Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<Eddi|zuHause> it's just a fleshwound
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<Mat2ch> Althego: The best comment on Martins video from yesterday is: "Don't give him ideas you moron !" :D
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Nov. 25 Electron launch 07:57-09:22 GMT
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<Judge_Dedd> Did anyone see Everyday Astronaut's aerospike video? I thought it was interesting that Rocketlab can create something of the same effect by gimballing the outer engines inwards
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<Althego> of course we saw it :)
<Althego> can and actually does is different. i got the impression from that reply that it is a possibility
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX's Starship Popper - Starship Mk1 Ruptures Tank During Test
<Althego> instant news
<Althego> at least it is just methane and oxygen
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<darsie> Libpadre's stream said it was cryo testing and #space@freenode said it was a pressure test with communication between sensors and pumps gone wrong leading to excessive pressure.
<darsie> Probably just N2.
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<Mat2ch> So an overpressure thing? And they didn't have a hardware overpressure release?
<Azander> I suspect that is what they were testing
<Azander> at least one of the things
<bees> testing results: starship can go boom if sufficiently pressurized
<Mat2ch> well, I guess they just didn't add a hardware overpressure valve, because it's expensive, adds weight and is another thing that can fail...
<bees> +5 science
* Mat2ch wants to fav bees
<Rolf> 1 gram = 20 grams
<bees> you need a trained team of engineers to reset experiment
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<Judge_Dedd> SpaceX said they were testing max pressure and that this result was not entirely unexpected. But I guess they WOULD say that :P
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<kmath> YouTube - Minecraft LIVE! Rendog's Dogcraft SMP! Bad Omen Bakery Grand Opening? Storage? (11/21/2019)
<transitbiker> I promise ksp will be soon
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<packbart> ok.
<Althego> you have to go past the limits to know where they are :)
<packbart> weird hat
<Althego> isnt that a political statement?
<packbart> wearing pink pants on your head? I wouldn't know
<Althego> that is a p... hat
<packbart> ah. bless my filter bubble, then
<UmbralRaptop> huh, haven't seen one of those in ages
<Althego> hehe. nokia tune. and i havent heard that in ages
<kmath> YouTube - Ace The Moon Landing Denier owes Reds Rhetoric $500 & debunking T Stew
<Althego> yes i have a bit of a backlog of flat earther videos
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<kmath> YouTube - Taking an F1 Pit Stop to a whole new level! | Aston Martin Red Bull Racing's Zero Gravity Pit Stop
<Althego> now that is f1 i want to see
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<Althego> hehe, hayabusa 2. achieve escape velocity of 9.2 cm/s
<Althego> hehe boeing starliner costs more per seat than the soyuz
<Althego> so faield to achieve the goal
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<Mat2ch> Althego: you can really see what a lightweight mockup that is :D
<Althego> yes it is, it was especially lightened for this
<Althego> but the zero g is real, they did in a plane
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<packbart> I'd expect more in-flight amenities on a Starliner flight than in a Soyuz. A snacks trolley and maybe some duty-free merch
<Althego> hehe
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<Eddi|zuHause> ... maybe i'm spoiled by more "professional" streamers, but that minecraft stream could use a higher encoder setting (or bandwidth)
<Althego> i realized early that these kind of games are not suitable for streams, lot of hours can go by with something that looks really boring gor anybody that is not playing
<Althego> so ksp and minecraft is out, not to mention i never liked *craft games
<packbart> oh, he's still at it. "Started streaming 4 hours ago". Respect. I couldn't do that.
<Althego> i can play a game like ksp for all day, not really an issue. making it interesting, now that is an issue
<packbart> ineed, sometimes I just stare at a blank VAB or the KSC while I decide what to do next :)
<Eddi|zuHause> ... it kinda depends on things like what has the person to talk about besides the game
<Althego> even if i am editing
<Althego> a craft
<Althego> that can take hours
<Althego> then try it
<Althego> doesnt work
<Althego> redesign
<Althego> another 2 hours go by
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah. i streamed transport fever a few times (without talking, because i'm terrible at that)... not sure why anybody would watch that
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* Judge_Dedd too
<Judge_Dedd> @ althego
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<JVFoxy> eep?
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<Althego> the carbon units are functioning properly
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<packbart> causality restored
<Althego> we have normality
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<Judge_Dedd> Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem
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<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> My mole is on the move again and back to digging. Using my arm to put pressure on the mole from the side has helped…
<Althego> i think it is getting more and more slanted
<JVFoxy> ooooh...
<JVFoxy> progress
<Althego> hehe, mars is the only known planet inhabitet by only robots
<Eddi|zuHause> transform it to a machine world
<Althego> on it
<Eddi|zuHause> (i don't think i've actually ever done that)
<JVFoxy> careful... thats how some movies ended up getting made
<Rolf> Mars is also a planet with most failures on landing
<Eddi|zuHause> Rolf: surely there were more failed landings on earth
<JVFoxy> although.. I remember one where humans were kicked off earth, recouped on Mars, came back. Though you were looking through the replicant's views on Earth when they were attached
<JVFoxy> attacked
<Eddi|zuHause> i should play some stellaris once again
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<JVFoxy> Manely and his 'foxes'... sigh.
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<Althego> what foxes
<JVFoxy> hey played stellaris, used the vulpine race (which looked more like fennecs)
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