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<GroupJW> Is there any way to make the Cruel Veterinarian's rocket is KSP? It's a space launch vehicle featured in "Remembrance of Courage Past" in the series "Courage the Cowardly Dog".
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<UmbralRaptop> Guess we'll never know
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<Dutchy45> Hey guys. It's probably me but why can't I find the alarm clock in ckan?
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<JVFoxy> ugh...
<Althego> olympics
<JVFoxy> eh.. sorta..
<JVFoxy> having difficulties trying to figure out why a docking craft is having such hard time just gettnig to orbit.
<JVFoxy> stupid thing is... I know I've done more with far less
<JVFoxy> trying to trackd own a craft I made a while back in some previous session
<Althego> drag?
<JVFoxy> not sure.. know in a moment. Managed to find the craft files and ported over to current game
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<JVFoxy> huh.. ok so maybe I was going down a different way of thinking at the time.
<JVFoxy> I may have tried to recreate what I did in the past but because of part count, (linear RCS instead of the quads meant more parts used) ended up with something 2 staged with a single LF side booster (using a docking port)
<JVFoxy> ugh.. ever wish KSP had a built in notepad? Having to rememeber numbers and stuff because game minimizes whenever you flip outside...
<umaxtu> put it in borderless windowed mode
<JVFoxy> eh..
<JVFoxy> window I know.. but borderless?
<umaxtu> it looks like its fullscreen except its actually running in windowed mode
<JVFoxy> windows 10 only thing or?
<umaxtu> nope
<umaxtu> you running windows?
<JVFoxy> ya..7
<umaxtu> running KSP via steam?
<JVFoxy> no.. gotten directly from squad
<umaxtu> ok, what you need to do is add "-popupwindow" to your ksp launch arguments (minus the quotes)
<JVFoxy> huh... k, give me a moment
<JVFoxy> just did a recreation of my Kawauso (japanese for otter) docking test craft. Turns out its less parts, more delta V than the previous version. More to do with how I split up the tanks between lower and upper half
<JVFoxy> it sorta looks like stretched version of the Mercury-Atlas setup, but with only 2 engines that stays
<umaxtu> no stage-and-a-half? lame
<JVFoxy> not really needed. With max 18t, couple of swivles pushes enough Gs from the start as it is
<JVFoxy> I have done stage and half with bigger designs though
<JVFoxy> umaxtu the argument to launcher.exe or?
<umaxtu> ksp_x64.exe
<umaxtu> not sure it will work if you launch it via the launcher
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. think I noticed something. let me test quickly
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<JVFoxy> ok got it...
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<JVFoxy> argument in shortcut to ksp_x64, but in game settings, have to have fullscreen off
<JVFoxy> thanks
<umaxtu> np. I hope it helps
<JVFoxy> only downside is having to shortcut with the argument, but thats ok. I should probably have shortcutted to a few of the game versions anyway on desktop, quality of life thing..
<JVFoxy> ya, was sort of annoying when game flips out of view all the time, yes this'll help loads
<JVFoxy> this'll be nice too, hopefully capture software won't freak out when I try toggling overlays
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Tiron has joined #KSPOfficial
<Tiron> oh hey, dis is still here. cool.
<UmbralRaptop> hi?
<JVFoxy> yo
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<Althego> hehe
<Tiron> and Umbral still has his Raptop I see.
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<Tiron> there, hexchat reinstalled... stupid windows 10.
<UmbralRaptop> Tiron: new raptops though
<UmbralRaptop> One being an Intel U8665
<Tiron> ah.
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<Tiron> I've upgraded a bit myself... playing KSP again. was hoping to pick taniwha's brain again but he's super idle. okay that was weird.
<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, feel free to ask about things
<Tiron> hee.
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<Tiron> okay stop dat.
<JVFoxy> speaking of picking brains...
<Tiron> heh.
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<JVFoxy> noticed I don't have a few crew reports in high kerbin orbit. I know during Apollo moon missions they did some deepspace EVAs. Got me wondering how 'cold' it mighta been out there
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<Tiron> oh for poot's *sake*
<JVFoxy> oop
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<JVFoxy> whats booting you?
<Tiron> 'no such device or address'
* UmbralRaptop blames bad WiFi?
