Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Nov. 25 Electron launch 07:57-09:22 GMT | Spacewalk
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<Althego> for several hundred days i couldnt figure how to get on the top of a plateau. mayeb getthe shuttles to transport the rovers? find some extra research that makes it possible? no, to climb up the steep hill, you need to build... a tunnel
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<FLHerne> Althego: You haven't read enough
<FLHerne> Althego: That one's straight out of The Lost World :P
<Althego> and really stupid
<FLHerne> (or I missed the joke?)
<Althego> completely counterintuitive
<FLHerne> It was in the book, too :P
<FLHerne> At least you didn't get attacked by tribal hominids and thrown off the top?
<FLHerne> Why didn't the shuttles work?
<FLHerne> If there's one thing I hate in a game, it's when a solution that *should* work according to the rules/mechanics fails because it's not what the designers wanted
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<Althego> there is an annoying warning that some buildings are destroyed by ,arsquake. i cant fin them, clicking it takes me to the encyclopedia, not to the buildings. cant find them
<Althego> they must be not important, probably soem generators
<Althego> but there are hundreds of them
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<packbart> 'in this [KSP] community (and for instance EvE) "kids" refer to people < 50.' :>
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<Tank2333_> sounds about right
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<packbart> missed the Ariane launch. oh, well, they're quite routine now, anyway. little chance of boom
<kmath> YouTube - Arianespace Flight VA250 – TIBA-1 and GX5 (EN)
<darsie> 6 km/s
<darsie> meco
<darsie> ses
<packbart> a list of buzzwords :)
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<packbart> Skiff engine
<packbart> a Ariane 5 GTO upper stage is expected to linger some 90 years before reentry, if I read my Internets right
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