Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
<darsie> Amiga music: Captain - Space Debris
<darsie> I remember this program.
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* darsie added 5 more seats to the station:
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* darsie womanned the station to be able to send scientific data orbit of Kerbin (a crew report).
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* UmbralRaptop is picturing a mk1 pod with an antenna and a solar panel
<darsie> You're thinking too much, if you're thinking of the initial station :).
<darsie> That was 5 seats on some struts with an antenna and solar panels.
<darsie> But not it has a cupola and two hitchhiker containers.
<darsie> and a few more bits.
<darsie> See my last screenshot.
<darsie> Oh, and a docking port, ofc.
<darsie> The usual.
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<darsie> s/not/now
<UmbralRaptop> yay
<darsie> :)
<packbart> I copied your initial station for the orbital park bench.
<packbart> Have a snack, relax. Look at the clouds - from above
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Dang, I tried to rotate this pic with RMB :).
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<darsie> I just killed a Kerbal with 4x physics warp so she would come down to Minmus sooner after a jump.
<darsie> Now Bob is all alone.
<darsie> That is unacceptable.
* darsie does the time warp again.
<darsie> My science data from space around Minmus is gone now.
<darsie> contract
* darsie found such a contract again.
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<hoglahoo> boo
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<Althego> the satellites didnt collide
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<Mat2ch> Time to add the last two segments and maybe start the Jool mission...
<Mat2ch> (I really could use a project and have something to do instead of planning and writing business cases)
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<Althego> electron in 6 hours? unfortunately it is going to be the replay for me
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<darsie> I'll make it.
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<Flayer> i'm exhausted
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<Fluburtur> I may get bagpipes for my birthday
<Fluburtur> trumpet isnt annoying enough
<Flayer> get a one-man-band thing going
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> :D
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* Flayer tickles packbart
<RoboFreak> simnilar
<packbart> that tickles
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<darsie> Playback
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<packbart> wow, Mars On made it to late night comedy "fame" :>
<packbart> Mars One, even
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<darsie> Live in 70 minutes: Rocket Lab - Birds Of A Feather Launch