<Tiron> wired. although the wire sucks.
<Tiron> *jiggles it*
<JVFoxy> sharing router?
<Tiron> yeah but none of the other stuff is on, and it's FTTH now so it shouldn't matter *too* much.
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<JVFoxy> ...
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<JVFoxy> I meant.. more ... sharing the router between machines at home?
<Tiron> okay, let's try the bloody webchat again, and if that does it, it's probably my stupid cable.
<Tiron> yeah. two PCs + wifi.
<Tiron> you know... *has an idea*
<JVFoxy> usually its booted me if I stayed quiet for 2 minutes or more, though it usually didn't say anything. This sorta new to em
<JVFoxy> ugh keepalives but anyways
<Tiron> I have some ideas.
<Tiron> so far the web client isn't doing it, hexchat is. webclient seems to be using ipv4, hexchat seems to be using ipv6.
<JVFoxy> I know our router used to flake out a lot, very randomly. I suspected it mighta been a power flux going on with the mains because room mate has AC on same power circuit
<Tiron> I've had problems with ipv6 before which I only managed to resolve by turning it off... but I just installed windows 10 the other day so it's back on...
<Tiron> test says... MTU problems. hrm hrm.
<JVFoxy> ah.. can't say I knwo much about IPV6 other than it being next level
<Tiron> I know a little from frakking with it on windoze 7.
<JVFoxy> right now, I'm debating if I shoudl use the docking target to boost into high orbit, or conserve its fuel for some other later mission. 'Otter' has enough fuel to do it on its own though.
<Tiron> it *could* be that the ICMP control messages are getting blocked by da routa.
<JVFoxy> ah.. win7 this machine.. 10 got stuck on laptop when parents got it for me. eh..
<JVFoxy> well considering it kept knocking you off ever 2 minutes. If I didn't have a keepalive on some stuff, I usually was bounced off every 2 minutes as well
<Tiron> it's probably my weird ipv6 problems. which I know an easy way to fix temporarily... if it still works in 10...
<JVFoxy> wondering if its not seeing anything on IVP4, it just slams the ports closed on you
<Tiron> nah what I think is the connection's getting screwed up on my end because of the IPv6 connection being wonky. the webchat doesn't even *try* to use it so bypasses it.
Tiron is now known as TironWC
<TironWC> if that's the case... let's see here...
<TironWC> and just as a warning, Win 7 support ends in january. >.<
<Althego> xp support ended years ago, and it is still running :)
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<TironWC> yeah.
<TironWC> just means it doesn't get patches.
<TironWC> okay, let's try... this then.
<JVFoxy> I've got xp on another machine... but its never going to see net again anyways so...
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<JVFoxy> I've got xp on another machine... but its never going to see net again anyways so... I've mostly got it for running older games now
<Tiron> hokay. IPv6 disabled. at least they didn't change *that* too much.
<Tiron> yeah.
<Tiron> iiiinteresting.
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<Tiron> *leaves the webchat connected for now*
<JVFoxy> webchat.. the website right?
<Tiron> yeah.
<Tiron> it's like an applet or something on's page that lets you connect via a browser.
<Tiron> it hasn't disconnected yet except when I told it to, I got this one back in hexchat and am waiting to see...
<JVFoxy> I know... kind of where I found this channel actually. Eventually I got around to pulling up my ol mIRC client again. At the time, our router kept dropping me and I hated loosing the channel logs each time I had ot reconnect
<Tiron> hah.
<Tiron> I'm using hexchat.
<Tiron> I used mIRC lo those many years ago... but it's too damn naggy.
<JVFoxy> using version I had from back around 2000s... lets just say I've been around a long time
<Tiron> haha, did you actually pay for it?
<JVFoxy> no... think I got it before it started doing stupid super naggy stuff
<JVFoxy> V5.51
<Tiron> ah. it's gotten worse. last time I Tried to use it, I was like 'frak this' and found a new one.
<JVFoxy> it does pull up help file now and then, but whatever..
<JVFoxy> only when I load it
<Tiron> yeah. I think the newest version like, actually has a 30 day kill switch in it.
<Tiron> I forget.
<Tiron> HexChat's just free unless you *want* to give them $10.
