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<UmbralRaptop> Mod9000 is not doing
<UmbralRaptop> Black_Eagle: hypersonic aerodynamics are hard?
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<Deddly> I love the KSP loading hints. I just got one that said "Flying safe" :)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> a few updates ago a lot new were added
<Deddly> Yeah. Best feature ever ;)
<Deddly> Cleaning transfer windows is also a good one
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> reminds me of a silly story. the full flight sim closed operations for a few days in geilenkirchen, and the explanation was they were installing windows. i thought really hard how that can be, since everything ran on aix and linux, why would they need windows? it turned out they were replacing the windows of the cockpit because they were scratched
<Deddly> LOL
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<Black_Eagle> UmbralRaptop they are. backed down into the sea, wasn't fun
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<Mat2ch> this. I want to be able to do this in stock KSP! :P
<Mat2ch> and all automated please ;)
<packbart> optional, please. I delete IVAs in times of low memory
<packbart> I finally bought a new phone this year. I might even decide on a new laptop with more RAM, really soon now, too
<Mat2ch> :)
<Mostly_Deddly> Not worth just upgrading the RAM?
<packbart> it would be worth it. quad-i7 with NVidia graphics is still quite good. but the system only supports 8GB RAM
<Mostly_Deddly> Really? What a shame
<Mostly_Deddly> What laptop is that?
<packbart> Dell Precision M4500. it looks like this:
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<packbart> the Amazon reviews say it might be able to use 16GB. dmidecode said "Physical Memory Array: Maximum Capacity: 8 GB"
<Mostly_Deddly> Broken product links, but looks hopeful
<packbart> Mostly_Deddly: interesting :) because of what the tool reported, I never bothered to even try upgrading it
<Mostly_Deddly> The best thing is that your system has two slots. Mine only has one, so I have to get a 16 GB single RAM card
<packbart> thanks, I might try that. 2x8GB modules should be easy to come by
<Mostly_Deddly> Yes, and jealousy-inducingly cheap :P
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<Eddi|zuHause> there should't be any reason for RAM to be limited like that on a modern system. if the card fits in the slot, it should work. if in doubt, try a bios update
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<umaxtu> those max capacity things that manufacturers say are usually the maximum ammount of ram that can fit with the highest capacity dimms on the market at the time of the product's release
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<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, exactly. but it should be upwards-compatible for "future" chips
<Mat2ch> The problem is usually the memory controller that just can't address so much more memory
<Mat2ch> There are just not enough internal numbers then to address the memory rows.
<Althego> which is part of the cpu lately
<Mat2ch> Though I'm wondering if the RAM still would work, but with reduced capacity
<Mat2ch> Althego: also on Intel systems?
<Eddi|zuHause> to what number would they be limited?
<Mat2ch> The maximum the memory controller can handle ;)
<Althego> especially on intel
<Eddi|zuHause> i mean: why would that be a number less than 64bit?
<Althego> and since intel usually relerases new motherboard for each cpu generation, you have to upgrade veerything
<Althego> because there are no motherboards that can fit that much ram
<Althego> there are not enough dstalines on the cpu to address 64 bit
<Eddi|zuHause> that doesn't fit my brain-model of a cpu/board architecture
<Althego> what, the model in your brain?
<Eddi|zuHause> yes
<Althego> the cpus are internally 64 bit
<Althego> but physically they dont have that many pins
<Eddi|zuHause> i mean, it could be i'm totally wrong on how this works---
<Althego> nobody needed that much ram
<Althego> for addressing
<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: for addressing they are not reading single bytes, but whole banks. And the number of bytes in those dictate how many you can read
<Mat2ch> with bigger RAM chips you just read and write more data at once
<Althego> so why are we talking about ram<
<Althego> ?
<Eddi|zuHause> but... that means the ram slot dictates the number of pins available for addressing, why would the CPU have fewer than that?
<Althego> and when does ddr5 arrive?
<Althego> address sizes : 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
<Althego> so says cpuinfo for an older one
<Althego> even with 39 bits you can address 512 gigabytes of ram
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<Eddi|zuHause> my cpuinfo doesn't seem to have that output
<Althego> the /proc/cpuinfo?
<Althego> probably not the same output for every model
<Eddi|zuHause> ah, found it
<Eddi|zuHause> address sizes : 48 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
<Eddi|zuHause> and this cpu is 10 years old
<Althego> 48 bits is overkill
<Althego> so probably we are not going to get 64 bits soon
<Althego> 48 bits is 0.25 petabyte ram
<Althego> we dont even have hdds that big yet
<Althego> hehe the question is unrelated, but the answers are good :)
<Mat2ch> or in other word: It's not that easy
<Eddi|zuHause> when did page tables enter the discussion?
<Althego> they didnt
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<Althego> but that is the stackoverflow thread which was related
<Mat2ch> the problem is that the address size has nothing to do with how much memory you can address ;)
<Althego> i thought we were talking about how much ram you can put into a motherboard and use it
<Eddi|zuHause> my claim was (for a reasonable assumption of CPU lifetime) you can use any ram chip that gets developed that physically fits in a ram slot
<Mat2ch> yes, but then you were talking about address size, which is not related ;)
<Althego> yes, you can probably use it
<Althego> but if you put too many there...
<Mat2ch> Because the memory controller is the limitation, not the CPU itself :)
<Althego> aside from the occasional incompatibility of course
<Mat2ch> L and UL? ;)
<Althego> ?
<Mat2ch> low voltage and ultra low voltage
<Mat2ch> yes, that's a thing...
<Althego> is that a laptop thing?
<Eddi|zuHause> Mat2ch: and they wouldn't design a new slot for that?
<Althego> they do
<Althego> maybe in 1-2 years you will see ddr5
<Althego> the standard is around finalized
<Mat2ch> Nop
<Althego> probably first starts on servers
<Althego> and as usual dd5 is even lower voltage than dd4 which is lower voltage than ddr3
<Eddi|zuHause> mat2ch honestly, that sounds like a stupid idea
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<Mat2ch> and that's why I stumbled upon it
<Mat2ch> I did built a NAS last year with a mini ITX board and these Intel cpus are quite common there
<Mat2ch> And DDR5... probably 2021...
<Althego> so the race is on. the question is, whether the next gen amd motherboards come with ddr4 or 5
<Althego> since they are going to change the socket too
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<Althego> and i decided to ait until 2021
<Althego> *wait
<Flayer> i'm sleepy
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<Eddi|zuHause> well, i was considering buying a new computer, but i opted to just upgrade the graphics card, and it's relieved the pressure for that for a while
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, Zen3 will probably have DDR4, so Zen4 maybe
<Althego> which is probably in 2021
<Althego> i was talking about that
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<Althego> actually ddr5 will be worse for me, because it will be premium price with very little performance benefit
<Mat2ch> I guess that's why AMD is keeping DDR4 for Zen3
<Althego> or rather nobody is going to have ddr5 this year
<Althego> but to me ddr4 is still very new. ddr3 had a lot longer life
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<Althego> scott (an hour ago)
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