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<sandbox> breathtaking
<Rolf> isnt there an scp where guy sees everything living as certain movie star?
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<Eddi|zuHause> one day i will actually understand how to play CK2 :/
<Mat2ch> Uh, I figured that not playing is the best way of playing it :P
<Mat2ch> what the hell? 45 °C?!
<Eddi|zuHause> Mat2ch: that's wargames :p
<Eddi|zuHause> err... "global thermonuclear war"
<Mat2ch> there's no way to win in CK2
<Mat2ch> you can't overtake the whole world, without using an easter egg
<Mat2ch> *take over
<Mat2ch> man, I'm tired. The heat the last few days really got me :|
<UmbralRaptor> Looks like the hottest day here this week is Saturday (308 K)
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<Eddi|zuHause> ;wa 308K in °C
<kmath> Eddi|zuHause: convert 308 K (kelvins) to degrees Celsius: 34.85 °C (degrees Celsius)
<Eddi|zuHause> that doesn't sound too extreme
<Eddi|zuHause> over here, it seems to have significantly cooled down since wednesday
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<Althego> day 17. bob has 3 stars. i can choose to send him to eve or to duna
<Althego> i can catch the end of eve launch window
<Althego> and probably it is closer
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<Althego> i doubt i could set up an eve surface return mission with only 600k
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* Mat2ch throws some ice cubes at Fluburtur
<Althego> shower with liquid nitrogen :)
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<Mat2ch> 45 °C in southern France
<Mat2ch> that's aweful
<Althego> awful
<Althego> strangely awesome is the opposite
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<Althego> still better than inflammable, that means both flammable and not flammable :)
<Mat2ch> We had almost 40 °C two days ago. I don't want to imagine what even more feels like
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<Althego> hehe kerbal space program retweeted royal space force launch scene
<Althego> lol the kerbal is making it move.
<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> We are already working on 1.7.3, an upcoming patch focused on the last details of both 1.7 and the Breaking Ground…
<Mat2ch> This screams KRAKEN all over the place :D
<UmbralRaptop> Idea: a mod that renames it to "Turn on Kraken "
<sandbox> that hamster wheel
<UmbralRaptop> (I mean, granted part collisions were active once)
<Eddi|zuHause> hamster wheel is a classic :)
<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> When your craft inexplicably explodes at launch! 😰
<Althego> looks liek the ancient aliens meme
<UmbralRaptop> Yep
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm scared to put my stellaris sectors on autoproduction... but it's so micromanag-y
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<kmath> YouTube - Making Stuff with Adam Savage and Neil deGrasse Tyson | StarTalk Full Episode
<Althego> didnt listen to it yet, but neil and adam
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* packbart watches - now with even more dramatic music
<kmath> YouTube - MOHOLE 2 / A Ksp Cinematic-Movie
<Althego> first i have to finish watching the latest frog leap studios music
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<packbart> it is a bit weird with voice actors. the first part had more chatterer-like voices with subtitles
<Althego> i started to watch the first part first
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<Althego> first one was really nice, aside from the incorrect spellings here and there
<Althego> i like the moon music in it
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<Althego> so there will be an ep 3
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<Althego> both were a lot darker than i expected from a kerbal movie
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<packbart> indeed. I had hoped to see Jeb again
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<kmath> YouTube - I visited the first gravitational wave detector! LIGO | STELLAR
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<packbart> huh. I guess the rescue contract generator doesn't expect crewable parts without EVA hatches. I'll need a claw to get this one out of its can
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<Eddi|zuHause> where do you even find such a part?
<packbart> the small surface-attachable cupola from StationPartsExpansionRedux
* packbart cheated, edited the save file and replaced "sspx-cupola-125-1" with "cupola"
<packbart> I can probably exclude that part from rescue contracts with some MM magic
<packbart> anyway, I just wanted to test the Alternate Recovery Protocol. woke up Natahat by zooming a probe by her physics bubble at 3km/s relative speed, now going to EVA and brake with the jetback
* UmbralRaptor wants to say that the Mk1 cabin lacks a hatch?
<packbart> the crew cabin has hatches at the stacking nodes
<packbart> well, reentry heating survived. ~630K max
<packbart> chute deployed. she's going to live and land at KSC. yay.
<UmbralRaptor> Yay
<Eddi|zuHause> crew cabin definitely has a hatch
<UmbralRaptor> hrm
* UmbralRaptor had issues while messing around with the Velocitze
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<Fluburtur> what
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<APlayer> Rapid unscheduled deorbit
<APlayer> OTOH, if your KSP is scheduled, then you are KSP'ing wrong
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