<JVFoxy> I had talked to someone a while back, at one point, it got stupid naggy... think the person ended up paying again for another newer version.. meh. Whatever, it works for most part.
<Tiron> yeah.
<Tiron> I haven't used mIRC since... the early 2000s.
<JVFoxy> granted, doesn't have hyperlinks, hangs sometimes on channels when I reconnect.. I don't want overly complicated.
<JVFoxy> lol.. tried Pirch?
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<Tiron> Not disconnecting so fek of webchat.
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<Tiron> hexchat is fairly simple. I like it so far. also actually making it free with optional donations, big plus.
<JVFoxy> I tried an early version of Pirch, briefly. I dropped it when I coudn't figure out how to add new servers to a list. ugh.. ... >_<
<Tiron> reminds me, I need to set up auto connect...
* JVFoxy looks back at KSP game thats been waiting patiently on hold...
<JVFoxy> wonder if I attempt to stream...
<Tiron> *windows 10* 'Skype is now enabled' <Me> 'Great, I've never used it and I don't intend to start.'
<sandbox> I use hexchat now, but I used to use cheatengine to bypass mirc's nag screen
<Tiron> lmao sounds about right.
<UmbralRaptop> irssi!
<JVFoxy> sandbox what version were ya on?
<sandbox> JVFoxy, I can't remember, it was about 5 years ago
<Tiron> I think I used irssi for something once. splitter or something so I could have it on my kindle while streaming. *has two monitors now*
* JVFoxy goes to check something on mIRC folder, finds out why he's got a gap on icon line up on desktop. "oooh.. stupid thing moved, no wonder"
<JVFoxy> just a touch over 3 megs for the client... this day and age of bloatware... nice to see some of the smaller things still making it out there
<Tiron> haha
<JVFoxy> I've another text based client.. its a touch over 1meg. newer version went up to 20 megs some years back. I've no clue what heck its at now
<Tiron> windows 10 hexchat app from the MS store... 38.4mb. eesh.
<JVFoxy> thats acutally not too bad.
<Tiron> yeah. in 2001 it was! :P
<JVFoxy> considering what it does. I'd be more worried if its a gig large and all it does is deal with text connections
<Tiron> umpteen pretty graphics?
* Tiron starts streaming his career again, will link if anyone cares.
<JVFoxy> rwar
<JVFoxy> lol.. text graphics
<JVFoxy> KSP in ascii anyone?
<JVFoxy> probably woudln't mind poking face in, seeing what you got going on
<Tiron> midway through. Done mun flyby and low orbit, now setting up comm relays.
<JVFoxy> ah twitch.. I no account there but can view
<Tiron> dat's fine ^.^ I got this up on my second monitor so I can see what you type here.
<JVFoxy> oh right.. stupid low latency issue.. -flips it off
<JVFoxy> If I was going to stream, probably be via my youtube account
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<JVFoxy> doh.. probably just me watch'n
<Tiron> yeah I've done that but more people watch twitch. *shrug*
<JVFoxy> I haven't really looked into Twitch much... mostly because of being unsure and what with so many accounts on various things as it is..
<Tiron> mechjeb comment turn you off? ;)
<JVFoxy> I had to pause, friend sent in a youtube update about boarding his house over in FL..
<Tiron> ah.
<Tiron> I accidentally muted my mic at some point. again. lmao.
<JVFoxy> lets just say, browser was choking on too may tabs and two videos was causing a slight issue
<Tiron> can see that.
<Tiron> mine'd be high too, high res high bitrate. hopefully it's not too muddy...
<JVFoxy> still a few days out but.. figured since you were trying to sort things out. I kinda missed your launch mostly
<JVFoxy> was kinda curious about the vessel viewer window though when I came back
<JVFoxy> I think I messed with early version of this or something similar but was tied in with rasterprop, was on screen in IVA...
<JVFoxy> not sure what other mod I got, if I did, that helped add screens to the command pods. Then again, this was ages ago too
<JVFoxy> ah ya JSI... I also had some FASA mod on way earlier version. Just had a look at some older version I had going from way back
<JVFoxy> gah!
<JVFoxy> ok... found the version I used tohelp figure out a friend's ship.. soooo many mods they used. >_<
<JVFoxy> I like to ease into mods so its not like a shotgun blast, getting so overwhelmed with a lot of changes at once.
