Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<JVFoxy> ooof... so.. umm.. so.. quite a lot of sci points, left me at a loss on what to do. Only just started unlocking a couple of them 90 point research notes.
<JVFoxy> *nods
<JVFoxy> nodes >_<
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<JVFoxy> derp
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<Althego> supposedly crs 19 in 7 hours 15 minutes
<Althego> i hope i dont forget it
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<Kerbin> Hey ya'll
<Kerbin> Anyone can recommend some mods for 1.8? Anything you like, anything that adds new mechanics, good module packs, etc
<deadmind> Smart Parts is pretty cool. lets you automate a lot of staging for minimum fuel wastage
<deadmind> pretty easily, too. just slap on a fuel drain sensor on the tank
<Kerbin> Any mods that let you build space factories?
<deadmind> dunno about that
<Kerbin> Any campaign-friendly mods? I,e mods that have built in tech trees etc
<UmbralRaptor> realism overhaul *ducks*
<Kerbin> It's 1.8 :C
<Kerbin> 1.7*
<Kerbin> I have kerbalism
<Kerbin> Although ikd about it
<Kerbin> Are there any good mods that add more EVA/Life support/Kerbal side of things mods?
<Kerbin> Kerbalism doesn't seem to be that compatible with a lot of stuff rn
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<Althego> so i played through surviving mars 3 times in a row
<Althego> maybe i should start on the 4th time
<Althego> also 2.5 hours untel spacex
<Althego> lol indexl ink
<Althego> so what is this?
<kubi> something for a chem plant
<kubi> I'd cook some fermented fruit instead :)
<kmath> YouTube - Mars Martian Mega Rover | Full Documentary
<Althego> i havent seen this one yet
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<Althego> aaand spacex delayed
<Althego> tomorrow
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<umaxtu> saw that coming
<Althego> wintergatan
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<Flayer> i feel sad
<Flayer> darsie: how is your alcoholism developing?
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<darsie> I skip some days. Usual dose is 50 g 35%/day, in severe cases 100 g.
* darsie just flew >3000 km in RSS/RO/RP1
<darsie> All crew retired.
<Althego> as in dead?
<darsie> No. They retire if they get too bored.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> :)
<darsie> I didn't use them at all.
<darsie> From 1951-1968.
<darsie> Building some rockets takes years ...
<darsie> And researching tech ...
<Flayer_> i am not hardcore enough for that much realism
<darsie> :)
<Flayer_> i like the 'snacks' mod
<darsie> Fortunately there are always victims for hire.
<darsie> The bugs are really annoying at times.
<Flayer_> all bugs are annoying
Flayer_ is now known as Flayer
<Althego> especially the shield bugs that want to come in to the warm :)
<Flayer> man, i had to drop all the monoprop AND reduce the ablator to like 50 for my mun landing mission
<Flayer> ...then i had to retry the launch four times before i did it well enough to have the delta-v to land and get back
<Althego> tight delta v budget
<Althego> but you dont need more than that ablator
* packbart uses a MM patch to set ablator to 20% full by default
<packbart> and even that is most often more than enough (and when it's not the heatshield survives even without any ablator left)
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<Althego> scott
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