Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<Eddi|zuHause> who or what is a friday's 90's noon?
<JVFoxy> Eddi|zuHause: local radio station.. well actually a couple of them here do music from the 90's during the noon lunch hour
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<Deddly> What on earth does Windows do with hard drive space? Yesterday, I had 20 GB free after updating, now it's down to 6
<darsie> It stored your KSP saves.
<packbart> I see the same effect in my virtual Windows
<Deddly> It's like it goes up and down randomly
<Deddly> As I was watching, it just went from 6.3 to 6.29
<Deddly> Uh... firewall logs showing me a bunch of Chinese characters
<sandbox> is it encrypting all your files?
<Deddly> That would be inconvenient
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<Mat2ch> Deddly: maybe the automatic backup function?
<Mat2ch> System recovery or so?
<Deddly> I suppose it could be
<Mat2ch> And I feel bad for knowing such things as a Linux user, who has no problems with such stupid things
<Deddly> I'm still going to run a system-wide virus/malware check though
<Deddly> I miss Linux
<Mat2ch> Come to the Linux side. We have cookies!
<Deddly> I used to run Suse as my only OS back in the dark Windows ME days
<Deddly> I have since then messed around with Ubuntu and Mint - I always wanted to have them as my main OS but it never worked out. I don't even have a Linux partition these days
<Deddly> Poor battery life, poor 3D performance, incompatibility with some propriety Windows applications that I absolutely must have and there are no Linux alternatives.
<Mat2ch> well, you should give it a try again.
<Deddly> And finally, the big one: Too much time needed to learn and maintain it.
<Mat2ch> Battery life has improved to be almost the same as on windows. The 3d performance is on par, sometimes even better.
<Mat2ch> And wine (and proton) is doing a much much better job now in running windows applications you can't replace, but still need
<Mat2ch> Also today there's not much to learn anymore...
<Mat2ch> You install, you use
<Mat2ch> and not all the silly windows problams
<Mat2ch> *problems
<Deddly> I might try it when the new SSD arrives
<Deddly> But Windows is honestly pretty good these days.
<Mat2ch> In sending data to Microsoft? scnr ;)
<Mat2ch> there are some things that would drive me nuts
<Deddly> I think that was pretty much blown out of all proportion
<Mat2ch> for example getting all the drivers for my different devices
<Mat2ch> If you have an HP printer and want to scan something you have to get the scanner tools from them
<Mat2ch> and those drivers are a mess
<Mat2ch> and even if sending the data to them may have been blown out of proportion, you still can't fully disable it afaik
<Deddly> Linux is also a bit of a confusing system to get into because it's so fragmented
<Mat2ch> A lot more to choose from. I get that point.
<Mat2ch> And sometimes the not-invented-here-syndrome kicks in
<Deddly> E.g., I settle on LinuxMint, great, let's get that! OH, what's this? Do I get the Debian or other variant? Do I get the MATE version, the Gnome one or the Cinnamon one?
<packbart> MATE, obviously
<packbart> ;)
<Deddly> Do I get the latest version of the LTS version?
<Deddly> of/or
<Deddly> And the LTS version only works for 5 years, then you have to do a complete reinstall
<Deddly> At least, that's what they used to recommend
<packbart> that depends on whether you want to run the same system for years without major upgrades or if you want new-ish versions of tools and software
<Deddly> If I go down the Linux route again in the future, I think I would want one that only needs to be installed once and gets updated for the lifetime of the machine, which, for me, is many years.
* packbart had to upgrade because the newer mono was not available for my old LTS setup
<packbart> Deddly: not even Windows does that. well maybe now, Windows 10 is supposedly the last major release ever
<Deddly> Windows really does do that.
<packbart> tell that to my Windows 7 VM ;)
<packbart> it will no longer receive any updates
<Deddly> I have a 6/7 year old x86 tablet that came with Windows 8. It now runs 10, and since the latest update it runs better than it did when it was new
<Deddly> packbart, well that's true, but you COULD have taken 10
<packbart> ah. ok. you can upgrade Debian/Ubuntu/Mint releases, too
<packbart> although Mint doesn't seem to recommend it, it works
<packbart> btdt
<Mat2ch> Well, I'm on Debian Unstable for 20 years now (dang, I'm getting old :(, but I do every 5-6 year a reinstall, because I buy a new computer and I'm to lazy to copy just everything over and run it.
