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<jvfoxy> ... anyone linked the spinning handle on ISS video yet?
<packbart> Service Bays are awesome. I accidentally jettisoned the heatshield instead of the decoupler underneath it. the lab and service bay reentered from Mun even better than with a heatshield
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<Althego> the secret identity of superconductingcat
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<Eddi|zuHause> "If timbre falls in a forrest and no one is there to hear it, does it make overtones?"
<Supercheese> Only if when you score it you find pitch leaking out
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<SpaceFan456> So I am mining an asteroid and it does not work at full speed. Drills are on extenders so I don't think it is that, power is always full and in full sunlight
<SpaceFan456> mining works one notch below full speed
<SpaceFan456> ore tanks are not full
<packbart> Radiators active?
<SpaceFan456> yeah I can check what they are at
<packbart> you'd see that in the drill's action menu, too
<packbart> Thermal efficiency
<SpaceFan456> oh it is the radiators... damn
<SpaceFan456> wow 3 small panels cant do a small drill
<packbart> the small drill can't transfer all its core heat, it will always run inefficent, iirc
<packbart> or was that the small ISRU?
<packbart> I think I am mistaken
<SpaceFan456> 3 Radiator Panels, small and a Drill-O-Matic-Junior
<packbart> it's important where you place the panels
<packbart> they must be attached to the same part as the drills
<SpaceFan456> oh i had the drill on robotic extenders
<packbart> one small panel should be enough per drill. but the panels only cool up to the grandparent part
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<packbart> s/the grandparent part/two parts distant/
<SpaceFan456> Thanks for the help. they were 5 parts away
<packbart> you could use the thermal control system, they'll cool parts anywhere in the vessel
<SpaceFan456> That is what I usually do
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<SpaceFan456> Damn should have started with an asteroid around kerbin
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<Guest50442> hello
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<UmbralRaptor> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Althego> hehe
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<jvfoxy> guess I don't have extended-extended characters, got a few solid blocks on what UmbralRaptor showed
<Althego> normal except for the one tsu
<jvfoxy> then again.. stupid old client (2000s)
<packbart> ugh. changing the forum links seems to have dropped lots of information into the unfound
* packbart follows links in only to see "Sorry, we could not find that!" everywhere :/
<packbart> (ok, most of those were probably really old and unmaintained)
<jvfoxy> I've the other problem: one site I went to, gives space weather, but also links to web-connected SW radio sites. Site went down it seems. So no more one place for links to other places.
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<jvfoxy> workaround did fine, wayback machine, but means gotta copy old links..
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<packbart> ah, right, maybe the wayback machine knows the old threads
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<Wastl2> Packbart: The threads aren't gone, you should be able to find them by googling the thread title (taken from the old uri), maybe with a "ksp" thrown in.
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<UmbralRaptor> JVfoxy: every character in that emoticon is on the BMP >:|
<Eddi|zuHause> UmbralRaptor: there are loads of fonts that barely get beyond ascii
<jvfoxy> UmbralRaptor BMP?
<UmbralRaptor> Basic Multilingual Plane
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<jvfoxy> ya look'n...
<jvfoxy> just wo of the characters showed up as black boxes
<jvfoxy> *two
<UmbralRaptor> hrm
<Eddi|zuHause> one would hope so, as the others are ASCII (or very nearly) :p
<jvfoxy> s'ok.. like I said, old mIRC client ^^
<Eddi|zuHause> "release: 19.2.1999" are you serious?
<jvfoxy> lol
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<jvfoxy> I saved a bunch of stuff from one of my old drives. I'd been in storage for a lot of years. I finally got around to saying, 'fudge, I should probably pull the stupid thing up again, been gone too long'
<jvfoxy> er.. I had it in storage for a while.. ugh anyways
<Eddi|zuHause> i wouldn't go anywhere near the internet with software that old...
<jvfoxy> its just irc..
<jvfoxy> besides...
<Eddi|zuHause> anyway, iirc mirc got utf-8 support around version 6.16
<jvfoxy> talk'n to a friend about things, the latest version, the guy who made the program pushed really hard for registration and payments.. even forced people who had the past program to pay again if they wanted to continue using it
<Eddi|zuHause> which is still over 15 years ago
<Wastl2> 6.17 from 2006, not quite fifteen years.
<Eddi|zuHause> close enough
<jvfoxy> normally I logged on from website to here, but after so many disconnects and screen wipes, it got a little frustrating
<Eddi|zuHause> there's plenty of actually free IRC programs
<Eddi|zuHause> not all of them horrible to use
<jvfoxy> I would'nt be surprised.. though did try pirch in old days. I never did figure out how to add new networks to the database. :\
<Eddi|zuHause> and if you're into fancy newfangled stuff, i heard something about "matrix" or so, which has an irc bridge
<jvfoxy> if things get to be too much of a pain, I may consider finding something else. Or... I may drop off (though I doubt it, who knows)
<UmbralRaptor> irssi and weechat have nice Unicode if your terminal does. (IIRC OSX and Linux usually do)
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<jvfoxy> its cool but thanks..