<JVFoxy> Trouble is, game gotten updates and how infrequently I've been playing the past while
<JVFoxy> one little add-on I tried, forgot what it was called though. It helped you create graphics based on your craft, to use outside the game
<JVFoxy> no.. think I foudn it, give me a moment to double check
<JVFoxy> ah.. ya there is the Vessel Viewer...
<JVFoxy> the other hting I"m looking for though..
<JVFoxy> ah here we go.. Kronal vessel viewer was the one that let you do graphics for blueprints sorta thing
<JVFoxy> You running EVE/Astronomer's pack I see?
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<JVFoxy> You running EVE/Astronomer's pack I see?
<JVFoxy> hmm..
<JVFoxy> I tried to get clouds on kerbin going but...
<JVFoxy> not sure what happened, it really caused my game to choke on something
<JVFoxy> looks alright, think stock game makes it look a bit too high contrast
<JVFoxy> Just wanted clouds but wasn't sure what gave just that.. I've quad-3.5ghz, though I kept wondering if my GPU was causing the problems or what i did wrong
<JVFoxy> Oh.. mmm
<JVFoxy> 8gigs here
<JVFoxy> water retextured I don't know.. hadn't hat issue myself
<JVFoxy> maybe far.. if it models water physics different from game
ksft has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.5]
<JVFoxy> ooof.. anyways, I gotta afk for a bit.
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<Tiron> EVE does clouds and citylights. if you delete the citylights module you get just clouds.
<JVFoxy> think lights can just be turned off in settings...
<Tiron> probably. I just deleted the module because... yeah, don't need dat.
<JVFoxy> I did some fiddling around, feeling can't just get clouds without the atmosphere thing...
<Tiron> yeah.
<Tiron> they're part of the same module but you might be able to strip the atmo
<JVFoxy> Maybe... wasn't too keen on the headache
<Tiron> I'll see if I can figure it out.
<JVFoxy> its no big deal.. just seems sorta.. 'baren' nothing in the sky is all
<Tiron> I know the feel.
<JVFoxy> I've been considering kerbinside possibly for a little project. I've been wanting to do a polar station build session of sorts.
<Althego> there is no weather
<Althego> it is just standard cavok
<Tiron> yeah...
<JVFoxy> I'd originally thought just stock.. has its own challenges, then I pulled up airplanes plus. I already been checking out KIS/KAS for a bit.. not sure if I wanna do snacks/TAC lifesupport in addition
<JVFoxy> lifesupport stuff more as a means to go out there respply now and then.
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<matthewjd24> hi are there multiple channels or just this one?
<Tiron> uhhh... there used to be a 'modders' channel and a FAR channel and stuff but this is the main one...
<Tiron> 'sup?
<matthewjd24> oh ok I just didnt want to be using the wrong channel haha
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<JVFoxy> modder channel still there
<matthewjd24> well I'm brand new to the forum and I actually can't figure out how to change my profile picture
<Tiron> well foxy you missed the WORST. ASCENT. EVAR. caused by not paying attention.
<JVFoxy> Tiron did it bend and flex?
<JVFoxy> matthewjd24 did you try to change it and it just didn't switch over or?
<Tiron> no, that happened on another flight I clipped out though... no this one I just didn't pay enough attention to and had to stop it from going back down into the atmo twice.
<matthewjd24> JVFoxy Is there some sort of button to change it? If this is I literally can't find it lol
<JVFoxy> I don't have an account there myself. Usually you'd find this in your account settings, given how most forums work
<Tiron> I'd have to look matt, gimme a minute.
<Tiron> that link I just posted is 'the saga of the floppy rocket'
<Tiron> matt: you go into your profile and there's a button on the bottom left of the profile pic, up in the bar next to your name.
<JVFoxy> Tiron I guess you forgot to set rigid attachments on your parts ;P
<Tiron> I did.
<JVFoxy> oh... hmm
<Tiron> no I mean I did forget.
<Tiron> and then the second time I *did* set it... on some of the parts. not enough. *was still getting used to that option*
<JVFoxy> my guess? too much steering control caused by the fins you used..
