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<Guest12695> How do I use the flaps and slats from the airplane plus mod
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<hatrix> "Check yo staging"
<darsie> No nose cones on bosters.
<darsie> o
<darsie> :)
<Althego> if the boosters are on for a host time you can neglect those cones
<Althego> lol the big cones
<darsie> host time?
<Flayer> short
<Althego> lol
<Flayer> but his brain malfunctioned
<Flayer> funny thing is i can imagine exactly how that happened
<Althego> i have been fighting against huge system loads on a host for a while now, must be because of that
<darsie> Yeah, subsonic you can do without caps.
<Althego> seems that the 5.4 kernel solved it
<hatrix> I don't understand the encounter I get
<hatrix> why is it _there_ on the right?
<hatrix> the periapsis was close to the encounter before
<TheKosmonaut> "What will you do now that you have KSP installed on a computer that doesnt crash 1/2 the time you boot it up?" ... Me: Hmmmmmm
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<hatrix> oh ok that's a conic patch limit or something
<hatrix> when I focus the mun it's ok again
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<kmath> YouTube - Spiraling down
<Fluburtur> Mat2ch Althego
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: :(
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: it'd like say some swear words
<Fluburtur> me too
<Fluburtur> but I will take this as an occasion to build a new plane
<Fluburtur> unless I decide to order another of the same model because damn, are they strong
<JVFoxy> sorry, waking up still, whats causing you problems?
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<kubi> why did it decide to go down like a corkscrew?
<Mat2ch> kubi: JVFoxy: The video says: Bad gps downlink so the plane decided to land itself
<kubi> yes
<JVFoxy> .. RL or in game?
<kubi> but is should have some better logic
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch: sorry guess I missed link to video or something?
<kubi> yes, you did
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<JVFoxy> ... fun
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<kmath> YouTube - Spiraling down
<JVFoxy> ooooh
<Mat2ch> yeah, needs a parachute
<JVFoxy> and ouch... ya, really hate when electronics things it knows better than you and you have to fight back control :(
<JVFoxy> sometimes end up recalling back to that one flight with an airbus ages ago. Pilot's tried landing but decided to wave it off. Computer forced the plane down anyways and it ran into trees
<kubi> what controller do you use?
<kubi> in my quadcopter, I have ardupilot
<Fluburtur> matek f411 wing with inav
<kubi> lso, some better antenna design would be needed
<JVFoxy> was a low flyby.. computer thought they were landing, forced plane down into trees, which wasn't marked on map pilots were given
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<Fluburtur> I actually had an issue with the control link, if I just let it land itself it would maybe have been fine
<Fluburtur> the antenna was obstructed by the battery under certain angles
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<kmath> YouTube - Misirlou - Les Fo'Plafonds
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<hatrix> what kind of mission is that
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<darsie> dunno
<darsie> pretty intense
<darsie> Maybe attach it with a Klaw.
<darsie> hatrix:
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<hatrix> yeah, it's still hard
<hatrix> I'm happy with landing bases in Eve right now
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<darsie> Found an asteroid station contract. Testing it ...
<darsie> just Klaw it and see if the requirement is fulfilled.
<hatrix> I'm puting an base in orbit of Ike, I don't know how but I'm getting better at making rockets without too many boosters now
<hatrix> ouch
<hatrix> do the contract cover the cost of the 3 scientists?
<hatrix> not checking that your TWR is >1, √
<darsie> Scientists are for free, if you rescue them from orbit.
<darsie> But I'm not doing the full contract.
<darsie> Also I have lots of money.
<hatrix> must be convenient :)
<darsie> Yeah. I don't worry about that.
<hatrix> I've got 1,400,000
<darsie> 13 MVF here
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<Neal> mistakes were made
<Neal> tylo has a lot more gravity than I expected
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<Neal> came in with a vehicle that can accelerate at about 6.5 m/s^2, but right now its experiencing gravity at 7.4m/s^2
<Neal> needless to say not ideal
<Neal> rip
<darsie> Neal: At low fuel?
<Neal> mid fuel level I get a twr of 1.0
<Neal> but that's as I'm impacting
<Neal> so
* Neal pauses stream
<Neal> wow somehow we've found ourselves in orbit around Vall. How amazing that a random glitch in the matrix has placed us above a body with less gravity
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<UmbralRaptop> what a weird coincidence
<darsie> Neal: You could waste some fuel.
<Neal> wouldn't have enough dV to land then
<darsie> k
<hatrix> ah nice darsie
<darsie> Neal: You could try with a low Pe and a higher Ap. But it's probably hopeless.
<Neal> yeah there was no way out
<Neal> I was already on a landing trajectory
<Neal> in my quicksave
<Flayer> shoulda just crashed
<Flayer> like a MAN
<darsie> Neal: Dated quicksaves mod saves you there.
<Flayer> or just loading the persistent file
<Neal> persistent file got written over
<darsie> Jetpack is 3 m/s, so that wouldn't have helped, either, if you tried to land a Kerbal.
<darsie> 3 m/s^2
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<hatrix> is it useful to have a mobile processing lab landed and then bringing it back?
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<hatrix> or can I avoid having one if I'm bringing back the data?
<Neal> I belive you accumulate science over time just having it in orbit around a place
<Neal> you get more science if you use a mpl
<hatrix> ok so I'm definitely landing one
<hatrix> I want that kerbal back
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<darsie> You process data in the lab and get science, which you transmit.
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<darsie> No need to bring teh lab back.
<hatrix> it's an easier design to bring it back
<hatrix> yep I know that darsie, I'm just wondering why we can't process at Kerbin if everything is brought back?
<darsie> hatrix: There are bonuses/minuses depending where you process the data.
<darsie> maluses?
<hatrix> oh, ok
<darsie> But sure, you could.
<darsie> You'd need to calculate how much data you need for your needs.
<darsie> I typically go to Minmus with all sensors I have and collect data from different biomes till the tech tree is complete.
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