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<packbart> "I notice that the inflatable heat-shield updates its surface area a couple times per second if its deploy-limit is adjusted using an Axis Group" - interesting idea, binding the inflatable heatshield to control inputs
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<UmbralRaptop> Adjusting heat shield size in the fly?
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<packbart> which adjusts its lift. so maybe it could work as a kind of control surface
<UmbralRaptop> Intriguing
* UmbralRaptop wonders how Curiosity did its lifting reentry
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<Neal> hrm apparently ksp doesn't alt tab properly
<Neal> most games let the gpu sleep if their window isn't focused, but not ksp. my gpu's been at 1300mhz for the past few hours and now it's 95F in my room oof
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* UmbralRaptop arbitrarily blames Unity
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<packbart> I like KSP to keep flying even if its window and desktop aren't focused
<Eddi|zuHause> i hate games that minimize when you alt+tab
<JVFoxy> messes with an overlay my vid-card's recording software uses
<Neal> UmbralRaptop, you're probably not wrong, I think rust has that problem too
<Neal> packbart, the flight simulation can continue without necessarily needing the gpu to do anything
<Neal> also are scientists rare or something? I only have 1 in my astronaut complex
<JVFoxy> I hadn't used windowed KSP in.. ever. Even windowed it complains if its not fully in focus right?
<JVFoxy> Neal: its random..
<Eddi|zuHause> i always have too many engineers and not enough scientists
<JVFoxy> throw jeb on vacation or retirement
<JVFoxy> or at least something that'll cycle the pilots
<Eddi|zuHause> how does that help with either of these things?
<JVFoxy> a little sad engineers don't have too much use in early career..
<Eddi|zuHause> do they even have a use without KAS/KIS?
<JVFoxy> my problem was getting too many rescue contracts early on. Yet people seem to go for them exclusively so they don't have spend money on hiring?
<Eddi|zuHause> hiring gets expensive quickly, and rescue missions are plentiful
<JVFoxy> long as you don't get stuck with a 2 or 3 star rescue.. usually 1 stars LKO
<JVFoxy> even then.. generally what you get is pretty random
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<Eddi|zuHause> yes, which is how i end up with too many engineers
<JVFoxy> could cheat and just reassign their careers
<Eddi|zuHause> my last minimus base mission (which failed because i landed in a place with no solar power) had like 1 pilot, 1 scientist and 4 engineers
<JVFoxy> by choice or just what you had on hand?
<Eddi|zuHause> i was taking as many people as i could for XP
<Eddi|zuHause> also, there was "some assembly required", which needed a bunch of kerbals nearby
<JVFoxy> ikea kerbals?
<JVFoxy> or ikea minmus base?
<Eddi|zuHause> minimus base
<JVFoxy> us'n KAS for things or?
<Eddi|zuHause> yes
<JVFoxy> I've considered using it myself... not sure I'm ready yet
<Eddi|zuHause> and planetary base mod thingie
<JVFoxy> so many mods...
<JVFoxy> well in general..
<Eddi|zuHause> i know that problem
<JVFoxy> I kind of like a bit of progression..
<JVFoxy> friend had me check out a craft they made, but it needed a dozen or so mods for parts.
<JVFoxy> I probably didn't even know half of the mods were even there
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<Eddi|zuHause> hm, there is a really low frequency loud noise here
<Eddi|zuHause> and i have no clue where it comes from
<Eddi|zuHause> it's too deep and regular and ongoing to be a thunder or something
<JVFoxy> hate when room mate puts large fan up against wall, causes it to reverberate.. not loud but just low tone, just bothersom.
<Eddi|zuHause> more like a machine running
<JVFoxy> washer-drier?
<Eddi|zuHause> no, must come from outside i think
<Eddi|zuHause> i turned off my room fan, just to make sure
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<UmbralRaptop> air-conditioning?
<Eddi|zuHause> unlikely
<JVFoxy> not enough to go by so hard to say really
<Eddi|zuHause> i found it, on the other side is a truck/crane thing delivering something heavy to the neighbours
<Eddi|zuHause> it's a much less disturbing sound if there's more than the lowest frequency
<JVFoxy> ... time is it over there for you? turning 10pm for me here
<Eddi|zuHause> 7am
<JVFoxy> ah.. euro?