<matthewjd24> hmm I dont see a button
<matthewjd24> maybe it's because I'm new
<Tiron> could be. it eventually worked.
<JVFoxy> then I noticed how many sepearators you had going between the sections..
<matthewjd24> yeah that button just aint there
<Tiron> see up by the name, there's a little button there (I'm hovering over it to get the 'profile photo' option)
<Tiron> huh. dunno.
<Tiron> *pokes umbralraptop*
<Tiron> yeah it was intended to do a MIRV re-entry.
<UmbralRaptop> Guessing it's related to number of posts
<JVFoxy> matthewjd24 did you just change your avatar recently?
<Tiron> I rigid connected the cabins, but not the decouplers or heatshields on the second go around. it still flopped, but less.
<matthewjd24> haha no
<matthewjd24> it's weird, but I'm not too concerned about it
<JVFoxy> ok so just blank avatar then right?
<JVFoxy> and you said you were new to the forums?
<matthewjd24> yup brand new account
<JVFoxy> ah.. then you could just be on a probationary period. Either its a set time limit or you have to make certain number of posts
<matthewjd24> to change my profile picture... that's weird
<JVFoxy> one place I used to go to, you had to make a certain number of postings before it would let you even private message someone. Not sure if they do that on KSP forums but just something of heads up
<JVFoxy> I don't know.. maybe there's an introductory page for new comers.
<JVFoxy> some places put limits on what new comers can do at first, more so that people just don't come in and spam the place up with randomness, ads or spam.
<matthewjd24> yeah
<matthewjd24> hey so the reason I made an account on the forums is because I want to make a contracts mod
<Tiron> unfortunately I don't know... it's been so long since I signed up for the forums.
<JVFoxy> matthewjd24 you could also check out #kspmodders here
<Tiron> contract mod should be pretty EZ. most of the game's files, including the contract stuff, is just XML formatted text files.
<JVFoxy> I probably should have joined up on the forums ages ago. Get moments where I wanna share stuff, but guess I'm too lazy and what there being so many accounts already
<Tiron> yeah I hear ya.
<Tiron> I get annoyed when some random site wants me to sign up for it now...
<matthewjd24> yeah I want to basically redo the contracts progression in the game
<matthewjd24> ill check out kspmodders
<JVFoxy> I had a few mod ideas myself, though my coding skills are little and more than just a bit dated.
<Tiron> hrm... I wonder if modulemanager can edit the contracts configs...
<matthewjd24> I feel pretty comfortable about the coding part, I used to make games in unity
<JVFoxy> ah cool
<JVFoxy> tiron I have a link.. let me check quickly
<Tiron> well, you're right at home then!
<matthewjd24> so I might be doing it wrong but nothing happens when I try to join kspmodders by clicking on the + button next to EsperNet
<Tiron> my first thought would be do a modulemanager patch that edits the contracts .cfg, but I'm not sure.
<Tiron> just type in /join #kspmodders
<JVFoxy> tiron:
<matthewjd24> nothing happened with that either o.O
<matthewjd24> oh I got this
<matthewjd24> #kspmodders Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
<Tiron> ah.
<matthewjd24> man they're out to get me
<Tiron> do /nickserv help
<Tiron> you need to set up a password with it.
<Tiron> reserves your username so other people can't use it without said password.
<Tiron> once you've got that and logged in with nickserv, you'll get a +r and can join it.
<matthewjd24> thanks
<Tiron> you can probably set up your client to automatically login with nickserv, most of them do that.
<JVFoxy> ok looking over the list.. just quickly, don't see any contract mods in there, sorry
<Tiron> I do. 'disable kerbal rescue contracts'
<Tiron> matthewjd24: I'd suggest as a starting point looking at modulemanager. if you can use a modulemanager patch to do what you want it'll make life *much* easier.
<matthewjd24> ok
<matthewjd24> do you know of any good resources on how to do this stuff? :D
<Tiron> that's for MM, for a start.
<matthewjd24> thanks man
<Tiron> it's a 'mod' which can load modifications to existing configuration files on game load.
<Tiron> without altering the original files.
<JVFoxy> oh right.. disable rescue..
<Tiron> mostly used to fiddle with parts.
<Tiron> but if it can mess with the contracts files, you'd be able to just throw in the modulemanager.dll and a .cfg file for it that made the edits you wanted.
