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<packbart> There is a mod like that
<packbart> always sounded like "just another quicksave" to me, never tried it
<packbart> ok, you could even test your Eve Ascent Vehicle from the VAB
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<darsie> interesting
<darsie> In career mode, if you haven't reached a planetary body, you won't be able to start the sim there
<darsie> Have to send something there first, it seems.
<Rolf> easy enoughb to land tiny probe
<Rolf> expecially in super dense air eve
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<darsie> 45 km did it. Lost two goo side mounted on the pod, which was considered. Forgot to withdraw the antenna - broke.
<darsie> Tested in sandbox first.
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<UmbralRaptor> Accidentally did a reentry with a modestly subsurface periapsis after a munar flyby, and burned off way less ablator than usual
<UmbralRaptor> Somehow I don't think Mocan enjoyed hitting 8 Gs though
* UmbralRaptor also needs to get way less conservative in craft design
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<Althego> eh i forgot about tha ariane 5 launch
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<GlassFragments> so it turns out that you can be way overpowered in the flagship battle in FTL: Faster Than Light
<Althego> shield plus cloak soaks up lot of damage
<GlassFragments> two-hit killed it while my boarding party was still working on the weapon bays ;(
<Althego> lol
<GlassFragments> artillery beam + cloak + 2x burst laser 2 + teleport + max shield
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<GlassFragments> artillery beam can fire while cloaked even if you do not have the augmentation
<Althego> was that the slicing thing? it has been many years
<GlassFragments> the ship which has a beam weapon built in (not part of the weapons system) that ignores shields
<Althego> ah yes now i remember
<GlassFragments> because you can stalemate the first phase, it might be a good idea to depower the artillery beam and try to kill as many enemy crew members as possible
<GlassFragments> because deaths apparently carry over to the next flagship phase
<GlassFragments> hah, flagship kill
<GlassFragments> with my crew almost dead, the ship damaged, on fire, and only partially filled with oxygen
<GlassFragments> I really wish the game would have let me save the ship after winning
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<darsie> Editor extension redux no longer changes snap angle with c?!
<packbart> it does for me
<packbart> I had to press "reset keys" in its settings lately for some weird reason
<darsie> Works again. I pressed "reset symmetry mode & Angle snap keys".
<darsie> mhm
<Althego> c is stock keybinding anyway for the same thing
<darsie> Balancing a rocket with a single goo was so tough, I put it on the chute, breaking realism ...
<darsie> RO has inline biochambers.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> dont ned to
<Althego> i usually put it above the door
<Althego> where you put the thermometer
<darsie> Still unbalanced.
<Althego> and the small instruments go next to the door
<Althego> yes unbalanced
<Althego> but tiny torque, so wheels and the gimbaling deals with it
<darsie> But yeah, still have to check if the scientist can reach it.
<Althego> btw the fix antenna has the same range as the extendable one, so i ather use the fixed one, doessnt shear off
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<darsie> Has 15 kg, IIRC.
<Althego> what i hate is that you cant send eva report from the kerbal
* darsie forgot to launch at Minmus AN/DN and adjust plane at launch.
<Althego> seent out a lone engineer to the mun to mine 1000 ore in an almost ssto
<Althego> discarded 2 terriers with small tanks
<Althego> were on the wingtips
<darsie> Althego: You mean while on EVA via the ships antennas?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> obviously the kerbal would be able to communicate with the ship
<darsie> yeah.
<packbart> ah, I removed the Missing History mod, so can't open the science lander right now. It's got a sideways turned lander can in the middle with a "Pug" engine underneath and a scientist pit with experiments and storage containers around the EVA hatch
<darsie> LOS comms dropouts are annoing in hard. Need reays.
<darsie> relays
<packbart> a scientist on EVA was boxed in by experiments, so wouldn't even fall off during physwarp
<Althego> yes really annoying
<Althego> only inlko though
<Althego> either i ascent faster to space or do the circularization after the blackout is over
<darsie> Also forgot to check if the scientist can reach the goo before launch. Fortunately he can :).
<Althego> pretty long arms
<Althego> like taking a surface sample from the top of the ship :)
<darsie> Should I start writing check lists? :)
<darsie> yeah :)
<Althego> in the worst case you would have needed to rcs over and back, mildly annoying
<darsie> mhm
<Althego> and i see you noticed too that despite its prive, you need to discard the science bay on reentry
<darsie> They coud have a surface sampling device on a string.
<Althego> aero and heat issues
<Althego> if they had that, probes should be able to take surface samples
<darsie> prive?
