i didnt use it at all, so a nerf is not going to change my mind
<Rolf> ion engine had a nerf while ago, huge impact on perforance when in air
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<Deddly> Bradley Whistance did it from the mountain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz3VkTPzSw4
<kmath> YouTube - Orbiting Kerbin with only ion engines - KSP
<Althego> ah you mean the one years ago
<Deddly> It's not that ions got nerfed so much as isp was correctly implemented according to atmospheric pressure
<Rolf> bah its still a nerf, I cant fly a ion plane anymore lol
<Deddly> But this is my favourite ions to orbit project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee59XkEufjA
<kmath> YouTube - KSP - Duna and back using ONLY electric power and Xenon!
* Deddly AFK
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<Eddi|zuHause> turns out even though it's at the top of a hill the minimus base still is in darkness a long time
<Mat2ch> RTGs!
<Mat2ch> Or a big tower
<Rolf> deddly yeah that things awesome. its no wonder its your fav
<Mat2ch> yes, go and build a huuuuuuuge tower on Minmus!
<Rolf> very tall thin tower with solars on top
<Rolf> auto aiming solar panels
<Mat2ch> Funny thing. My Jool exploration vessel is so big that when it comes in loading range you can see it pretty well...
<Mat2ch> *into loading range
<Mat2ch> time for some indoor rain
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<Althego> hehe i have just started to listen to lhbp approach through liveatc. the hungarian accent of the controller is just too strong to bear
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<Althego> matt lowne... just who thinks of visiting dres when a new update is released?
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<Eddi|zuHause> i didn't bring enough I-beams for a large tower
<Eddi|zuHause> game seems to treat the sun as one tiny light source, instead of a spread out one. so even though i can see it, it's treated as blocked by terrain
<Althego> it is worse than that
<Althego> there are regular eclipses because of the equatorial orbits many thigns have
<Althego> and when that happens
<Althego> the sun continues to shine
<Althego> but there is no power on the solar panels
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm not worried about eclipses
<Eddi|zuHause> but driving around with a rover i've seen there is a sharp edge between "full power" and "no power", with no partial shade transition
<Althego> there should be on planets with atmosphere
<Eddi|zuHause> this has nothing to do with atmosphere
<Althego> it does because there is some scattering
<Eddi|zuHause> this is about the sun being a circle, not a point
<Althego> that effect is a lot smaller than the scattering
<Althego> after noon nap
<Eddi|zuHause> but i don't care about the scattering
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<Mat2ch> they didn't hire Danny as beta tester? They really should. :D
<Rolf> there is people that think planes fly on compressed gas? jeez lol
<Mat2ch> technically not that wrong
<Mat2ch> but something needs to be there to compress the gas
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm fairly sure you can make a pneumatic airplane
<Eddi|zuHause> there apparently was a french guy who built a pneumatic car, and some guy tried convincing me that it costs only 1/5 of regular fuel
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<Rolf> air pressure buses does exist
<Eddi|zuHause> ... which i totally believe works, but i have no intention of believing the price
<dnsmcbr> "thermal staging"
<dnsmcbr> Nice
<Eddi|zuHause> so... when i launched this rocket, i put all sorts of foundations and connector parts with me in storage, but they all seemed to have disappeared
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<Mat2ch> I really need another level of time warp. Waiting 2 years on max timewarp still takes too long :P
<Eddi|zuHause> i think i'll need to use this debug feature https://github.com/ihsoft/KAS/wiki/Legacy-parts-destiny#using-kis-to-cleanup-the-game
<hatrix> I've again got doubts on that design https://i.imgur.com/tpupZuT.png
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't like parts clipping like that
<hatrix> me neither
<Mat2ch> https://imgur.com/a/fP1qAVZ also this looks distressingly beautiful...
<hatrix> it could go wreong in so many ways
<Eddi|zuHause> can i modify the time that splash screen images are shown? it switches a little too fast for my taste
<packbart> that means your computer is too fast ;)
<Eddi|zuHause> that can't be true :p
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<hatrix> what's the purpose of that mission Mat2ch ?
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<Guest94383> yolo
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<Mat2ch> hatrix: doing all the World Firsts Contracts in order...
