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<darsie> OMG, I made a Minmus lab rocket, used the Mun to expand the orbit and match the inclination and I'm almost there ... and forgot the sensors ...
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<UmbralRaptor> oops
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<darsie> The Mun flyby gives my new scientist XP. Might become another 3*.
<darsie> I love the rocket. Such a great low flyer when ascending to orbit.
<UmbralRaptor> nice
<UmbralRaptor> (I swear I'm not just an encouraging bot)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Second stage is a Terrier instead of a Poodle, cause 5.5 TWR on Minmus should be enough.
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* UmbralRaptor likes that rather conventional looking rockets are reasonable now
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* Flayer licks everybody's face
<Althego> io error, network tongue not installed
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<Flayer> 50 days until the duna transfer window opens up
<Althego> about 200 for mars
<Flayer> nasa is sending a rover, aren't they?
<UmbralRaptor> yep
<Flayer> i'm still just so excited about how much we got from the previous rovers
<Flayer> they lasted so long!
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<Althego> curiosity still has a few years in the wheels
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<Flayer> do you think we will find life on other bodies in our solar system?
<Flayer> i really hope life will be ridiciously common
<kmath> YouTube - Why Alien Life Would be our Doom - The Great Filter
<Flayer> i'm not that pessimitic :P
<Flayer> i'm not englishing very well right now
<Althego> it is not bad because they would kill us
<Althego> it is bad because it means a great filter is ahead of us
<Flayer> this is all such theoretical nonsense
<Flayer> not interesting
<Flayer> life is as good thing, no matter how it establishes itself
<Althego> despite of this, i think there is a possibility that mars still has life underground
<Flayer> yeah, it seems very likely to me as well
<Althego> also europa and enceladus
<Flayer> yep. almost inevitable somehoe
<Flayer> somehow.*
<Althego> that kind of life is immune to almost anything on the surface
<kmath> YouTube - Jurassic Park 3D Movie CLIP - Life Finds a Way (1993) - Steven Spielberg Movie HD
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i spared no expense
<Flayer> that's really the most insperational thing i've ever heard
<Althego> except the sysadmin
<Flayer> life finds a way... i mean, that's just how it is
<Flayer> people find a way to exist no matter the circumstances
<Althego> not universally. there were many dying events
<Flayer> even then
<Flayer> life persists.
<Althego> unstil it doesnt. but bacterial life underground is very hard to kill
<Flayer> dying and all that, but the concept of life is not... taken down, y'know?
<Flayer> exactly
<Flayer> you keep going
<Althego> it always makes me sad when i think of the fact that life has only a few hundred million years remaining on this planet
<Flayer> i find life easier to approach when i think of the notion of how stubborn the concept of life is
<Flayer> it just keeps going
<Flayer> plants, bacteria, anything at all, y'know?
<Flayer> a few hundred million years ought to be enough for us to spread like a plague across several stars
<Flayer> i think we can do it
<Flayer> humanity is exceptional
<Flayer> all it would take is half a dozen of seed vessels to other stars
<Flayer> we'd keep going XD
<Flayer> we wouldn't even have to send humans if life was really that rare
<Flayer> just bacteria... let evolution do its thing
<Althego> that would take billions of years. at least send tardigrades
<Flayer> yeah, sure
<Flayer> whatever, you know?
<Flayer> send a bunch of life to other places
<Althego> it seems multicellurality is one of the great filters
<Flayer> if its really all that rar.e.. which it won't be
<Flayer> i mean, come on it happened here XD
<Althego> based on this one data point life seems to happen easily. multicellular life is a lot harder
<Flayer> sure
<Flayer> but if we find life on another body in our own solar system
<Flayer> even if its just bacteria
<Flayer> multicellular life will be so fucking common
<Flayer> it's gonna be everywhere with a little bit of stability
<Flayer> i can't really imagine it being any other way
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* TheKosmonaut sees flayer's name and carefully slides the "no bad language" over to them
<Althego> hehe
<TheKosmonaut> I like my skin. But mind community guidelines pls.
<Althego> sofa king :)
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<darsie> From equatorial orbit, Mun flyby to expand orbit and change plane to Minmus:
<darsie> Execution will be off due to non instanteneous dv.
<darsie> With staging during burn.
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<Gasher[work]> wow, bright screenshot of KSP
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i always dock in full darkness
<Althego> somehow
<Althego> but actually you dont need the visuals, just the navball
<NGC3982> could ksp physically support a dyson object?
