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<Althego> finally. there was sa blackout in the company, some of the infrastructure did not start up
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<JVFoxy> nice commuter plane.. not so nice slow roll to one side. Despite autostrut :\
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<Black_Eagle> alright, it's done
<Black_Eagle> I made a FAB-1 from Thunderbirds
<Black_Eagle> there ya go
<Mat2ch> you should change the light colors of the backlights to red ;)
<Black_Eagle> they are
<Black_Eagle> but KSP can't do red lights in the bulb itself
<Black_Eagle> that's why i clipped in the twitch engines in there
<Black_Eagle> but the light cone they give off *is* red
<packbart> there was some Surface Mounted Lights mod that could also change the lens color on the stock Illuminators, iirc
<packbart> ( )
<Althego> url is not working
<Althego> the imgur
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<Black_Eagle> oh
<Black_Eagle> this?
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<Black_Eagle> weighs 10t :D what a car (the "real" one is 3t)
<Black_Eagle> Althego ^ does that work?
<Mat2ch> Black_Eagle: ugh, in the back of my mind I had the thought that they turn red. But you're right.
<Mat2ch> those little things, nobody seems to care about at Squad hq
<Black_Eagle> hehe
<Black_Eagle> it's not particularly fast, though. 40 m/s max speed although 144 km/h makes more sense with cars
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<Mat2ch> Black_Eagle: 144 km/h is not fast ;)
<Mat2ch> fast is 180 km/h in a Ford Fiesta from 1990. That's when you start to believe in something and pray ;)
<packbart> my 1994-ish Mitsubishi Lancer would reach 190km/h given enough time and not going uphill
<Mat2ch> the Lancer has a much better directional stability...
<Mat2ch> around 160 km/h the Fiesta started to jump(!) around a bit, because it was so light and every bump would lift it up...
<packbart> (I'm sure that parts of it still live on ;) )
<Mat2ch> 180 down the hill was scary. Never did it again...
<Mat2ch> can you imagine that they put a 133 HP machine in a Fiesta? That's a driving coffin...
<packbart> oh, ok, yeah. the lancer had ~75hp or so
<darsie> The wind started to pull the doors of my Renault 4 out at 140 km/h :).
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> back to work
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<Black_Eagle> -.-
<Black_Eagle> seriously
<Black_Eagle> but hey, your fiesta doesn't weigh 10 tons
<Mat2ch> Woah
<Mat2ch> 10 tons?
<Mat2ch> dang, I wanted to get back to do some work. ;)
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<Black_Eagle> Mat2ch yeah :D idk some of the shapes were really difficult to reproduce so i had to use lots of parts to fill them up. also there's quite a lot of fuel in that thing. it runs on fuel cells for power and the junos also contribute both to weight and extra fuel
<darsie> 1.7.2 is still psychedelic:
<Gasher[work]> lol
<kubi> :)
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<darsie> Hmm, now what was it I wanted to try ...?
<darsie> Right. Try landing with a drogue chute on Kerbin ...
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<JVFoxy> darsie: nice disco ball
<darsie> :)
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<JVFoxy> ever managed to crash something with overpressure?
<JVFoxy> ever managed to get it over 1.8million kpa?
<JVFoxy> looking at my 'oddness' screen shots, somehow I managed to get a thing nearly 120km under ground. I'm going to guess game didn't catch on I was warping
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<darsie> JVFoxy: Descending at
<darsie> JVFoxy: Descending at Jool usually does that.
<JVFoxy> thought maybe I had another glitch to do with cooking on reentry
<JVFoxy> darsie: funny thing was.. I hit kerbin
<darsie> IIRC even cubic struts succumb to overpressure.
<JVFoxy> I think just about anything will succumb to 1.8million kpa
<darsie> not irl
<JVFoxy> ah.. found me screenshot..:
<darsie> Some solids will change crystal structure.
<JVFoxy> ok.. funky.. I see imgur changed up their style a little
<JVFoxy> Manley talk'n about metalic hydrogen..?
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<packbart> astronomers have a different definition of "metallic"
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<darsie> Hydrogen being one of the two things that are not metals.
<UmbralRaptor> metallic hydrogen uses the chemist definition. it's fine
<Black_Eagle> have you heard of Zero X ? (from Thunderbirds)
<darsie> no
<darsie> Can you eat it?
<packbart> I hadn't even heard of Thunderbids. Looks a bit like Fireball XL5
<packbart> ah no wonders, same producers
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<Eddi|zuHause> there is supposed to be metallic hydrogen in the core of jupiter
<Mat2ch> Metallic?
<sandbox_> The first manned craft to land on Mars, the metallic-blue Zero-X comprises a number of detachable sections.
<sandbox_> metallic ;p
<UmbralRaptor> the Fermi level is above the conduction band, yes
<sandbox_> I liked Terrahawks in my youth, but I imagine it looks terrible now
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm imagining something like mercury, but at extreme pressures...
<Eddi|zuHause> <sandbox_> The first manned craft to land on Mars, the metallic-blue Zero-X comprises a number of detachable sections. <-- i'm imagining some committee meeting like "we haven't figured out almost any technically difficult engineering challenges. but let's bikeshed the colour instead"
<packbart> metallic-blue symbolizes futuristic hope
* UmbralRaptor fills the bikeshed with shaved yaks
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<JVFoxy> I don't know... metallic-blue just looks nice
<sandbox_> hehe The crew managed to escape and two years later a second Zero-X craft successfully reached Mars in September 2067.[citation needed]
<darsie> With a drogue chute the spark can take the impact . The okto2 alone on a drogue is slower, but explodes.
