UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<Eddi|zuHause> depends on if you plan to take off again
<KrazyKrl> Gravity Turn module status: Pre-installed
<Eddi|zuHause> anyway, seems like an expected outcome with that leg footprint vs CoM height
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<darsie> No take off planned. I did better this time:
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<Eddi|zuHause> yes. youtube. i do want to learn about the 10 best romance tropes in fiction.
<Gasher[work]> 10 best roman troops in fiction
<Eddi|zuHause> i also do want a german course for beginners
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<packbart> Einmal zwei halbe Hahn, bitte.
<Eddi|zuHause> Ich möchte diesen Teppich nicht kaufen.
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<JVFoxy> lol
<JVFoxy> Eddi|zuHause you actually speak or just mocking?
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<packbart> it's a joke from a german beer commercial ;)
<JVFoxy> might explain why some vids showed up on my google search when I meant to pull out translate instead
<JVFoxy> mind you, I didn't check them out..
<packbart> it just means that in Bavaria, one can order a beer by making just about any noise ;)
<JVFoxy> ah.. then again, beer is something of a big culture over there
<Eddi|zuHause> i have some vague memory of a sketch teaching "Imbiss-Deutsch"
<Eddi|zuHause> featuring sentences along the lines of "i am the two sausages"
<packbart> that's the one with "zwei halbe Hahn", too ;)
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah. that's it
<Eddi|zuHause> the top comment is great :p
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<JVFoxy> huh... ended up digging around. I remember there'd been a website where you could watch all these commercials...
<JVFoxy> kind of fell from my radar when they switched to making people either sign up or pay to watch the videos...
<JVFoxy> those old videos made me think back to when a few friends and I would pull up funny international commercials from back in the day
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<packbart> "What are you sinking about?" - ah, the classics
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<packbart> Jeb's got no such luxury and needs to navigate his own transit back to Kerbin
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* JVFoxy face palms and dohs..
<JVFoxy> back in the day, my KSP growing up was Lego Classic Space...
<JVFoxy> then I got wondering, anyone tried doing a Lego Jeb? So.. searched online. Come across pic of 4 people doing some Kerbal cosplay..
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<JVFoxy> contract to get a pressure reading above 18.5km, a little bit north of the mountain range behind KSP... but with first level VAB and launch pad..
* OvercastRaptop gestures at the RT-5 and 10
<Althego> that should be easy
<Althego> you van build orbitl things with that
<Althego> the problem is when the above 17 km contracts start on the other side of the planet
<JVFoxy> a few contracts, 4 points in flight above the mun, random places
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<JVFoxy> Althego lol.. built what looks to be some sorta scifi drone or something
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<Althego> construction complete
<JVFoxy> sorta
<JVFoxy> finally off to that waypoint in the sky
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> i would have build a rocket
<Althego> i really like the temporary scott intro (by mouth)
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<JVFoxy> ya but how much would your rocket have costed you in the end? I'm probably only getting 18.5k for this one run as is
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<Althego> the other way is to postpone it until i get the whatsitsname engine in the science plane 3, and that can go up to taht altitude
<JVFoxy> jet engine? Wheezer, Panther or Whiplash?
<Althego> must be the panther
<Althego> the problem is that the game gives you these contracts early but that engine is available way later
<JVFoxy> panther has afterburner and thrust vectoring
<Althego> that
<Althego> the engines before that cant really go that high
<JVFoxy> 'I can't get to it yet', contract filtering... but ya
<Althego> you can, with rockets, for a lot of money
<Althego> exception if they are really close
<JVFoxy> oh btw.. here's a contract for Ike.. ya we know you just landed on the Mun, but see what you can do. :\
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> take it for the advance
<JVFoxy> expiring date on some of these contracts... 7 years later
<Althego> you can collect all science and go there with ions or something
<JVFoxy> I understand you get contracts that pay more based on your rep..
<JVFoxy> would be nice to visit Ike some day... setup a base or something, relay stations.
<Althego> relatively boring space
<JVFoxy> lol... I don't know. Maybe I'm weird considering I've been talk'n about a polar station on Kerbin for a while
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<JVFoxy> oof.. ok waypoint hacked.
<JVFoxy> er done..
<JVFoxy> guess thought 'hacked' because been wacking at this problem for so long with the drone design
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<JVFoxy> I should have enough jet fuel to get back to the runway, chute back down
<JVFoxy> other two above 18km contracts involve crew reports.. eh..
<Althego> hehe, kratos
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<JVFoxy> and home
<JVFoxy> contract was just shy of 20k actually. Craft was launched at 11k. recovered %100 minus nearly all fuel, 10.85k
<Althego> that is not the biggets problem usually, these contracts soak up so much time
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<JVFoxy> I have a docking target in orbit, its already passed over again by the time I got to KSC with this last contract
<Althego> yes, stuff like that
<Althego> if you need to fly around the planet for a contract like this, you are better off launching to missions to the moon in the same time
<Althego> two
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<JVFoxy> I suppose I should just prep at least a flyby-return probe to Mun. I was mostly holding off on the other parts (have to buy specific research parts this career as well)
<JVFoxy> Although, I could make do without an antenna since it'll just a self return flight. I can get the flyby down close easily enough
<JVFoxy> anyways.. suppose I should take a break..
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<packbart> when I read, I feel the urge to send a Kerbal-style contract proposal to NASA... ;)
<packbart> "We recently discovered a thing: Nobody really knows how to use X in space. This is where you come in."
<packbart> maybe run a fundraiser. $18k plus $6k for a kg of X should be easy to collect. but which X? I'm thinking board games
<packbart> .oO(have the ISS crew sit down for an hour and play Cluedo. Although that could be awkward. "It was the russian in the Soyuz with an O2 tank")
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<darsie> Does NASA accept mission proposals?
<darsie> Like, have a web form or email for it?
<UmbralRaptor> darsie: look at the 2020 decadal survey process?
<UmbralRaptor> Also, discovery and new frontiers mission selection stuff
<packbart> ooh, 1.7.3 released *update*
UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<packbart> "Remove from symmetry functionality added to all parts." - Yay. that's what made me install the Editor Extensions (Reduxed) Mod.
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<Eddi|zuHause> i didn't understand that sentence
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<packbart> parts added with n-fold symmetry in the editor
<packbart> now it's possible to modify them individually
<packbart> oh my, suddenly the deployed Mystery Goo units catch up and report science
<UmbralRaptop> Does this mean you can place goo with symmetry, but split it over multiple action groups?
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<packbart> looks like it. even better than the Editor mod, I can remove just single parts from symmetry. that could be useful
<packbart> hmm. but if I then try to modify (rotate) the remaining parts, they suddenly snap into a n-1 configuration :/
<packbart> but well, it works at least like the mod I could possibly remove now :)
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<packbart> Fuel crossfeed across docking ports works not like I expected it to. Or rather it does when I expect it not to, as I realize in horror that the transfer stage has been feeding from the base lander tanks
<packbart> it probably makes a difference in which direction the root part is? I had crosfeed disabled on just one of the ports. When I disable it on the other one, it works, no matter what the setting is on the first
<packbart> might be a glitch in the matrix. it works on a test craft
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