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<Althego> hehe sw ep9 is the gift that keeps on giving
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<Althego> <Guy-> What did Master Yoda say when he saw himself in 4k? HDMI
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<UmbralRaptop> *groan*
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<kmath> YouTube - CRS-19 Mission
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<Althego> t-3 min
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<Guest32509> Is it possible to destroy an entire planet with/without modding the game?
<Althego> the planets are on rails. without bugs you cant destroy them
<Althego> danny does it every time :)
<Guest32509> I see. Guess I'll just have to start experimenting with bugs then :)
<Althego> meco
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<Althego> landing burn, and as usual no image
<Althego> and landed
<kubi> with kopernicus you can have another planet going to the opposite direction on the same path...
<Althego> they should work on this landing stream, because they lsoe it every time
<Althego> already quit
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<packbart> just move the dot on the timeline a few seconds, so the drone ship can buffer and retransmit ;)
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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