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<jvfoxy> hmm....
<jvfoxy> ugh... i wanna say something but brain just goes 'die alerady' >.<
<jvfoxy> was thinking to do a test flight, from station orbit around the mun, down to low, to get an idea of how much DV is needed. Considering DV map only gives values for 'low orbits'.
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<Gasher[work]> DV map has LKO and geostationary ones
<jvfoxy> ya.. but planning on a station at 250km orbit
<jvfoxy> lander will be operating between there and mun surface
<Gasher[work]> i don't think it'd be any significant difference between 250km and LKO
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<jvfoxy> uh... Low Mun orbit, (12km)
<Gasher[work]> ahj
<Gasher[work]> then orbit DV from the Mun?
<darsie> Kerbals can get form Mun surface to orbit with their 600 m/s jetpack dv.
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<darsie> Not easy, but possible. Only from low latitudes and going east, despite the slow rotation of the Mun.
<Mat2ch> darsie: how much does height help here?
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<darsie> Not much. I did walk on a hill and jumped off there, though :).
<darsie> Having clearance to the east is good, though.
<Gasher_> so, near the equatior?
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<darsie> yes
<jvfoxy> grrr
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<darsie> It's important to keep thrusting continously till you're close to orbit and not check the trajectory. And keep flying shallow.
<jvfoxy> sorry.. I miss something when was out?
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<jvfoxy> Darsie ah ok..
<jvfoxy> dank
<darsie> bitte
<jvfoxy> given I already know dv from surface to at least 12km...
<jvfoxy> I mean.. I doubt my craft will have any troubles making the return trip, it be nice to know how much of a reserve I'll have incase I wanna plane change to some place other than equator
<darsie> Landing should take more dv, as it's difficult to make a good suicide burn from (near) orbit.
<jvfoxy> can't imagine it would need /that/ much dv to land
<darsie> OTOH I guess the increased acceleration at touchdown will reduce gravity losses, wheras at take off you start with lower acceleration.
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<darsie> jvfoxy: Unless you're lithobraking I don't see why it should be less than on ascent.
<jvfoxy> 580 exact if perfectoinist... 10% addition 640
<jvfoxy> when I was younger, always thought they'd shut the engine off after touch down on the moon.. they actually do it a short distance up then fall
<darsie> Apollo?
<darsie> Or Chang-e?
<jvfoxy> ya apollo
<jvfoxy> remember those probes on 3 of the 4 feet on the LEM?
<darsie> no
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<jvfoxy> Apollo LEM had rods that suck out under the landing pads of 3 of the legs. The idea was, when they contacted the surface, it would set off a light in the cabin, signal to shut the engine off.
<jvfoxy> the reason they didn't put a 4d on the leg with the ladder was over concerns when the LEM squashed the rods down, was the potential for something to stick up and damage spacesuits
<darsie> 4d?
<Gasher_> fourth
<darsie> ok
<jvfoxy> 4th sorry.. mashed
<jvfoxy> got a little frustated I couldn't find a pic with short url to show
<jvfoxy> ah also here's the explination to things;
<darsie> Yeah, I heard about the sensors.
<jvfoxy> I read about them a long while back.. not sure if it was this site or not
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<packbart> Munar 1a cut it a bit close. 17m/s remaining after putting the capsule on a reentry trajectory
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<packbart> well, now I've got the Mk1-3 pod. time to risk multiple lives at once. I'll need the whole crew to set up ground science, anyway
<Wastl2> Why not use a Mk1 pod and two Mk1 lander cans?
<lordcirth__> Wastl2, that's harder to re-enter safely, and you'll probably want a Poodle with that much mass anyway
<packbart> it's shorter that way, too (unless I'll branch out radially). Mun has slopes everywhere
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<jvfoxy> ya thats one thing I'm worried about when it comes too landing on mun.. unexpected steep slope
<packbart> I probably could go with the Mk2 lander can, and stick an Okto into the payload bay instead of a pilot. but I'd like to send up some relay sats first
<darsie> Crater walls can be very steep.
<packbart> so far I was lucky eyeballing flat-ish Midlands and Lowlands landing sites
<packbart> I've never explored Mun much in my sandboxes. Minmus has much nicer flats
<jvfoxy> sure.. minmus is nicer to go to, but takes far longer to round trip
<jvfoxy> something to consider if using life support mod or snacks
<packbart> I've deactived TAC life support in this science game, for now. but yeah, the default rations in command pods only last ~3 days per Kerbal, iirc. the transfer to Minmus takes at least 9 days
<jvfoxy> double for round trip, plus time spend on surface
<jvfoxy> hmm... hows the weight for food, per kerbal per day then?
<packbart> not much. water weighs the most
<jvfoxy> I remember some mod they actually did full on science on how much /actual/ food would be consumed given kerbal's sie
<jvfoxy> *size
<packbart> it's less than a kg total per Kerbal per day (configurable)
<jvfoxy> ah.. and think you can recycle things if you have the right equipment
<packbart> yeah, there are some other mods that also model Kerbal health according to available space, mission duration, number of crew members, etc.
<jvfoxy> water, as with most liquids can be pretty dense. Always hearing about flying up water to the ISS.. gotta wonder, expensive stuff
<packbart> aye, recyclers work fine. just supply a bit of water every few years. food, too, unless you use a greenhouse
<jvfoxy> ya.. I remember the one mod, takes into account if there's any free seats, adds to kerbal's comfort because of extra space
<packbart> my Kerbals on a space station produce too little CO2 and Waste to grow much food m/
<Wastl2> That sounds like a mod that doesn't want you to stick service/cargo bays full of command seats.
