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<kmath> YouTube - Amazing Art 30000 Matches Powered Jet Truck
<Althego> normally you would put the solid rocket fuel inside the rocket, not outside :)
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<Althego> "We've got the image of Vikram on the lunar surface from our orbiter. We are analysing the data," Isro chairman K Sivan told TOI.
<Althego> where is the picture then? dont keep it for yourself
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<Althego> and the martian conjunction is keeping my usual martian feeds on hiatus
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<SDS200> Is there a way to stop wheel bounce?
<SDS200> I undocked a rover and it's just bouncing around in place with SAS and breaks turned on
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> maybe 1.8 stops it
<SDS200> hopefully
<Eddi|zuHause> you should probably turn off SAS on a rover, and you can also try reducing the spring tension
<SDS200> hmm yeah reducing spring tension helps but it also changes the height
<SDS200> so I can't dock again
<Eddi|zuHause> anyway, it probably has nothing to do with your problem, but i found that reaction wheels on a rover generally work against what you're trying to do
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<Black_Eagle> >wheel bounce >thought i was on #mtg and was going to say "maybe with counterspells and disabling their draw engines"
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<Eddi|zuHause> having reaction wheels on a rover is like riding a motorbike with a passenger, who isn't leaning into the curve, but pushing against it
<Fluburtur> I got a new dooter
<Althego> what is that
<Althego> what have you been up to lately
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> Also
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> Hadouken!!
<SDS200> nice wobble
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<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: it's almost as bad as the "immigration museum" one
<Eddi|zuHause> [the 1st image]
<Rokker> museum
<Althego> oh no...
<Althego> more lemmings
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<Guest07348> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest07348
<Guest07348> i wanted to ask few questions
<Althego> no asnwer is guaranteed
<Guest07348> still i want to ask question regarding KAS mod
<Althego> i dont use it. maybe somebody else
<Guest07348> okay
<Guest07348> I have installed KAS mod but some tools like harpoon and grappling hook are not appearing in utility section
<Guest07348> I'm using KSP 1.7.1
<Guest07348> kindly help me as I'm in dire need of those tools
<Althego> more than 150 people and the channel is practically dead
<Guest07348> yea i think so
<Guest07348> do you have harpoon in utility section in vehicle assembly ?
<Guest07348> can you check and tell me now please great sir
<Althego> i dont use mods
<Guest07348> harpoons and grappling hook are not there in stock KSP ?
<Althego> no
<Guest07348> is there any way i can reach out to moderators so that i can ask this question
<Althego> there is the forum too
<kubi> only punks not dead< the channel is
<kubi> why do you think that a moderator can help?
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<Althego> somebody who actually stayed for a while. yet left without answer. sad
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<Eddi|zuHause> surely the moderator of a quiz show knows all the answers to the questions.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes, because it is on the screen
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<JVFoxy> I go away for an hour... all **** breaks loose.. great
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<JVFoxy> I've used KAS but it usually gets installed along side of KIS...
<JVFoxy> eh.. probably moot point now anyways so... :\
<SDS200> I wonder if KSP2 will have stock pipes
<JVFoxy> with KSP2? who knows... a lot of it is in the air I think
<SDS200> I just hope they actually have enough time for polish
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* UmbralRaptop is interpreting 2020 as 2020-12-31
<SDS200> well they said spring
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* UmbralRaptop had not seen that detail
<SDS200> I guess they didn't specify the hemisphere
<Althego> all password breaks loose :)
<Althego> hehe, hemisphere
<Althego> eh it is already this late
<JVFoxy> ugh... so.. email alert from American Express, yet I don't have that card. Phishing alert!
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> sends you to a website, that looks like a legit login, but I tried going down to the root directory, get a 403
<UmbralRaptop> Plot twist: someone signed you up for it using equifax data
<Althego> heh why did you click it, now they know you exist
<JVFoxy> no, I didn't input anything, also I tested with incognito browser
<JVFoxy> they can try.. I already reported to the legit company as well as told emailer it was a phishing attempt
<JVFoxy> UnbralRaptop equifax in Canada?
<UmbralRaptop> Okay, CapitalOne then
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<JVFoxy> nope
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<UmbralRaptop> hrm
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<JVFoxy> don't matter...
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