<Eddi|zuHause> i remember the times when i upgraded my mIRC to unicode support. for about two years after that, people kept telling me my umlauts were broken
<jvfoxy> sadly, life is sorta dragging me under a bit so.. no mind to really deal with too much.
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> i remember the issues, when not everything supported unicode
<UmbralRaptor> Hilariously, you can run irssi in WSL
* UmbralRaptor remembers back when my user string had irssi running on NT 5.1
<Eddi|zuHause> was irssi the one where the windows version wasn't actually free?
<Wastl2> That's XChat.
<Eddi|zuHause> ah
<packbart> I remember people complaining that their terminal locked up when disturbed by unicode characters
<Wastl2> Irssi is a free (gpl) console client.
<UmbralRaptor> ^
<packbart> Hexchat is a free Windows XChat clone
<Althego> hexchat
<Eddi|zuHause> i've heard all those names before, never tried them
<Eddi|zuHause> i've only ever used two clients... mirc on windows and konversation on linux
* UmbralRaptor misses ChatZilla
<Althego> yes i miss chatzilla too
<Althego> why is it that most clients cant do what it could do out of the box. like reclaiming nicks
<Althego> ok, you can always come up with a script
<Wastl2> Reclaiming nicks is not an irc feature.
<Althego> but why should i write a script for a basic function
<Althego> it is a client feature
<Althego> and they could do it
<Althego> but dont
<Althego> yet most of them have secondary nicks
<Althego> so they just have to check whether primary is available and reclaim it. but no, that would be too much
<Eddi|zuHause> pretty much all clients let you run commands on connect
<packbart> it's not a feature I really need, tbh
<packbart> I did use with irssi, once
<packbart> as with KSP, there's a mod for that
<packbart> shouldhavebeenstock ;)
<darsie> I grabbed god with keepnick or so once.
<darsie> on freenode
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* flayer slaps darsie
<darsie> How much dv did I gain?
<flayer> half a meter per second
<darsie> Well, that's something.
<UmbralRaptor> Given typical trout velocities, that's a fairly big fish
<darsie> I'm relatively lightweight.
<darsie> 76 kg at 191 cm.
<jvfoxy> lol
<jvfoxy> here I'm thinking transferance of energy, and how much got absorbed
<darsie> anyone thinking of orbits in terms of energy?
<jvfoxy> atoms?
<jvfoxy> space craft? ya, in a way
<darsie> Like, MJ?
<darsie> Or fractions of C3?
<UmbralRaptor> Eh, somewhat. Often indirectly like SMA though
<darsie> I wish I could calculate trajectories. Even with just a tool that works.
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<kmath> <LokiVolcano> The @EuropaClipper meeting is being held this week and we had a little ceremony where @RPappalardo changed the Work…
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<packbart> I thought of orbits in terms of energy when I looked up thr mysterious Oberth effect. v^2 makes all the difference
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<packbart> with manoeuver nodes, I rather think in terms of velocity vectors
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<jvfoxy> also gotta take into account your reference point
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<packbart> humm
<packbart> 2500m/s is barely enough for my Mun Science Lander to depart the station, land and then launch and rendezvoud again
<packbart> I waste lots of fuel on low throttle landings, probably
<packbart> even while leaving 200kg of ground science behind
<flayer> i have about 2500 as well, it's moderately adequate for polar landings for me
<Althego> bob returned from minmus!
<Althego> with 3000 science
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<packbart> yeah, I had to change inclination by 5° at just 15km. better launch to higher orbit next time, then get back down to meet the station
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<Althego> haha, i got a rapier contract. that is a 1000 science node
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<Black_Eagle> is there a handy way to quit?
<Black_Eagle> one that does not involve a billion menus?
<Althego> alt-f4?
<Black_Eagle> haha
<Black_Eagle> but sure, i guess it works
<Black_Eagle> i think skyrim quits if you write qqq into the console
<Althego> now if it quit on :q :)
<Althego> hehe the internet outrage on navi price
<Althego> i am just sad
<Althego> amd had such a golden opportunity to conquer all
<sandbox> hey, listen!
<Althego> not that havi
<Althego> but probably equally annying
<umaxtu> it didn't seem any crazier than Nvidia's or am I misremembering?
<Althego> that is just it, it is on par, and with the same price. that is not going to suck in customers
<umaxtu> people shouldn't be raging about it either
<Althego> maybe next year
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<ChadderVox> Hey-Oh
<Althego> y
<ChadderVox> anyone down to do some MP?
<packbart> nah, I'm off the Monoprop. really bad habit
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i should be working on the Media Proxy but i got sidetracked by internal issues in the test environment
<Althego> and i should be asleep for an hour by now
* packbart redesigns the Mun lander to find a better place for the scanning arm
<ChadderVox> Luna?
<packbart> I should return some experiments so I can finally get the rover wheels
<packbart> ChadderVox: I never tried it. does this stuff really work?
<packbart> Multiplayer KSP sounds tricky
<ChadderVox> There are many Kraken, the coding gets better and better the more it's worked on.
<ChadderVox> but still doesn't beat being able to team explore!
<ChadderVox> it works well enough to think that maybe it could be stock on day
<packbart> I'll try it one day but not today, sorry ;) I'll tinker a bit with Mun science, then head to bed
<ChadderVox> no worries!
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