Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<darsie> A scientists jetpacked up on Minmus, had an encounter with a Kerbal in orbit, switched over, jetpacked to Kerbin, aerobraked, boarded the station and jetpacked to the KSC sea and swam to the shore.
<darsie> Landing was a rough without parachute, but survived.
<darsie> 400 m/s ...
<darsie> 450 m/s
<darsie> 500 m/s
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<darsie> 564 m/s
<darsie> Don't even need a gear if I start vertically :).
<darsie> 600 m/s without gear
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* darsie flies around Kerbin with a Juno VTOL. Getting closer to KSC. Landing will be interesting.
<darsie> I always pitch it down to horizontal when I hear it flame out at ~17 km.
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<darsie> hmm, getting dark at KSC. Night landing ...
<kmath> <cosmos4u> While had claimed a decrease of the luminosity of #Betelgeuse by 23% parallel to the dimmin…
* darsie landed his Juno VTOL at the first attempt after circumnavigating Kerbin:
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<darsie> Who needs wings when you can have a self stabilizing cruise missile without wings :)
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<kmath> <fael097> Just gonna post these everywhere before someone else does🤷‍♂️feel free to use, credit me if you want.…
<Mat2ch> 50 m high. That's hard to imagine
<Althego> and that is only the second stage :)
<Mat2ch> yes
<Mat2ch> that's so crazy
<Althego> only slightly bigger than the saturn v
<Mat2ch> and here I am, writing long articles about passwords...
<Althego> isnt the new glenn oir whatsitsname going to be bigger?
<Althego> according to wiki, no
<Mat2ch> And not even close to the performance...
<Althego> but the engines are bigger on it
<Mat2ch> The engines on the Saturn V were bigger, too, or?
<Althego> yes
<Mat2ch> hrhrhr
<Althego> yes i had a chuckle
<Althego> on the alt text
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<Mat2ch> hrhr
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<UmbralRaptor> Reminder: please do not lick Europa
<Althego> might contain infectious bacteria?
<UmbralRaptor> This was prompted by the, discovery of salt on its surface
<UmbralRaptor> Note that there's also a lot of sulfuric acid
<UmbralRaptor> (blame Io)
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<darsie> 1337
<Mat2ch> well, I guess the sulfuric acid would give off a nasty smell, so nobody would dare to lick
<darsie> SA has a low vapor pressure at RT and thus does not smell.
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<Mat2ch> Oh no! Hide the goats!
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<Althego> hehehe: space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of the Starship... that's already ts name
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<Eddi|zuHause> i don't remember this from Transport Fever 2 :p
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> Uh, the two Starship sections seem to be welded together and now it's going on a ride
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE Starship Rollout
<Althego> autobots, transform and rollout
<Althego> what are those thigns on the side?
<Althego> where is it rolling to?
<Mat2ch> I have no idea
<Mat2ch> the things on the side could be something for the thrusters
<Mat2ch> or hydraulic for the flaps
<Mat2ch> and maybe they're rolling it to a test stand to test the pressure it can take?
<Mat2ch> also some people in the chat don't know how welding works...
<Mat2ch> Althego: ah, it rolled already from one of the stands to the other stand
<Mat2ch> that one has more ground clearance. Possibly the launch stand as well
<Mat2ch> and it looks like there are pipes going to that stand. Fuel maybe?
<Althego> lol, deliver 4564 units of biowaste (for around 8M credits)
<Althego> no way
<UmbralRaptor> Grind up a bunch of kerbals?
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> that's why they are so green!
<Mat2ch> funny thing, we're not the only always complaining community. The hardcore rocketleague players aren't happy with Psyonix/Epic either... ;)
<UmbralRaptor> Wait, what are we complaining about?
<Mat2ch> Everything!
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* UmbralRaptor attaches boosters to the complaints
<Althego> and who pays for the fuel?
<Mat2ch> the users!
<UmbralRaptor> Fine, I'll use intake air powered drain valves
<Mat2ch> .oO( oh that crane. When I'm big I want to own one )
<Mat2ch> that's abuse of power!
<packbart> Mem total: 16411032
<Althego> i would settle for the crane tow car hybrid thing ron pratt drives in the videos
<packbart> hm. no Deddly to thank, not even mostly
* packbart now has 16GB even though the BIOS said it would support only 8GB
<packbart> it never ocurred to me to just try it ;)
<UmbralRaptor> \o/
<Mat2ch> Althego: pic?
<Mat2ch> packbart: great thing :)
<Mat2ch> now you can install all the leaky mods!
* UmbralRaptor ponders misusing campus resources since I have access to a computer with 64 GiB and 40 cores
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<Althego> scott
<Mat2ch> almost on the stand
<Mat2ch> oh, the Astra rocket. That will be interessting
<Mat2ch> ah, moving the starship part is probably about the pressure testing, which is said to happen in the next 24 h
<Mat2ch> either it goes "boop" or it will fly!
<Althego> Mat2ch: the thumbnail
<Mat2ch> not big enough crane!
<Althego> it would be enough for me
<Mat2ch> I need a LTM 1350-6.1 at least!
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<kubi> hola
<kubi> 1.9.1?
<kubi> cool
<kubi> 2 weeks off computer and there is a new version
<Althego> wait i didnt even notice
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<UmbralRaptop> blink
<Althego> blink, and you'll miss it
<UmbralRaptop> It's not in my store account
<Althego> neither i mine
<UmbralRaptop> not seeing a forum announcement
<Althego> so it is not there yet
<Althego> usually each release is followed by a bugfix :)
<Mat2ch> looks like they fixed the bug that killed my vessel.
<Althego> so where is this hidden 1.9.1?
<UmbralRaptop> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<UmbralRaptop> I'm tempted to revert the /topic
* darsie checks steam ...
<Mat2ch> no, wait, that was another update I meant.
<Mat2ch> Hm
<Althego> there was a ksp ehanced editions update for consoles
<darsie> 1.8.1 is the lastet I see on steam.
<UmbralRaptop> no 1.9 on steam?
<Althego> that is strange since 1.9 was released soem time ago
<UmbralRaptop> yeah, like a week ago
<Althego> i always thought that the screen capture program called scrot had a funny name
UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs
<UmbralRaptop> deddly isn't around, so I can't ask him
<Althego> wait a sec, does that mean there are people who read the topic?
<Althego> not even i read it
<UmbralRaptop> :|
<darsie> I do, partially. I even use the dv map links.
<Mat2ch> darsie: the latest version is never in that list
<Althego> yes i use those too
<darsie> Can I get the latest if I bought on steam?
<Althego> but never read them
<Mat2ch> yeah, I've used it for that matter, too :D
<Althego> kust click on the link
<packbart> darsie: to get 1.9, you need to select "opt out of beta"
<darsie> ic
<packbart> only old versions are listed
<darsie> I didn't like something in 1.8, so I'm not sure I like 1.9.
<Althego> mostly nothing has changed, aside from fancier planets and parts
<darsie> I think it was the slower graphics, maybe something else. Switched back to 1.7.3.
<darsie> But now I have a faster GPU.
<Althego> shouldnt matter
<Althego> the fans not even spin up from idle for ksp
<darsie> GTX 750 Ti
<Althego> gtx 1070
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<darsie> Ahh, yeah, another thing that bothered me was that aerodynamics changed and my tourist rocket didn't have enough lift to slow down and deploy chutes.
<darsie> with 1.8
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