<Althego> it already did
<kmath> YouTube - KSP - Dyson Sphere
<Gasher[work]> it's not really that
<Althego> looks more like a dyson swarm
<Gasher[work]> i mean, custom star
<Gasher[work]> NGC3982, anyway, looks good
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<darsie> On approach to landing on Minmus I wanted to fly over some highland and was too low. Lost three solar panels.
<darsie> Should have turned them horizontal :).
<Flayer> my station launches always end up toppling over for some reason
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<darsie> Tech tree complete, all buildings fully upgraded.
<Althego> now collect all science :)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> I'd like to fly RSS, but it's too buggy :(.
<darsie> What's the biome of Jool? Jool?
<darsie> I could fly a barometer to Jool.
<Althego> you can always try to build an eve sea level return vehicle
<darsie> Yeah, I thought about that. Maybe with propellers.
<Althego> delacy alpha lima tango, welcome to this federal facility
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<Flayer> a new pilot, verman kerman
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<NGC3982> is eve the hardest planet to land and return from with kerbonauts?
<Althego> maybe, tylo is a close match
<Althego> because you haveto use fuel to land there
<Althego> it is not like the gentle, just dont catch fire on the way down like on eve
<Althego> it is like omg omg om just dont crash
<Althego> the only planet where you have to stage while going down
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<darsie> 20 km Tylo orbit should be 2135 m/s. And you need dv to get there.
<Althego> ?::?:?
<darsie> Kessler syndrome is here.
<darsie> Hmm, escape velocity 3 068.81 m/s. That might be within one stage.
<Althego> no more lanches this year
* darsie launches KSP.
<darsie> This little bug has 3802 m/s. TWR is a bit weak, but at a final 1.54 it might be able to land without staging.
<Althego> cute
<darsie> Now there are 4235 m/s and plenty of TWR:
<darsie> 4236*
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<darsie> At 3980 m/s, the Vector should have no issues, either, and allow for some payload, too:
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<darsie> Scale it up and you can bring a fuel factory to get away, too.
<packbart> at a TWR of 20, throttling for touchdown can get a bit hairy
<Althego> from where
<darsie> Tylo
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<darsie> Something like this should land on Tylo single stage and get away, too:
<Althego> or make it smaller multi stage
<Althego> also where i the por source
<Althego> power
<darsie> missing, radiators, too.
<darsie> and landing legs.
<Althego> eh
<Althego> but in tis case you do need legs
<darsie> It's just an estimate, not a complete design.
<Althego> expect to lose maybe 10% of the delta v estimate to landing
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<darsie> mhm. It has 4673. Escape is 3069.
<darsie> packbart: Just limit thrust to 10%.
<Flayer> 500 ms should be enough to go from a mun flyby to docking with the mun station, yeah?
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<darsie> mhm
<darsie> IIRC it's 280 m/s from low orbit to Kerbin.
<Flayer> there's more fuel on the station
<Flayer> to get back
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<darsie> says 310 m/s.
<Flayer> then i'm going with a full load of snacks too
<darsie> ofc this means coming from Kerbin, not Eeloo.
<Flayer> i'll go light on the monoprop and the ablator
<Flayer> i mean i could just put a bigger booster underneath or drop the completely unnecessary landing gear, but this is how i'm going to do it lol
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<JVFoxy> ooof... ok guess I didn't need quite /that/ much fuel for a long range in-flight contract. It only used 1/4 of what I threw in
<JVFoxy> 5 of them Mk1 tanks.. managed to do a detour into the badlands, but ugh... seems to land like an ol' 747 in ways
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<Flayer> i keep getting eve exploration missions even though the duna window is coming up in 40 days
<Althego> actually the career games starts just at the end of an eve launch window
<Althego> so if you hurry you can launch something at the beginning of the game for eve
<Althego> but ultimately it is pointless, since you get all the tree long before that probe gets there
<Flayer> you and i play different games
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<Althego> obviously, i have been playing elite the last few days. hasnt played it for 5 years
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<JVFoxy> different routes for different people
<JVFoxy> or however the saying goes
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<JVFoxy> wee... polar cap mission
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* NGC3982 makes his space station enormous
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<NGC3982> i can't get my station to stop moving
<NGC3982> any way i can fix it? it's constantly moving back and forward
<darsie> turn on time warp ;)
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