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<Scolar_Visari> They're also not using the right launch pad, either.
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<JVFoxy> lol.. this point, may as well call it creative libity
<JVFoxy> liberty
<Scolar_Visari> Uncreative Liberty is more like it.
<Scolar_Visari> Center stage does not shut off! NO NO NO!
<UmbralRaptop> hot staging!
<JVFoxy> of course.. poking at youtube's suggested videos, throws me Tiangong gravity scene..
<Scolar_Visari> The movie also doesn't even bother to show the upper stage ignition.
<JVFoxy> well aside from the complete historical deviance, is it at least ok to watch or ?
<Scolar_Visari> Not really. The characters are flat or, in the case of Cosmonauts Svetlana and Valery, complete insults to their real life counterpart.
<Scolar_Visari> Virtually any other movie with space in it is better done. Space Truckers is more believable than this nonsense, and at least it's fun.
<Scolar_Visari> Sunshine? Yeah, that has infinitely more believable personalities despite becoming a slasher movie 3/4 of the way through.
<JVFoxy> was some ohter sun rescue mission movie trying to find
<JVFoxy> ah, solar Crisis...
* Scolar_Visari wants Subnautica, but on a broken Generation Ship.
<JVFoxy> wonder if Sub will ever get a movie based on it ;P
<JVFoxy> probably not.. the whole nano-tech, spray and create thing probably wouldn't go over too well
<Scolar_Visari> It's little different than how most movies already depict 3D printing.
* Scolar_Visari also notes Westworld has Hosts created in a similar manner, typically overnight.
<JVFoxy> Total Annihilation does something of the like but there's also a big time factor involved (RTS game)
<Scolar_Visari> NANOLATHING!
<JVFoxy> I spent a lot of time playing that game, sorta prefered it over Starcraft.. though seeing someone play Starcraft brings back a bit of nostalgia
<Scolar_Visari> Psht, there were better RTSes even then. Heck, Homeworld came out in the same timeframe.
<JVFoxy> I tried demo of homeworld.. PC at the time couldn't handle the full game. They actually make it where I live
<Scolar_Visari> The stock Homeworld comes with Homeworld Remastered, and I *think* there's online support for that.
<JVFoxy> didn't scott do a playthrough of the remastered a while back?
<JVFoxy> then there was a bit of the prequal
<Scolar_Visari> I . . . I don't typically watch people online play games, though Remastered doesn't really work for Homeworld 1 because of the engine's changes.
* Scolar_Visari notes Homeworld 1 had simulated projectiles, whereas Homeworld 2 switched to RNG for everything. The strikecraft flight model was also completely different.
<JVFoxy> space based RTS is kind of ok... I guess I like the piloting aspect a bit more too. Sure, Freespace more like driving in space but still.
<Scolar_Visari> Corvettes in Homeworld Remastered were completely useless in the launch version, particularly in games which also had Homeworld 2 craft!
<JVFoxy> I'd also played some MOO, had one race being a pain, so I started whiping them out. It gotten me a little depressed when the race started begging for mercy. I hadn't realized I had a bit of a sadistic mean streak tillt hen.
<Scolar_Visari> Stellaris is even better with that, particularly since you can turn away space refugees fleeing Tyranids or turn them into livestock.
<JVFoxy> or.. I don't know.. I was going through some changes back then. Ya sure its a game but.. sometimes things come up, makes you realize a bit more about yourself
<Scolar_Visari> You probably shouldn't go to Westworld, then
<JVFoxy> scott playing the fennec/fox race, I felt sad whenever one died in the game. Then again, I'd actually had a fox myself so I guess a little more meaning to me
<Scolar_Visari> Heeee, my custom fanatic xenophile race are giant, friendly insects.
<JVFoxy> I know of west world.. a little. can't say I got into it. The more recent Detroit game grated me a bit the wrong way in places. I know people can be jerks but... eh.