<JVFoxy> impact tolerances? You'd figure engines were more delicate
<packbart> you can even ignite engines with their bells planted firmly on the ground
<JVFoxy> early creations, you launch straight from engine bell on ground.
<darsie> Stages are often connected via engine bells ...
<darsie> Well, there are shrouds, but if you use inline fairings and remove the shroud, the connection is to the bell.
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<packbart> well, I'm glad I don't have to deal too much with sensitive rocket motors in KSP
<Eddi|zuHause> i haven't really found a use for a drogue chute
<JVFoxy> Ah.. apollo 15, the extension on the bell hit the moon's surface, crumpling it a little
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<packbart> that would've been similar to the Wolfhound engine in KSP? huge bell, although 7 of them fit under a 5m engine plate
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* packbart launches a pack of relays towards Duna
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<packbart> I'd like to, anyway. Minmus keeps getting in the way
* packbart waits another orbit
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<JVFoxy> wolfhound engine? -goes look
<JVFoxy> I guess... the J series apollo landers were heavier, so they included a 10 inch bell extension in compisation
<Black_Eagle> <packbart> metallic-blue symbolizes futuristic hope <-- I just watched the 1966 film Thunderbirds are Go in which the craft Zero-X is featured
<Black_Eagle> I have to say... a lot of the stuff is spot on. They use ramjets in the lifting bodies, the lifting bodies are remotely controlled. The main body has some chemical rockets and finally the crew capsule doubles as a gigantic rover that can land and lift off from Mars in a single stage
<Black_Eagle> the fuel requirements for landing and SSTO'ing on Mars it's actually a pretty sensible craft
<Black_Eagle> oh and they dock a man in a regular old helmet mid air at Mach 1 but hey, maybe men are tougher in 2067
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<Black_Eagle> I quite like the thing. it makes a lot of sense as a concept. I think they did their homework pretty well
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<APlayer> o/
<FLHerne> Black_Eagle: And the incendiary-cannon rock snakes?
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<Althego> hmm, scott
<Black_Eagle> FLHerne: have you ever landed on Duna? That's what i thought
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<Mat2ch> Duna is so easy... except when you neither bring enough chutes nor enough fuel...
<Althego> you need one orange chute and a littel bit of fuel
<Mat2ch> depends on the craft. ;)
<Althego> anyway the solution on duna is not adding more chutes
<Althego> bleed off speed, and the remaining 60 or so you have to stop with engines instead of adding more chutes
<UmbralRaptor> Just like Phoenix and Insight?
<Mat2ch> well, on some of my approaches I might have come in too steep.
<Mat2ch> a shallow approach is the best way to get down
<umaxtu_mobile> whats the best altitude for aerobraking around Duna?
<Althego> that really depends on your drag
<Althego> i control the drag with attitude
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<darsie> Odd. The Spark has 7 m/s impact tolerance, the okto2 12 m/s, yet the spark survived 20 m/s and the okto2 exploded at 10 m/s, IIRC.
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<Althego> hehe
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<Ezriilc> I feel silly for asking this, but is there no Making History for 1.7.2 yet, and is there no Breaking Ground for 1.7.1?
<Althego> hehe i didint update yet because of the career gane
<Ezriilc> I'm cleaning up my installs, but could've sworn I had both expansions running together.
<Althego> i assumed the dlcs work with 1.72 too
<umaxtu_mobile> it seems to
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<Ezriilc> On the store, the versions are referenced very specifically, and Breaking Ground says it's for 1.7.2, and there's no 1.7.1, and there's no Making History for 1.7.2.
<Ezriilc> @APlayer ?
<APlayer> Sorry, I am really not the correct one to ask about KSP stuff these days :-(
<Ezriilc> Oh, that's fine.
<APlayer> Last time I used KSP was a month or so ago, and last time before that was easily half a year or more. And I am still on 1.3.something
<Ezriilc> Oh dear. lol
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* Ezriilc presses Red Button.
<Ezriilc> Red Button: Please don't press this button again.
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* UmbralRaptop pulls the red button
<Ezriilc> Ha! I hadn't thought of that, but many industrial type machines are started by just that - pulling out on the stop button, which is commonly red.
<UmbralRaptop> :D
<Ezriilc> Does anyone else get odd behavior with regard to KSP not being at the proper/expected magnification on Windows 10?
<darsie> Just a 1 kg cubic octagonal strut on drogue chute exploded on 8.7 m/s impact.
<darsie> Coludn't attach a drogue chute alone to an axial decoupler.
<Ezriilc> It seems that the first time I launch KSP, it is not magnified, but if I kill KSP and relaunch, it seems fine... sometimes.
<Ezriilc> I'm getting old and my peepers ain't what they used to be, so I like the text and UI to be large, but still want the full HD experience. I was glad to see Windows add the magnification option, but it seems to play havok with some apps.
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<packbart> Black_Eagle: so Zero-X was more likely than the Fireball XL5 launch sequence? :)
<kmath> YouTube - Fireball XL5 (1962) Opening Theme HD
<packbart> rocket sled, pointing upwards
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<Althego> too low twr :)
<flayer> had a ticket for my train of thought, but i lost it
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<Black_Eagle> pacbard ahahah that's a wonderful sled solution
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<Althego> haha, pbs spacetime: last time we talked about all the cool elements that get made when neutron stars collide. your comments were gold :)
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<UmbralRaptop> Sounds like a stellar group
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<Great98> Hello
<Great98> anybody have an idea for how much delta-v I should save for a rocket-powered landing on kerbin from Minmus?
<UmbralRaptop> Depends on craft design, but unless aerobraking is a nonoption, not a huge amount. 200-400 m/s?