TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY!
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<Raikkappa23> Didn't know there was a KSP IRC chat. Cool!
<JVFoxy> yo
<Raikkappa23> ey
<raptop> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, raptop
<raptop> Oh, right
<JVFoxy> heh
* raptop slaps the bot around with an orca
<Raikkappa23> makes sense
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* raptop should probably figure out how to get less burned out on KSP
<raptop> ...caveman challenge?
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<hatrix> thank you for the tuto darsie
<hatrix> I like minimal stuff
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<darsie> hatrix: :)
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<hatrix> I'm quite bad at it but I like that
<hatrix> I always end up having way too much Δv because I take huge margins to be safe
<hatrix> at least 150m/s per stage
<darsie> hatrix: Did you read all of it? Is it clear?
<hatrix> I didn't, too many details :p
<hatrix> I read the intro though
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> :)
<hatrix> I've got measurements to analyse rn
<hatrix> I'll see tonight
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<hatrix> I want to have a dockable ground base, should I use wheels for that?
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<hatrix> I want to be sure the next crafts will be able to dock
<darsie> That's a good idea. I did just that.
<darsie> A fuel truck with refinery an drills.
<darsie> On Minmus
<darsie> Can dock wiht a rocket and refuel it.
<hatrix> that's nice
<darsie> Can even fly around.
<hatrix> ok so let's make a base on Duna that we can dock with and a fuel truck :)
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<hatrix> I have a contract to expand a station on Ike but the docking port is at the top of the rocket…
<hatrix> I don't want to make the same mistake again
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<darsie> Can you fly to orbit, dock there and then land?
<hatrix> that would be a really funny and unstable base
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<hatrix> some of my rovers don't turn as well as others, why?
<hatrix> aaah control point on the probe
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<hatrix> darsie: how would you improve that?
<darsie> Hehe, cool design :).
<darsie> I'd replace the I-beams with cubic struts.
<hatrix> sturdier?
<darsie> lighter
<darsie> And those 125 kg struts
<hatrix> argh another core dump :(
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<Althego> scott
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<Eddi|zuHause> great scott?
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<Mat2ch> Well, sometimes ;)
<Mat2ch> Space News Scott lately
<hatrix> I keep having core dumps >:(
<darsie> Try Linux ;).
<hatrix> well…
<kubi> or just eat less
<darsie> email them to squad, take2, ...division
<darsie> private
<hatrix> ahah kubi
<hatrix> OK WTF
<hatrix> it erased my career :-(
<hatrix> some files are still there but I got this screen
<hatrix> what can I do?
<Althego> not even the backups are there?
<Althego> i could imagine the persistent file is damaged but the backups should be still there
<hatrix> the directory Backup is there
<darsie> Also your ships?
<hatrix> yep ships are there
<lordcirth_> So probably just persistent.sfs got corrupted
<Althego> then copy the latest persistent over the damaged one with the name persistent.sfs
<Althego> or latest quicksave
<Althego> whichever is later
<Wastl4> Before you overwrite or delete anything, make another copy of the career.
<hatrix> yep :)
<hatrix> wouhou, got my career back
<hatrix> thanks
<lordcirth_> I have found it useful to track the save in git. A bit overkill, but it works well
<lordcirth_> And you can back it up offsite with a simple "git push"!
<Althego> some people also kept the gamedata dir in git
<hatrix> I might start doing that
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<lordcirth_> I find that tracking gamedata makes commits take too long
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<raptop> commit -am "Add boosters"
<raptop> er
<raptop> git commit -am "Add boosters"
<packbart> it does have some benefits. I use it to sync my GameData between computers and I can also switch between branches with different module combinations
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<packbart> now that I think about it, exluding Squad* from git might be a good idea. Steam updates those on all my computers, anyway
<packbart> something spacey in 5 minutes:
<kmath> YouTube - Live Broadcast: Atlas V AEHF-6
<kmath> YouTube - ULA Atlas V AEHF-6 Launch from Cape Canaveral - 26 March 2020
<packbart> so, the ULA stream is delayed by 30s for others, too. in case the rocket swears
<lordcirth_> packbart, why would you have a modded gamedata in your steam install?
<packbart> I do. I only have the one Steam install and don't copy it elsewhere
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<Althego> tyhere is something
<kmath> YouTube - Live Broadcast: Atlas V AEHF-6
<Althego> 7 minutes
<Althego> or... unplanned hold
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<packbart> the magic power cycle. fixes almost anything
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it took them long enough
<Althego> must be a hell of along bot time :)
<Althego> boot
<packbart> well, turning it off and on again is a last resort if you'd like to know why it got into the state it was in
<packbart> so I guess they asked everyone and "no clue" was all they got :)
<Althego> according the explanation they didnt learn anything. it was just ok after restart
<packbart> nom nom nominal
<packbart> ooh, an actual Space Force launch
<Althego> a lot of boosters
<Althego> spacex still ahs the best onboard image
<Althego> what is that black smoke stream?
<packbart> Chemtrails
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<packbart> #elsewhere it says: oxygen-low pre-burner exhaust
<packbart> so mostly soot?
<Althego> good explanation
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<Althego> i still cant imagine what the space force deos
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Starship Updates – Boca Chica Shut Down
<packbart> but but we have to leave the planet *now*! :)
<Althego> some tens of millions of dollars and the russians take you... in two years or so
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<packbart> solar panels from 1967 still work today.
<kmath> <coastal8049> Well folks, here's what appears to be a new ZOMBIE SAT! ⏎ ⏎ LES-5 [2866, 1967-066E] in a GEO graveyard orbit. ⏎ ⏎ Confir…
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