<JVFoxy> lol.. I've moded a part a while back
<JVFoxy> that rockmax adaptor part, made a verson fo it into some sort of service section for the Mk1 crew pod...
<JVFoxy> ugh anyways.. I need store run.
<JVFoxy> all best.. bbl
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<matthewjd24> can a module manager patch be used on CKAN?
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<Tiron> probably? I wouldn't see why not.
<Tiron> just because it's a two file mod doesn't make it not a mod.
<Tiron> 9 times out of 10, if the mod has a problem with CKAN, it's probably because the modder doesn't want to deal with it, and whoever added it to CKAN did something wrong and caused the modder to get a lot of people asking why it didn't work.
<matthewjd24> haha
<Tiron> seen it happen.
<Tiron> eventually modder figures out the problem is CKAN installing it wrong (because of incorrect config by the person who put it in CKAN in the first place) and...
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* Tiron grumbles about Stupid_Chris getting the nyancat song stuck in his head.
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<JVFoxy> Tiron: hello again... yes I'm your one viewer C_c;
<JVFoxy> oh ya.. gotta love that 'automaticlly coming out of warp' when it doesn't exactly work fast enough. Put one of my probes landing a long way underground. Exploded from stupid crazy high pressure? Has screen capture.
<JVFoxy> its ok. it only happened once. I thought it was funny
<JVFoxy> skipped, ya done that a few times, even when it was suppose to end up lithobraking
<JVFoxy> also 120km under ground... I mean geez:
<JVFoxy> what is weird.. 1.8mil kpa, crushed everything from pressure, yet amtosphere gauge didn't even respond
<JVFoxy> :P
<JVFoxy> I know game calculates things where it'll be, a few steps ahead, not exactly 'here and now'.
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<JVFoxy> think its a little beyond 2km... not sure what the diffs between in space, or on/near surface
<JVFoxy> I know with a 'missile' fired from teh craft, engine stops thrusting beyond a certain distance despite there being fuel. There's a mod that can exptend the active range
<JVFoxy> depends on how low. I've had stuff in orbit with as low as 25-28km still keeps orbiting
<JVFoxy> between steps... ever seen the vid scott did of seeing how fast he can go towards jool, only to endup bouncing at 5 times speed light?
<JVFoxy> ya.. seen it, couple of graple claws
<JVFoxy> oh the neddle.. ya
<JVFoxy> one glitch that got me really annoyed. I was trying to meet up two ships in early version KSP, suddenly game is like, 'nope... that toher craft is now 5 km alway. Here let me yank it away from you now and correct that'. :\
<kmath> YouTube - Asteroid Ramming
<JVFoxy> these days... having some troubles with KAS/KIS and planes on the ground.
<JVFoxy> sorta...
<JVFoxy> mine is more to do with the FAT-455 wings on planes. Something about sudden shock of changes, detatching or what nots, everything bounces and blows up. If its directly on ground, its ok.
<JVFoxy> turns out if I keep wheel springs/damps on auto, it seems to behave a little better.
<JVFoxy> I think it something to do with model reloading and springs acting weird
<JVFoxy> ah.. good ol' B9
<JVFoxy> I took a probe core. Added 3 the small landing strut legs. Turned springs down to zip. It loads, compresses the legs, then pulls 45g off the ground.. o_o
<JVFoxy> I found this thing can actually ballistic itself up to a little beyond 18km.. so now I've a way to hit those above contracts
<JVFoxy> just hit this design by fluke messing around..
<JVFoxy> I did something similar, box wing, not so many boxes though
<JVFoxy> ah ya.. spring setting too low
<JVFoxy> oh then could be dampers..
<JVFoxy> spring up.. try turning damps up too
<JVFoxy> when you turn up springs.. what happens when you turn up damps?
<JVFoxy> wonder if any of the mod's messing with it. small chance not having the arms set to rigid could also do stuff
<JVFoxy> I used to have more an issue with level0 wheels blowing up while landing regardless what I did.. turns out they would 'grab the ground' soon as they touched and rip off
<JVFoxy> not so big an issue now though
<JVFoxy> ... sorta, more just hot and dozy at the moment. :\
<JVFoxy> oh.. right..