<Scolar_Visari> Let's just say that you won't feel sorry for any of the humans massacred during Season 2.
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<JVFoxy> episode of Hypernauts.. they land on a planet. Oh, look, giant bee, wasp things. Lets avoid them. Oh, butterfly, those are friendly. Nope! nope, nope... giant agressive, nasty flying bug. Oh, those bee things are helping us.. ok?
<JVFoxy> you make something that is very close to like ourselvse, human, uncanny valley sorta stuff. Yet you still treat it like a tool or worse than trash? Umm... I can't help but feel some sort of disconnect going on
* Scolar_Visari also recalls that the giants insects also humanity's closest allies in Alan Dean Foster's Humanx Commonwealth series.
<JVFoxy> I thought the whole idea of them being like is so we can relate with them better. May as well make it a trash can on wheels
<Scolar_Visari> Nor Crystal Tears also had some pretty sweet cover art
<JVFoxy> heh.. ya I think I seen that cover before. couldn't help but think of Ripley from Aliens :P
<JVFoxy> anyways.. food like I said I was giong to half hour ago
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<GlassYuri> questions you'd expect wolfram alpha to be able to answer: 'city names containing 京'
<Althego> lol
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* darsie plants a flag on Gilly with Barman Kerman, who is stranded in Gilly orbit.
<darsie> I'm undecided if I should bring her back to Kerbin, as the contract requires, or leave her at Gilly.
<GlassYuri> ^accidental film plot
<darsie> WTH, she can't plant a flag.
* UmbralRaptop is still confused at how combining Tokyo and Kyoto results in Tokyo
<GlassYuri> 東京都 east kyoto
<UmbralRaptop> hm
<GlassYuri> and in case oosaka and kyoto are reformed into the same form of provincial government as tokyo, which has been proposed for a while, we would get 京都都
<UmbralRaptop> Is the pronounciation of that as silly as I think it is?
<GlassYuri> kyoutoto
<GlassYuri> it's not just silly, it also fits into a pattern of informal speech in chinese, I think
<GlassYuri> three syllable word where the third syllable is a repetition of the second
<GlassYuri> and it gets better, right now the japanese word for the prefectures is 都道府県 (todoufuken), which is just the four types of prefecture, to (metropolis), Hokkaidou, fu (prefecture centered around a city), and ken (ordinary prefecture)
<GlassYuri> yes, Hokkaido literally is it's own type, but I'm not sure how it differs from other prefectures other than lacking the -ken suffix
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<GlassYuri> anyway, if you take the fu out of todoufuken, you get todouken, which sounds like a fighting game attack
<darsie> Hah, after some spank... saving and loading, Barman can plant a flag :).
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<UmbralRaptop> Fighting game, where one character is a bureaucrat and has relayed attack names
<UmbralRaptop> darsie: Did barman lose the flag?
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<darsie> UmbralRaptop: Dunno. I saved her from Gilly orbit and when she landed on Gilly she didn't have a plant a flag option.
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<UmbralRaptop> hrm
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<darsie> Is a mixed retrograde/normal maneuver more efficient than separated?
<RoboFreak> supposedly, at least according to scott
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<darsie> It's true, according to maneuver planning.
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* darsie tries jetpacking from Gilly orbit to Kerbin. Got a 360 m/s solution without decelerating at Kerbin.
<darsie> But once I leave the command pod I no longer have maneuver planning.
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<sandbox> star wars on blu-ray
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<Althego> i have alita on blu ray. arrived yesterday. i got a drive today. i need to figure out how to play it. with great pains i can play it on the computer. maybe i can somehow shoot that to the tv to see it in 4k
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<Althego> so, electron in 1 day 18 hours. lol name: look ma, no hands
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<darsie> Barman Kerman jetpacked from Gilly orbit to LKO, but didn't have enough EVA fuel to rendezvous with the capsule to refuel for deorbit so I had to send a rescue rocket:
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