<Mat2ch> which means having a huge Jool mission to explore all planets. Hopefully the game doesn't screw me over again :P
<Eddi|zuHause> something is not right https://ibin.co/5CQHIfavtBVD.jpg
<Eddi|zuHause> i docked using the fuel transfer thingie, and it started drifting through the wall
<Eddi|zuHause> RTS-1 Resource Transfer Station
<packbart> because you clicked "docking mode" and didn't set "same-vessel interaction"?
<Eddi|zuHause> that would explain the "through the wall" part, but not the drifting in the first place, which before docking was prevented by the brakes
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<Eddi|zuHause> i think i need a more rigid connector here
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, it works better with the telescope arm
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<Eddi|zuHause> using the resource transfer station as some sort of "power line" doesn't seem to work...
<Eddi|zuHause> parts "attached to ground" seem to drift around
<packbart> parts or wheels? the autostrutted suspension might try and drag you towards the heaviest part
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<packbart> docked mode is magic. https://i.imgur.com/Teguj15.mp4
<Althego> lol
<Eddi|zuHause> packbart: i put a pylon on the ground, and connected it in undocked mode. after a while it disconnected
<Althego> you must construct additional pylons :)
<Eddi|zuHause> wrong game :p
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<packbart> odd. I only used the plain ground pylons so far, to construct permanent relay stations and such
<packbart> do you have WorldStabilizer installed? it doesn't play nice with ground pylons, iirc
<Eddi|zuHause> no
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<Flayer> i know there's not windows on this planet to break us free, but maybe one will be just enough for some dignity
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<Flayer> in my dreams, i am dirty broke, beautiful and free
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<Althego> less than 1 hour until cygnus
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<kmath> YouTube - Northrop Grumman Antares and Cygnus Launch to the International Space Station
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE: Launch of Antares Rocket with Cygnus CRS-13 Cargo Craft for Space Station
<Althego> 10 minutes
<Althego> 3 minutes
<Althego> what inhuman takes away the timer befrore the launch
<Althego> launch
<packbart> IRC nominal
<packbart> SpaceX has cameras on the boosters...
<Althego> yes, even the soyuz has a camera on the upper stage
<Althego> spacex makes the best show
<Althego> maybe rocket labs comes after them
<Flayer> solid fuel stage 2?
<Flayer> spacex is like 90% marketing
<Althego> especially when they are going to start catching the boosters
<Althego> they dont even need marketing, they are the cheapest because of obviosu reasons
<Althego> net says solid second stage
<packbart> yeah.. right...
<packbart> well, SpaceX does get the audio routing right ;)
<Althego> this phone, and the previous hot mic incident
<Althego> dont know if it was lame or funny
<packbart> weird graphic glitches
<Althego> lol
<Althego> we can compare this with spacex tomorrow
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<Mat2ch> https://youtu.be/op84bubZvwc?t=13012 is it just me or did the rocket really hit the launch tower there?
<Mat2ch> Flayer: and SpaceX does good marketing, but their product is als superb
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<Flayer> i have my doubts about some of their finances
<Flayer> their product is excellent though, yeah, in terms of the mechanical aspects
<Flayer> it is seriously impressive to see two of them return at the same time on the falcon heavy
<Mat2ch> I have no doubt about their finances.
<Mat2ch> They sell a rocket for 60 Million, but fly it 10 times.
<Mat2ch> Well, the first stage at least
<Mat2ch> Others take even more money for the same service and throw their vehicle away
<Mat2ch> so they're making big money with every launch
<Mat2ch> because there is no competition
<Mat2ch> Starlink launch postponed to Monday
<kmath> <✔SpaceX> Standing down from tomorrow’s Starlink launch; team is taking a closer look at a second stage valve component. Now… https://t.co/A5F2fRgjv2
<Mat2ch> Didn't we have a bot here telling us the launch dates? :P
<hoglahoo> not sure...
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<packbart> I see stock vessels include a Val-Copter now https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/foo.jpg
<packbart> uses reaction wheels for steering, though. I was going to test the new rotor controls
<UmbralRaptop> [SimCopter voice] Val-Copter One reporting heavy traffic
<packbart> landed it without breakin anything. nice tri-copter
<UmbralRaptop> yay
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