UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance
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<hatrix> unintentional swastika though
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<darsie> Ike
<hatrix> well, that's the only place you can see Duna like that :p
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<hatrix> I forgot to account for the weight of the Ore I'd mine to get from Ike to Duna :(
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<Althego> starlink in 3 hours
<hatrix> I finally unlocked all the tech tree I needed :)
<hatrix> I should get into planes now…
<hatrix> aaah, deployed the payload before detaching the fairing
<hatrix> b00m
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<Althego> 8` minutes
<Althego> 80
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<Althego> music on
<Althego> 1 minute
<Althego> haha
<Althego> abort
<Althego> and of course they move the launch to next week
<Althego> probably monday. just because from tuesday the company moves to home office because of the virus
<Mat2ch> well, I missed the launch and when I saw that it counted down to 0, but the video is only 18 minutes long, I feard it might have exploded
<Mat2ch> but it just didn't want to start the engines
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<Mat2ch> what is "out of familiy data"?
<umaxtu> another way of saying out of range I assume
<Mat2ch> I found a tweet explaining it
<Mat2ch> if you have multiple sensors measuring almost the same thing the data is not always the same value. But if you put all data points on a timeline you get a graph of data
<Mat2ch> and those individual data plots are called a "family"
<Mat2ch> and they have to look the same, when it comes to ups and downs. So a spike on one sensor should happen on all sensors. If that's not the case then the sensor is out of the family
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<Althego> transform and roll out?
<kmath> YouTube - Live at SpaceX Boca Chica - SN2 Tank on Roll Lif
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<Flayer> lel
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> actually quite interesting interview about osiris rex
<Althego> and his goodbye to the osiris rex principal investigator was: fly safe
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<Flayer> i need to see a puppy tomorrow
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<UmbralRaptop> OSIRIS-REx is neat
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<hatrix> let's mine some stuff!
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<hatrix> that network is quite bad
<umaxtu> lol
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<Flayer> what a mess!
<darsie> hm?
<Flayer> all those orbits
Dalewyn_Lancaster is now known as King_Arthur
<hatrix> yeah, well…
<hatrix> a lot of failed attempts
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<hatrix> yay, I managed to land on Ike and I should be able to go to Duna with that Ore
<hatrix> landed with 1500m/s though, that was not needed at all
<darsie> Flayer: You can destroy space ships.
<darsie> hatrix: Missions with variable payload are a bit tricky to calculate.
<hatrix> apparently the engines were shut down so they didn't cound in the Δv calculations
<hatrix> I could have landed without the last stage basically
<Althego> hehe danny with the reverse engine
<hatrix> I'm starting to undertsand mining, that's nice
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<hatrix> everyday I'm glitchin'
<darsie> What's the glitch?
<hatrix> the invisible part
<hatrix> that also appears outside the VAB
<darsie> unattached parts are translucent.
<hatrix> I had it selected
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