<Eddi|zuHause> CEST
<JVFoxy> nod
<Neal> what's the deal? I have limited crew control even tho there are 2 crewmembers onboard
<Neal> "eva currently unavailable"
<Neal> I was able to eva not too long ago with this same crew and same vessel...
<Neal> nvm.... was accidentally timewarping
<JVFoxy> was going to say...
<JVFoxy> not trying to EVA out of Mk1 cabin using portait?
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<darsie> I can't fit a fairing to a Mk3 LF fuselage. Need to use a LF/OX adapter.
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<Eddi|zuHause> use fuel switch mod, switch it to LF only?
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<darsie> ok, but the whole concept is flawed. Not doing that.
<packbart> well, just don't use Mk3 parts ;)
<darsie> My mission concept.
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<darsie> Bad: refinery in LKO, shuttle with drills brings ore from Minmus to refinery, refuels there, repeat.
<darsie> Good: Refinery on Minmus with drills makes fuel, shuttle picks up fuel, brings it to LKO, repeat.
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<darsie> Challenge: dock shuttle with refinery on Minmus surface.
<Gasher[work]> have a wheeled vehicle to move from refinery to the landed shuttle?
<darsie> nice :)
<Althego> claw capture is docking for the game
<darsie> With resource transfer?
<Gasher[work]> with the klaw it seems to be trivial
<darsie> Not much more difficult than mating docking ports.
<darsie> easier*
<Gasher[work]> also people advised me gravity cheat to test the vehicle right on landing pad with the refinery together
<Althego> i suggest docking horizontally
<Gasher[work]> that's what i meant
<Althego> docking one on top of the other even on minmus is extremely hard
<Gasher[work]> indeed
<darsie> Yeah, not doing that.
<Althego> the gravity cheat may still be needed, because springs on diferent wheels could behave differently and change your docking port altitude
<darsie> Have docking port on strut landing legs.
<Gasher[work]> i managed that a few times but that is not worth it
<Gasher[work]> or use the latest robotics update
<darsie> I have no DLC.
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<Eddi|zuHause> use KAS with pipes for docking?
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<darsie> My wheels kept jumping till they broke :(
<kubi> attach to root or heaviest part?
<kubi> these structs are small and the joints are weak
<darsie> Struts are stiff.
<packbart> that looks quite heavy for just 4 wheels
<darsie> Should be ok on flats.
<darsie> but yeah, it didn't move. Gonna try with empty tank.
<packbart> and I had mixed results with the BonVoyage thingy on large rovers. they keep ending up rotated into the ground
<packbart> I had hoped to use it for automated fuel trucks on Minmus
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<Wastl4> Do the "transfer any crew between vessels" contracts require two vessels that have been launched seperately or is it sufficient to spacewalk to a craft created by undocking some parts (e.g. a lander)?
<darsie> With empty tank it behaves. Maybe it'll be ok on Minmus wiht a full tank.
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<kubi> I think a simple undock is not enough
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<kubi> but if you switch to another vessel far from them, then back, it may wakt
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<kubi> I'm not sure if the game keeps track of the origin
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<Eddi|zuHause> must be two separate launches, it keeps track of the origin
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<JVFoxy> docking contract?
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<JVFoxy> Eddi|zuHause two launches for which?
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<Wastl4> Eddi: I just made a test flight; you're right, unfortunately.
<Wastl4> JVFoxy: crew transfer contract.
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<JVFoxy> Wastl4 ah ok.. I had a contract to dock and transfer, or something. I had a booster already in orbit, brought it over to dock on the new 'station'. Turns out it won't complete the contract because it saw the station as prior to the contract till I undocked the part
<JVFoxy> rather...
<JVFoxy> I brought up a crew pod, docked it on the station with the booster on it, couldn't figure out why it wasn't completing. Turns out can't have anything else on it prior to the contract taking, period
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<darsie> My tanker flies and drives well. The crumpling dampers for the fallover weren't even necessary:
<darsie> Just enough fuel to SST Minmus.
<darsie> Shouldn't have brought RCS fuel.
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<JVFoxy> wouldn't mind a plane only cockpit option... removes RCS and RW, maybe adds more power?
<Althego> lol that "rover"
<JVFoxy> surprised wheels didn't drag the whole thing right over
<JVFoxy> mainsail... I guess skipper didn't have power at liftoff?