<Althego> arm on a string, what is going on with insight
<Althego> price
<Althego> hmm, they are doing sometinhg.
<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> Getting ready for a lift. 💪 ⏎ Over the next few days, I will raise the mole’s support structure giving us a better l…
<Althego> they try to lift the top part to see what the mole is doing, probably half stuck between the springs
<Althego> obviously the whole thing was never designed for this
<packbart> .oO(... followed by a huge explosion as they've drilled into a gas pipe. The Marsians were not amused)
<darsie> Could have made a reverted hammer to go back out.
<Althego> it is like 10 cm deep
<Althego> 20
<darsie> That might not have helped once they were completely underground.
<Althego> you can see the shadow creeping through the movie, because it was so slow :)
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<Althego> a week ago i launched a sentinel between kerbin and duna. of course the contract wants me to go just above eve
<Althego> but it had enough r3eserve delta v
<Althego> and 2 million in advance
<Althego> that is nice
<Althego> no more money issues
<Althego> hehe 2.9 million, not 2, so almost 3
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<AWABAST40> hello
<UmbralRaptop> greetings
<AWABAST40> can i ask a question please
<UmbralRaptop> … always?
<AWABAST40> thank you
<UmbralRaptop> That's part of why this channel exists
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<AWABAST40> is there such thing as the ksp serenity expansion ??
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<UmbralRaptop> I haven't heard of a serenity expansion, though there might be a mod by that name. Just Making History and Breaking Ground
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<AWABAST40> I haven't heard of a serenity expansion, though there might be a mod by that name. Just Making History and Breaking Ground oh ok damn
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm smelling a spambot
<UmbralRaptop> Ah, Serenity was a code name for Breaking Ground
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<UmbralRaptop> Nah, I'm reasonably certain that this nick is of someone who's been here a few times before
<AWABAST40> cause on one of the servers for luna multiplayer it asks for the serenity expansion
<Eddi|zuHause> also, my internet is having some hiccups
<UmbralRaptop> hrm
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<AWABAST40> UmbraRaptor is there somewhere i can find this serenity mod or expansion dlc cause i looked on google chrome and didn't find much at all in fact that's how i found this place
<packbart> look for Breaking Ground
<UmbralRaptop> ^
<packbart> Breaking Ground installs a GameData directory called "Serenity"
<AWABAST40> so get the breaking ground dlc and see if that works ??
<packbart> so it should be what you're looking for
<Althego> will there be tranquility too?
<Althego> money issues are back, upgraded the the sph (for the biome science) and bought a bunch of parts
<AWABAST40> I already have the making history dlc and now I have to wait till next week until i get paid again so i can get breaking ground dlc
<AWABAST40> is there a way to get it before i get paid next week ??
<Althego> borrow
<Althego> i had it for a while but because of the ongoing career game i cant install it
<AWABAST40> is there someone here i can get it off ???
<AWABAST40> Please !!
<Wastl2> You can edit your save file to get the Breaking Ground surface features in an older save.
<AWABAST40> really ? how do i edit my save file to do that and get it early
<AWABAST40> anyways thanks guys for all your help
<Wastl2> That was meant for Althego. You still need the DLC.
<AWABAST40> oh sorry
<AWABAST40> damn
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<AWABAST40> hi im back
<kmath> YouTube - Hello Boys I'm Back
<AWABAST40> I've been looking on the net for a breaking ground download but have had no luck I got sent to a torrent that led me nowhere
<Althego> i doubt that piracy is an allowed topic here
* darsie returned with 1662 science from 5 Minmus biomes. A few mishaps, but it worked out.
<Althego> why not all?
<darsie> All biomes?
<Althego> 9 instead of 5, although the slopes are a bit hard most of the time
<darsie> Not enough fuel. Could have done one more, but when I was on the way there I checked remaining dv (400) and thought I need that to get home and aborted.
<darsie> But it's enough to make the lab mission which will complete the tech tree.
<AWABAST40> Also I have a problem with my ksp
<AWABAST40> I go to launch at the launch pad it seems like it wants to load but then sends me back to the kerbal space center does anyone here have any clue on what is going on here cause i removed all my mods except the dlc making history
<AWABAST40> and it is still doing it
<AWABAST40> plus in the VAB and SPH the staging indicators on the right stay down horizontal instead of vertical and I can't move the craft around or add or take away parts
<AWABAST40> any ideas would be muchley appreciated any at all i'm at my whitts end with it and am at a point where I don't want to do a clean install but will if im forced into it
<Althego> matt lowne video
<Althego> tilt nuke plane
<darsie> Looks like parts don't need research cost if they are requested for a mission (test Spark in solar orbit).