<packbart> yeah, I run my Desktops some 4-5 years and then buy a new disk ;)
<Mat2ch> The Ubuntu/Mint and everything else thing is a mess in itself, which we owe to Mark Shuttleworth, who had a very big case of the not-invented-here syndrome
<Deddly> See that's the attractiveness of the Debian alternative to me, but it takes a whole different set of software, and they say it's for experienced users
<packbart> Windows ain't easy, either. I was just visiting my parents and I could not get their Windows laptops to share files from one machine to another. They have a central NAS, now
<sandbox> it used to be really difficult, then it became easy, then it became difficult
<packbart> well, Linux Desktops are also past peak usability, in my opinion. Maybe I'm just getting old
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<Mat2ch> I've got my plasma and I'm happy with it...
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<packbart> as long as I can swirl my compiz desktop cube, I'm happy, too ;)
<Althego> lol
<Althego> as long as i can spin my ship i am happy. you cant spin your ship in elite :)
<packbart> 20 years ago, I ran fancy effects and fish in my desktop background:
<packbart> old stuff
<packbart> my desktop still looks about the same ;)
<packbart> (even longer ago, I had Active Desktop elements on Windows. HTML buttons that would trigger things via CGI)
<Althego> lol
<Althego> hehe netscape
<packbart> and ICQ
<packbart> and 2009 was just 10 years ago, not 20. oops
<Althego> 11, depending on your rounding :)
<Deddly> Althego, he was obviously rounding Venus years up to the nearest 10
* packbart does The Time Warp - again
<Althego> :it's just a jump to the left
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<Guest34604> hello guys , the original Squad sounds for all parts of the game are lost after i added sounds to the squad sounds tab , so does anyone know how may I restore the squad sounds and return them to the designated file (such as downloading them) without reinstalling the game since I don't want to lose the game data. thank you
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<Althego> you can reintsall the game just keep the save dirs
<Althego> damn
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<Deddly> Too slow, Althego, too slow
<Deddly> You have to type the answer before the finish asking
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> only if i am not causal
<bEagle> that was fast
<Deddly> How many seconds did we get? I have time stamps turned off
<Althego> 37 seconds
<Althego> i replied 11 seconds too late
<bEagle> :D yes
<UmbralRaptop> This is the worst speedrunning challenge
<bEagle> maybe it only took him 36 seconds to get to orbit
<Deddly> Seriously, how can anyone expect to receive a response in 37 seconds? Even if we were to camp in this channel ready to pounce on anything that's said, it takes perhaps 20 seconds to read the comment, then we have to comprehend what he's asking, formulate a response and then begin typing it.
<Althego> and that is what happened to me
<Althego> i was ina hurry and left in a typo too
<Althego> yet it was too late
<Deddly> How many seconds between my comment and Althego's response?
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<Althego> around 11 minutes
<Deddly> (Is this why modern chat applications always tell you when someone is typing?)
<Althego> i dont know
<Althego> but i hate it
<Althego> some annoying animation going on
<Althego> and completely pointless
<Deddly> We should set that up on the web chat. As soon as you join, there's a looping .gif animation that says someone's typing something
<Althego> then why wait for enter, start sending the characters as they come in
<Althego> hehehe
<Deddly> That's old school ICQ, I remember that
<Deddly> I loved messing with that. I would type "Oh you annoy me so much.." delete it, then replace it with "Of course, I would love to help"
<Deddly> And of course they'd see me typing that out ;P
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i've used that version of ICQ
<Deddly> I only did that with very close friends who knew me well enough, though, hehe
<Eddi|zuHause> or ever seen that
<Deddly> Eddi|zuHause, I think it was the very early versions
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Dragon V2 in-flight abort test Saturday 13:00 GMT
<Althego> ph nice
<Althego> also add in the topic: wait more than 37 seconds if you ask a question
<Deddly> I have a better idea...
<Althego> bot
<Deddly> Chanserv
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<Deddly> Done
<Deddly> Let's see if that helps (it won't)
<Althego> ifthey want instant answer, just ask alexa/siri/google
<Deddly> I would love these services to just ask each other for help
<Deddly> LOL
<Deddly> Feedback welcome on the new join message. I'll be AFK for a bit
<UmbralRaptop> Amusingly, there are also driveby forum posts
<Althego> lol
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<Deddly> True
<transit> Ohai
<Althego> unbelievable
<transit> How are all you aerospace engineers doing today?
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<Deddly> WB transit
<transit> Ahoy
<Deddly> there
<transit> Thanks.
<transit> You’ll never guess what I saw about 20 minutes ago
<Deddly> Pizza?
<Althego> clickbait title
<NGC3982> your life passing by in an instance before it vanished in a puff of smoke?
<transit> Red biplane, cloth covered wings & fuselage climbing to altitude
<Deddly> Oooh
<Deddly> Red Baron
<transit> Trying to get more info, but it doesn’t have a transponder
<transit> Can’t track it
<Deddly> It's not on flightradar?