<darsie> Vector was a bit weak. And Mainsail was cheaper.
<darsie> JVFoxy: They do, and I just switch from attitude hold to prograde hold at 40 m/s and the drag turns my rocket to its desired trajectory.
<darsie> Not sure how much is drag and how much is imbalance.
<JVFoxy> I usually avoided mainsail unless I really had to for boosters. Then again, lot of what I made aren't quite /that/ extreme enough to need them
<JVFoxy> power is great... the lower isp though...
<Althego> also mainsail is expensive
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<darsie> Althego: There's a simple solution for that: Lots of money :).
<Althego> not so easy with mostly hard settings
<darsie> Yeah, I guess.
<darsie> I play normal.
<darsie> 5+ million contracts for finding highly inclined asteroids with teh IR telescope.
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<Althego> that ir thing doesnt seem to do anything for me
<darsie> Gotta wait for good contracts.
<Althego> ok, it has been like 6 days
<darsie> Maybe put it between Kerbin and Eve.
<Althego> but i thought it should b abl to find asteroids on its own
<Eddi|zuHause> darsie: did you not have wheels that could fold in to reduce drag?
<darsie> Check for contracts, wait 7 days, repeat.
<darsie> Eddi|zuHause: Like aircraft wheels? Are tehy powered?
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think so
<darsie> I have those.
<Althego> tthe rover wheels from making history?
<darsie> I don't have DLC.
<darsie> But it's really ok with these wheels. I don't even get a noticable accelleration dip at the sonic barrier.
<darsie> I need to turn over anyways.
<JVFoxy> hurg....
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<JVFoxy> wish was a way to uprate the juno engines a tad..
<Althego> they are in text :)
<JVFoxy> nice little engine, but some designs, the wheezers are just too massive
<JVFoxy> mean time, I've just been doubling up the juno's, but takes away from parts count
<JVFoxy> Althego: sorry?
<Althego> you can edit them for an upgradae
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<JVFoxy> I guess...? is the general consensus that juno's a bit anemic or?
<JVFoxy> getting about 10kn at cruise, full throttle
<Althego> the first usable engine is the thrust vectoring thing
<JVFoxy> mind you.. I am 8km up, cruising 300m/s with 4 of them at the moment
<Althego> that is practically standing still
<Althego> the one bigger one is not faster either
<JVFoxy> jet engine with vector.. panther you mean?
<Althego> that
<Althego> can cruise above 800
<JVFoxy> I'd have to redesign things.. just to fit it
<JVFoxy> I did make a canard plane thing, does close to 500m/s with four juno's but not much room past just the pilot
<JVFoxy> two panther engined craft I did.. sorta like concord and SR-71 on crack pretty much.. had to be careful with overheat if I used the whipelash engines, it was that slippery
<JVFoxy> any case.. if I wasn't haulling 400+ fuel in this little plane, I probably would be doing better and maybe only need 2 junos. More of a test, something to do. halfway point is polar ice shelf... again
<packbart> great. Val swam 400m in the dark and the crew hatch was underwater
<packbart> yet the tourists were totally unfazed that their pilot went overboard during descent to get some science readings
<JVFoxy> huh.. managed to get up to 530m/s now.. turns out juno's get a little 'boost' if they reach 500m/m velocity..
<JVFoxy> oh heh whoops
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<JVFoxy> any case... belly plane:
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<Eddi|zuHause> i don't like relying on clipping
<Althego> clippy. looks like you are building a plane. do you need some help? :)
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<Althego> i dont really remember clippy, i turned that off instantly
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<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i used that many microsoft products at that time
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<Ezko> mars trilogy is probably worth reading/listening to?
<UmbralRaptop> I think so?
<Ezko> have you done either?
<UmbralRaptop> Read it, and liked it, uh… 19 years ago o_O
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<packbart> Kerbal rescue contracts aren't very urgent, are they? "Duration: 5y"
<UmbralRaptop> I mean, pacifist orks can take a lot of neglect
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<Ezko> UmbralRaptop: thanks
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* darsie refueled his tanker at the fuel plant at Minmus:
<darsie> Still need a shuttle that brings it to LKO.
<darsie> When the tanker is full it wobbles and jumps again, as on Kerbin.
<darsie> Looks like they forgot dampers.
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<Eddi|zuHause> don't the wheels have adjustable dampers?