<Althego> and they diappear afterwards
<Althego> the usual trick is to not coplete the mission to keep the part for free before you have access to it
<AWABAST40> So I go to launch at the launch pad it seems like it wants to load but then sends me back to the kerbal space center does anyone here have any clue on what is going on here cause i removed all my mods except the dlc making history has anything like this happened to you guys ???
<UmbralRaptop> it has not. I'd have to make guesses about mods, the save, etc
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<AWABAST40> do you think that it might be something to do with the making history dlc that i got ??
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<AWABAST40> do you think that it might be something to do with the making history dlc that i got ?????
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<JVFoxy> mmm...
<JVFoxy> anyone else wish there was a larger plane body and cargo holds?
<VanDisaster> so much so that I made some once
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<JVFoxy> VanDisaster oh? how'd you end up doing that then?
<VanDisaster> scaled up the big B9 parts ( the parts that turned into Mk3 )
<JVFoxy> mostly because its somewhat difficult to build a 'car' with those wheel parst that can still fit into the cargo bay
<JVFoxy> ah.. tweek scale
<VanDisaster> can do it just with modulemanager
<JVFoxy> Vandisaster: sorry do which?
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<darsie> I didn't think of deleting a maneuver node of my IR telescope before going out of range, now it's stuck, polluting the screen with a planned trajectory.
<Althego> the game always lacks in the big parts
<UmbralRaptop> There's always a need for a bigger engine <_<
<Althego> big rapier
<Althego> big tanks
<UmbralRaptop> Obviously the answer is Project Orion
<darsie> Althego: BTW, this was a 2 million asteroid mapping contract. Soon I'll have all my buildings fully upgraded. You just need to wait till you get these.
<Althego> mine had 3 million in advance, but it is like 150 days to reach the designated orbit, which means it is never going to happen becase by that time i finish playing
<darsie> Got another 1.8 million contract.
<darsie> Why do you finish then?
<Althego> because there is nothing to be done
<darsie> You can use time warp.
<Althego> for long missions like that there is sandbox
<darsie> Or you mean when you fully upgrade the buildings you're done?
<Althego> basically
<Althego> buildings and nodes
<Althego> science collected from kerbin soi
<Althego> after that you just get infinite money and science
<darsie> You said money is scarce in hard.
<Althego> because you need to spend it on the buildings and the part unlocks
<Althego> oncethat is gone
<Althego> nothing remains
<JVFoxy> racking in the millions... what would you do with all that though? I think most I spent was final upgrade on R&D..
<Althego> that was done long ago
<Althego> i needed the gravity detector
<Althego> and that is on an 550 node
<packbart> JVFoxy: you can clone and rescale parts with module manager, doesn't need TweakScale (which was quite a performance hog in my experience)
<JVFoxy> I thought module manager was more to do with fixing problems with mods prior to loading?
<JVFoxy> or am I thinking something else?
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<packbart> Module Manager can change configuration nodes
<packbart> so you could clone a part and change its rescaleFactor
<JVFoxy> k.. saw some other page. It allows you to edit squad parts on load without actually changing the squad file... but this something you do in game or a file edit prior to loading everything?
<packbart> (and probably some more, I haven't really done it myself)
<packbart> in a .cfg file somewhere within the GameData directory
<JVFoxy> also not sure how mean by 'clone'... I'm guessing isn't something you do in the vab/sph...
<JVFoxy> I have done something of a custom part before... edited the rockmax structual adaptor into something more of a fuel tank or utility part as an experiment, thats about as far as file editing I've done so far outside game
<packbart> no, it means that it's new part but copied from an existing one and with just a few values changed
<packbart> hmm. I can't find the related forum thread...
<JVFoxy> but I also kept the original.. so new part just extra added
<JVFoxy> which is the add-on that applies patches if you have a lot of mods going ?
<packbart> -> "Scaled and new parts"
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* JVFoxy pokes
<darsie> I guess the warp throttle to 50x wasn't faulty. It just takes some time to throttle.
<darsie> not sure, though.
<JVFoxy> coming down from how fast a warp?
<JVFoxy> And ya... it isn't instant, takes a few moments
<darsie> full warp, yes.
<darsie> 100,000x
<JVFoxy> its funny when you full warp into kerbin, it dosen't un-warp fast enough before weird things happen
<JVFoxy> sometimes you'll just pass right through.. sometimes game will realize one of the 'tics', you inside the planet and just blow you up
<darsie> But they manage to stop in time for maneuvers.