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<sandbox> ghost
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<transit> No. I did just look & I saw a Moony M-20R though!
<Deddly> Oh wait, Red Baron was a triplane
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<transit> Yes, with that bit between the wheels too.
<transit> I’m about a mile from a general aviation airport.
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<transit> There it is!!
<Deddly> Better call Rokker
<transit> The wing roots were noticeably smaller fore/aft than the tips.
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<Deddly> 'tis very beautiful
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<hatrix> I have to cover 4.5km on Duna with only rcs on my kerbal :(
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<transit> Now to spend hours figuring out which make & model it was
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<hatrix> :)
<hatrix> I'm just going too fast and crashing
<Deddly> You have a rover?
<hatrix> nope
<hatrix> only a stranded lander I need to rescue one kerbal from
<hatrix> the rescue lander landed 4.5km away
<hatrix> can I only use kerbal parachutes on Kerbin?
<Althego> no, anywhere that has atmosphere
<Althego> but dont expect much on duna
<hatrix> doesn't seem to work on Duna :/
<Deddly> You can change the atmospheric density at which the parachute will deploy
<Althego> there are 2 kinds of parachutes. the blue ones are low altitude low speed parachutes, the orange wones are high altitude high speed parachutes
<Althego> on duna the orange chute can burn off most of your orbital speed
<Althego> but you have to land on rockets for a safe landing
<Deddly> I think he is talking about the personal parachutes, Althego
<hatrix> yep Deddly
<Althego> ah that
<Althego> never triedthat on duna
<Deddly> 4.5 km isn't all THAT far
<UmbralRaptop> Default open is what, 0.04 atm? And Duna at datum is 0.05, so that's a tad low
<Deddly> you can walk it :)
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<Althego> and run
<hatrix> wouhou made it
<hatrix> landed at 15m/s though
<Deddly> As the only person to have completed the Fluburtur challenge (and with no time warp), I can say that 4.5km isn't far ;)
<Deddly> Well done
<Althego> once i walked 3 or 4 kerbals several kms upgill omn laythe to the ascent stage when the intake of the submarine failed during the water to land transition
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<transit> Amphib
<Deddly> Grounded the intake?
<hatrix> ok now let's get that thing back to Kerbin…
<Deddly> Quicksave!
<Althego> the intake broke when it hit the shore
<Althego> then there was not enough power to climb uphill in the sub
<transit> Klaw with intake rescue?
<Deddly> D'oh, how frustrating. Still, it's small mishaps that make us come up with contingency plans
<Deddly> And that makes it fun
<Althego> i just needed to go on the top
<Althego> actually i though that might happen
<transit> And now for my next craft: Swiss Army knife - prepared for anything
<Deddly> I once made a car/boat/plane/SSTO. That was fun.
<Althego> hehe
<transit> I’ve been experimenting with the radial mounted rockets (thud?), and I am pretty sure I could do something like that with much learning curve
<transit> Maybe something like lone star’s cosmic Winnebago?
<Althego> which one gets first to the moon, spacex or nasa? place your bets
<Flayer> nasa has already been there
<transit> Didn’t NASA
<transit> Yeah...
<Deddly> Now we have robotics parts, you could actually make a Swiss Army Knife
<transit> True.
<transit> Welp, I didn’t dress warm enough.
<Althego> i mean the starship vs the artemis program
<transit> I need to do my homework on that before commenting
<transit> But with how bloated & delayed NASA has been...
<UmbralRaptop> NASA has a craft orbiting the moon *right now*
<transit> Bus time
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<Althego> but with people they have to build everything from scratch agin
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<Althego> i mean for mannedl anding
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<transit> Top wing is swept, lower wing straight.
<transit> On the biplane
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<UmbralRaptop> Obviously the answer is to let the robots take over
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<hatrix> ran out of fuel for the rendez vous but I managed to finish with the RCS
<hatrix> either there's a design flaw somewhere, or it's perfect
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<transit> I wonder if it’s a tiger moth
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<Althego> or the mothman :)
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<transit> Not nearly creepy looking enough.
<transit> Indrid Cold is the pilot though maybe
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<transit> Waiting to hear when I’ll become an official uncle
<hatrix> I'm starting to become good at trial and error
<hatrix> especially when it comes to fail
<transit> What happened there?
<hatrix> look at the docking ports
<Althego> hehe
<hatrix> the lander was the other way round when I launched it
<Althego> once i had the same issue
<Althego> i couldnt connect because of a repulsive force
<hatrix> I have hopefully enough Δv after decoupling everything…
<transit> Oh my
<transit> My face is a repulsive force
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<transit> My enemy has always been wiggly joints.
