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<Judge_Dedd> I've decided to actually use a Dv map for the first time, and I can't work out how to read it. For example, how do I calculate the Dv budget needed for a return from the surface of Mun?
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<Althego> add the numbers as you move towards your goal
<Judge_Dedd> Althego, but that means that I need 580+310+860 m/s from Mun to Kerbin
<Althego> no
<Judge_Dedd> Everyone always says 1000 is plenty
<Althego> because there is an arrow
<Althego> showing aerobreak possible
<Althego> then you dont need to add those
<Judge_Dedd> Oh right, aerobraking
<Althego> but that is your choice, you can and sometimes have to break by fuel, say without heatshields
<Judge_Dedd> Good point, thanks. So the numbers read both ways in the map
<Althego> gravity is a conservative force field in clasical mechanics
<Althego> direction does not matter
<Judge_Dedd> So, conversely, to get from LKO to Mun orbit would be 1170
<Judge_Dedd> Then 580 to land
<Althego> sounds about right
<Judge_Dedd> Thanks
<Althego> but in practice you can go with 300 or less
<Althego> because of aero
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<Judge_Dedd> Aero on Mun?
<Althego> ah i meant from mun to kerbin
<Judge_Dedd> :)
<Althego> also remember that landing usually takes more
<Althego> because you never land on a perfect trajectory
<Althego> except if mechjeb or something similar is doing it for you
<Judge_Dedd> True, and I an playing with no reverts, so I'll want an extra margin
<packbart> my rough figures are 900+300 from LKO to Mun, 800 to land, 600 to get back up and 300 to get back to Kerbin
<packbart> so just about ~3000m/s
<Judge_Dedd> Looks about right
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<Judge_Dedd> Thanks for the help guys
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<JVFoxy> ooof
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<Judge_Dedd> Hmm... does anyone know a way to make a faring larger than the engine it is attached to?
<Althego> you mean the auto fairing?
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah
<Althego> no, that is fixed
<Althego> but you can turn it off and use your own interstage fairing
<Judge_Dedd> I have a small engine attached to a bigger tank, so I want to interstage faring to match the size
<Judge_Dedd> of the tank
<packbart> I often use a payload fairing for that
<Althego> yes, that
<Althego> you can shape that to your liking
<Judge_Dedd> I haven't unlocked it yet
<Althego> then add a converter part
<Althego> but i never use those, they add mass :)
<Judge_Dedd> Converter part? You mean an adapter?
<packbart> I've read of people using the hollow tubes as interstage fairings
<Althego> that
<Judge_Dedd> Hrrm. I can't see how an adapter would work
<Althego> would decrease the diameter at the end of the tank to the size of your engine
<Judge_Dedd> Oh right.
<Judge_Dedd> Well... I wanted to make the rocket gradually get fatter towards the bottom, but I suppose bulgy is preferable to downright odd
<Judge_Dedd> Now I have to find another way of fitting the landing legs...
<Althego> where we are going we dont need landing legs
<Althego> these are not the landing legs you are looking for
<packbart> don't hide your landing legs. they don't have that much drag in the atmosphere, anyway
<Judge_Dedd> Hehe
<Judge_Dedd> I'm not trying to hide them, I'm just trying to fit them. The adapter is sloped inwards
<Judge_Dedd> But I think the legs can stretch to the ground from the part above, just about
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<kubi> soft landing is overrated
<Judge_Dedd> Well, not that you say that, I only really need that engine for landing...
<Judge_Dedd> not=now*
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<packbart> KSP works fine with Mouse/Keyboard forwarding through synergy from another computer. :) Fishing Planet does not :(
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