<darsie> Ok, all buildings fully upgraded. Not gonna complete the tech tree for now at least.
<JVFoxy> packbart: looking over someof these quality of life things, some are nice, but are they all in effect or can one choose which ones to go with?
<JVFoxy> or this one of those... edit a file to what you like sorta things before running?
<packbart> "Change the impact tolerance of all engines to 0.1m/s" - oh my, that's harsh
<VanDisaster> you can reload everything while the game is running, but it takes forever to do that
<JVFoxy> packbart: guessing cuz of engine bells?
<packbart> JVFoxy: you can choose which ones to put into a .cfg file. they're all independent, as far as I can see
<JVFoxy> packbart: ok cool.. I'll have to consider it for later. Ya, there are some annoyances, quality of life as they called them, changes I wouldn't mind. Not everything is needed for me.
<JVFoxy> I'll have to poke at it again later. Currently waiting for friend to get back then gotta run.
<packbart> yeah, I just looked at some of those, too. Monopropellant, Ablator, Fairings are all things I routinely change
<JVFoxy> when I'm building planes I don't need mono or reaction wheels. I'm a little mixed when it comes to rigid nodes or auto strutting (granparenting)
<JVFoxy> I'm half wondering if auto strutting everything on a cargo plane has caused massive slowdown in my game
<JVFoxy> sad thing, not auto strutting, plane tends to roll to one side despite everything mirrored
<packbart> "// Disable kerbal rescue contracts, for players who prefer to hire kerbals." - all Kerbonauts must go through vetting by HR. no side-hires!
<JVFoxy> made a nice cargo plane... lifts 18 tons no problem.. just not sure I'll need that much weight other than for fuel to a base.
* JVFoxy perks, "interesting.. wheels that use fuel+air (ICE) instead of batteries.
<JVFoxy> ok very nice.. docking angle snap.. but.. egh.. not sure I understand the code
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<JVFoxy> oh ok.. get it now
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<Althego> yes, i knew there was a reason i upgraded the tracking station late. the dumb asteroid contracts
<darsie> I like how every contract type title starts wiht a different word.
<UmbralRaptop> Naturally this is where you come in
<darsie> Today I've done two straight to escape launches, without going to orbit first.
<darsie> One to test the Spark in solar orbit, the other to put the IR telescope between Kerbin and Eve's orbit.
<JVFoxy> had one wanted me to place a station in solar orbit, 5 kerbals 6k fuel, some stupid amount of power capacity.. so on. I was like.. 'really'?
<JVFoxy> I was still level 0 on everything, let alone the funds to launch something that big
<darsie> Built up too much reputation? :)
<darsie> Would it be off topic to suggest killing a few Kerbals?
<UmbralRaptop> hah
<JVFoxy> I like a challenge and all.. but.. not really wanting a solar station..
<darsie> Pick something else.
<JVFoxy> some of the requirements, power generation, docking port, kerbal requirements, ok sure..
<darsie> Solar station is simple, compared to somewhere on the surface.
<JVFoxy> but.. massive chunk of fuel, power, and I think someone's got a bit of a fetish for the coupula on stations
<darsie> Just the random number generator giving some extreme values.
<darsie> Gotta be there for those who like it.
<JVFoxy> I guess I could see big fuel numbers... if I was going to be using it as a fuel depot for a nuke engine
<JVFoxy> eventually I wanna do a vid of a polar station build.. would love to do a spot on the mun, just, finding a flat enough spot. Some reason I keep landing on hillsides.
<JVFoxy> technically, if I was up for it, I could land a rover, find something relatively flat. Use it as a waypoint. I can land nearby no problem
<darsie> Have you landed at Munar poles?
<darsie> Deep, dark pits.
<darsie> Bring lights.
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<Althego> or land on the peaks
<JVFoxy> darsie mun poles, yes. stupid peak exagerations
<Althego> also you dont need to land exactly on the pole, at the edge of the biome these mapping artifacts are not that strong
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<JVFoxy> I tried way back in early version ksp... it was only after that I read the way they did the map, the terrain got pretty exagerated closer to the pole.
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<Althego> once i specifically landed near the north pole of duna, therre were huge peaks tehe
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<Althego> and pink snow
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<Eddi|zuHause> "Take these broken wings / and learn to fly again"
<raptop> ...did the quadcopter collide with the window?
<Tank2333> drone vs window 0:1
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<Eddi|zuHause> i'd call that a draw
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