<transit> Some of the stuff I launch is super top heavy & if I don’t do all the auto-struts and do them properly, there’s no possible way it’ll get higher than 20km
<hatrix> I can't even make a Duna lander and a rescue mission that both don't fail :D
<transit> I’ve yet to get to duna
<Althego> hehe
<transit> I focus a lot on kerbin & orbital monkey shines
<Althego> duna is not that hard, you should try it, at least for a challenge
<hatrix> given the amount of science there is to recover, I'm not going to sleep until I get to Kerbin
<transit> The latest & largest mongoose probe could get to duna, I think. I could send a few relay probes ahead & then an unmanned lander then the mongoose probe with crew can
<transit> That one has extra monoprop, extra xenon, and the launcher has a buttload more oomph
<transit> I think it has more battery too & a bunch of science stuff
<transit> O look, the dude who always drinks alcohol illegally on the bus is here today
<hatrix> and I might not have enough Δv :(
<transit> Screenshot?!
<transit> Gotta go soon
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<Althego> i shouldnt even be here
<UmbralRaptop> "I shouldn't even be here today!"
<Althego> not today, but it is getting late
<Althego> and there is still some isekai to read
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<hatrix> I'll have 300 of Δv to circularize around Kerbin after the intercept :/
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<Althego> why would you want to do that?
<hatrix> or maybe can I shoot directly through the atmosphere and aerobrake?
<transit> Maybe get out & push
<Althego> if oyu have a heatshield, jsut land
<hatrix> I do
<transit> Be like a groundhog & gopher it
<transit> Brb
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<Althego> and he made like a tree and got outta here :)
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<transit> Looks like the app disconnects me when it’s backgrounded
<transit> Let’s see if I can fix that
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<hatrix> don't even have enough to get to Kerbin
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<transit> Hmm nope.
<transit> No wonder you guise thought I was posting & leaving
<Althego> it is more annyoing than ever
<transit> During my live-streams I leave this & Twitter open
<Althego> i suggest you stop using apps, and use proper programs :)
<transit> Well the computer I use only has one screen, so...
<transit> I use phone as pseudo second screen
<Althego> the power of alt-tab. yes i know you are on mac
<transit> No, my mac is too old
<transit> It’s basically a glorified TV, with new 1080p monitor & YouTube
<transit> Gotta go
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<Althego> when you gotta go you gotta go
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<UmbralRaptor> "too old" Unless he's running something that would struggle with System 7 (or maybe even 6)…
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<hatrix> RIP Bill Kerman, his only task was to repack the parachutes on Duna, now he's in orbit around the sun
<UmbralRaptor> =(
<Althego> lol
<Althego> in the base game he wouldnt die because of that
<hatrix> he's not dead, he just never will be rescued
<Althego> you have all the time in the universe
<hatrix> in a far future someone will come for him
<UmbralRaptor> Also, was he in an external seat, or something?
<Althego> or you can just restart in a fresh new universe
<hatrix> he's in a pod
<hatrix> no way I'm redoing everything
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<transit> Front
<UmbralRaptor> back
<transit> Mhm
<transit> Spinach wrap from Starbucks is yum
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<raptop> hello?
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<raptop> Sorry, couldn't resist >_>;;
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<darsie> .
<raptop> ..
<Flayer> ...
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<transit> Bwoop
<Flayer> i'm drunk
<transit> Can’t relate
<transit> Brb driving
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<Flayer> as a drunk person, i can't relate to driving
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* darsie is drunk, too.
<darsie> *burp8
<darsie> *
* darsie ate muesli.
<darsie> I can still fly spacecraft.
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* Flayer licks darsie
* darsie excretes bufotoxin.
<raptop> pls no kill
<darsie> Flayer can reload ;).
<darsie> Or whoever controls her.
<packbart> All glory to the hypnotoad!
<Flayer> i'm so happy that you see me as 'her'
<Flayer> even though i identify as male lol
<Flayer> goodness, take us to hell
<darsie> I use femal as default gender. It's my contribution to feminism.
<Flayer> i love you
<darsie> :)
<darsie> I'm male, too, btw.
<Flayer> we'll stand our ground no matter how many police appear
<Flayer> captains go down with the ship, my friend, and we're all captains here
<packbart> captains wear red shirts, too
<darsie> I let Jeb go on EVA quickly when my single stage Mun sample return rocket would fall over on the Mun.
<packbart> The kerbanaut union frowns upon using Jeb as landing gear
<darsie> Hmm, that's an option I haven't considered so far.
<darsie> I mean, as take off ramp.
<darsie> I used a landing gear on duna and the rocket still fell over before I foudn a flat spot. A battery on its side would have made take off much easier.
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