<jvfoxy> was also another mod that accounted working hours... you make kerbal work too long, goes on strike. Which could be bad if you trying to land a plane. Suddenly, no control cuz, kerbal-strike
<packbart> ah, right, I read about that. your pilot temporarily turns into a tourist until he recovers
<jvfoxy> don't think command seats would account for much since they usually mounted outside
<jvfoxy> ya, i watched Kott's review on the mod, his comments about it. possible way to allow for /some/ overtime with a drawback
<packbart> the LT-1 landing struts are too short for a Poodle. I better research the heavy ones asap
<Wastl2> That reminds me: can I use crew cabins with their 40m/s tolerance to land on? Or will that break whatever (less tolerant part) they're attached to?
<jvfoxy> poodle to do which?
<packbart> to land the Mk1-3 pod and some ground science cargo on the Mun
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<jvfoxy> mm...
<jvfoxy> poodle seems a bit much, how heavy is the craft?
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<packbart> don't know yet. I'll try some configurations
<jvfoxy> don't forget.. you can check your twr of the craft while in the VAB by selecting mun on the settings when checking DV
<jvfoxy> just take mind that you've changed it, might throw you off if you start building for something on kerbin later.
<Gasher[work]> what's the easiest way to move objects in the game?
<Gasher[work]> like mod or something?
<packbart> I've had some weird DV readings from KER, lately, while those calculated by KSP looked correct. turns out that it can be thrown off when the root part is the engine, it seems
<jvfoxy> Gasher[work] moved how so?
<Gasher[work]> it's kinda too large to move by itself so i need it moved to water
<jvfoxy> oh.. as in how to get boat from runway/launch to water you mean?
<Gasher[work]> yeah, like that
<jvfoxy> there are a few mods I believe, gives you 'spawn points' you can pick from, such as on the shore, or out on the water a bit. I don't recall exact names though
<jvfoxy> I think either you preselect the launch location while building, or as you go to launch... depending on the mod.
<Gasher[work]> vessel mover mod works
<packbart> Wastl2: well, Jeb didn't have anything else to right now. yup, the crew cabin protected the Science Jr. from a 30m/s "landing". it bounced a few times, though.
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<packbart> might depend on overall weight, though. I remember having middle parts crushed on hard landings while the lowest part survived
<Gasher_> there was such an issue but it my case it works
<jvfoxy> hate sometimes you land, then it tips over right as chutes disappear..
<Gasher_> i got that last mod only to give an elevator for the carrier ship lol
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: take a fav!
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<Guest96919> new to kerbal. having trouble launching a rocket. spacebar does nothing, but we do hear a click from the computer speakers. why will the rocket not launch (using the built in Kerbal 2)?
<jgkamat> Guest96919: with the stock rocket that should definetly launch
<jgkamat> Guest96919: oh, have you throttled up?
<Guest96919> hit the 'z' key for 100%. nothing seems to happen.
<flayer> you've locked your stage
<flayer> i think shift+l
<flayer> but i don't remember
<flayer> maybe ctrl+l
<Guest96919> L or i
<flayer> yes.
<flayer> probably L for lock
<flayer> might be something else entirely because my memory is absolute trash
<Guest96919> one sec...
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<UmbralRaptop> mod+L, if the stage light in the lower left is purple, it's locked
<Guest96919> stage light is blinking green
<UmbralRaptop> hrm
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<UmbralRaptop> The Kerbal-2 has launch clamps, are those released?
<Guest96919> got it to launch
<UmbralRaptop> Yay
<Guest96919> thanks for the help
<Guest96919> now having trouble creating a custom rocket. cannot drag and drop.
<Guest96919> how do you select the parts? looks like you should just be able to drag a part over.
<UmbralRaptop> try just clicking on a part, without initially dragging?
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<Guest96919> roll-over brings up a description, but dragging drags the entire parts list up and down. clicking does nothing
<UmbralRaptop> left clicking (and releasing) on an individual part in the list should let you move it over in general. That typed, do you already have a craft, or would this be the first part? (not all parts can be the first/base part)
<Guest96919> first part. was trying the tutorial and the first thing it guided us to do was select a command module. thought it might be an ordering issue, but I cannot select anything.
<Fluburtur> what
<Guest96919> does the same in sandbox
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<Guest96919> frustrating. first time using kerbal. just want to build a simple rocket and launch it.
<UmbralRaptop> blarg
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<Fluburtur> did you throttle it up
<UmbralRaptop> they quit
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<Althego> bob landed on minmus
<Althego> now systematic biome hopping
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<darsie> Mat2ch: Jeb jetpacked to a 6814/7839 m Munar orbit from a 448 m deep crater using Superman attitude.
<darsie> Not sure if that might intersect with terrain eventually, but it's good for spaceship pickup.
<darsie> Very close to the equator.
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<darsie> Now 7952/9968 m.
<darsie> s/deep/low
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<darsie> Now I'll launch my lander, rendezvous with Jeb and get him to a capsule in LKO to top up EVA fuel for deorbiting.
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<darsie> Yay, suborbital encounter :)
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<Mat2ch> darsie: 10 km should be good. Below could result in surface smooching
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