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<NGC3982> <- on both ends i managed to flip the senior ports to negative, so ..time to build sideways
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<TheKosmonaut> I missed this game
<Rolf> been a while last i last played too
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<estorado> Hi, anybody knows a good yt channel with beginner tutorials in the current versions? (vanilla + mechjeb)
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<Mat2ch> estorado: well, you can use the old videos as well. But the game itself has got some good tutorials built in
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<NGC3982> TheKosmonaut: cool. for reason i never felt any need to use the inside views for anything particular.
<TheKosmonaut> NGC3982: me neither but it feels like hard mode
<TheKosmonaut> But I need proper instrumentation
<NGC3982> yeah
<NGC3982> rendezvouz is for computers and docking is for kerbals, right?
<NGC3982> thinking like that would make the game a tad more challenging
<Mat2ch> TheKosmonaut: there's a mod for that ;P
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> I hope in KSP2 this will be all built in and we can control the craft as a crew
<Mat2ch> that would be fun
<Mat2ch> doing a mission together in a small craft ;)
<TheKosmonaut> Mat2ch: I kinda want to pull a team together to do a true IVA only mission
<TheKosmonaut> And have all maneuvers done by hand
<TheKosmonaut> If this POC laptop I got from work was strong enough I'd go full nbody but alas
<TheKosmonaut> It is barely holding 15 fps on Launchpad with a 3 part craft
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<TheKosmonaut> NGC3982: in theory I could do rendezvous IVA only but I'd need the Mechjeb / KER info
<NGC3982> cool
<darsie> IVA?
<darsie> intra vehicular activity?
<darsie> Ah, ic.
<NGC3982> yes
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<Mat2ch> TheKosmonaut: hopefully with KSP2... but I guess you'll need a better computer then :)
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* darsie is looking for a better computer.
<darsie> i7 3770/4770 or so, gtx750ti
<Althego> i heard there is a nice apollo guidance computer that is in working condition :)
<darsie> With NOR chips? rope memory?
<kmath> YouTube - Apollo AGC Part 1: Restoring the computer that put man on the Moon
<NGC3982> i wonder what the computational difference between an apollo guidance computer and an i7 4770 is.
<NGC3982> probably alot.
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<estorado> thanks Mat2ch. I look for current mechjeb version tutorials, I am not able to create an orbit with mechjeb :|
<estorado> probably my aircraft sucks ...
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<NGC3982> in ksp, that is no such thing. your aircraft is just in beta-stage :)
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* darsie flies to Tylo with a Spark, but fuel is tight.
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<Althego> slowing down by gravity assist?
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<darsie> No, I got to Jool orbit at Jool Pe, then adjust orbit and go to Tylo orbit at Tylo Pe.
<darsie> go*
<Althego> tylo and to a lesser extent layhte are big assets to slow you down when you arrive
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<darsie> Maybe, but bringing enough fuel is easier.
<darsie> Well, unless you want to get around a lot there.
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<JVFoxy> I've always worried about not having enough DV to do pretty much anything once I do get to Jool. Mostly given how you need several km/DV just to go from one moon to another.
<JVFoxy> I'm guessing a lot of people just end up using nerv engines or.. anyone tried the ions over there/
<darsie> JVFoxy: You can also refuel on Bop or so.
<darsie> With a refinery
<darsie> Or have a refinery there and bring a fuel shuttle to orbit.
<darsie> Pol is even smaller, but further out.
<darsie> Less inclined than Bop, though.
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<Althego> you cant really run out of delta v at jool. the moons help you
<JVFoxy> Darsie suppose I could refinery, just means sending more hardware.
<JVFoxy> Althego gravity assists would be ideal. Although, not always easy to plan out and takes a lot more time. Figured something I could make use of when I get a probe out there some day
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* darsie landed with a Spark on Tylo:
<NGC3982> wow.
<NGC3982> how much dV did you total?
<Althego> hehe not much fuel remaining
<Althego> ideally engineered
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<darsie> NGC3982: That stage had 3379 m/s. It started with 10 km Pe or so and Ap just outside SOI.
<NGC3982> cool!
<darsie> Sent surface temperature.
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<darsie> That's the whole rocket:
<JVFoxy> oh geez.. tylo, didn't realize gravity there was so much
<darsie> bbl
<darsie> .
<UmbralRaptop> It's only 0.8 g. Same as Jool
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<JVFoxy> sadly I only attempted a jool run long time ago, in a sandbox game.
<JVFoxy> it was mostly a test with a probe, ancient version of KSP.. just to see if I knew how to even get out there with a fuel budget
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<packbart> one day, I'm going to land Kerbals on another planet
<packbart> it just takes to long and I've got shorter missions to do ;)
<darsie> I got one home from Eve.
<darsie> Duna is easy.
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<packbart> it is. I just don't have a clear schedule yet to time-warp through the time it takes to arrive there
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