UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps:
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<JVFoxy> ... docking ports have an ejection force right?
<umaxtu_mobile> I think so
<JVFoxy> mmm...
<JVFoxy> lol, stupid rover wheels. stuck inside the heck, makes them looking like they floating off the ground.
<JVFoxy> er.. deck
<JVFoxy> sorry been long day. trying to see what it takes to fit a 'truck' inside a mk3 cargo hold
<JVFoxy> using those docking port JRs, still shoots my 'truck' into the roof of the cargo bay while on the ground
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<Althego> hmm, raspberry 4 is released
<Althego> cant read the details because the page is dead, probably from overeload
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<Fluburtur> k the tank should have a top end of 31kph
<Fluburtur> I want it to drive slow for the kids to drive but I also want to have some good top end to play with the hovercraft guys
<Fluburtur> which isnt too bad, maybe a bit uch for the maker faire
<Fluburtur> who would win: 400g hovercraft or 4kg tank
<Gasher[work]> well if the trial takes place in a lake the answer is obvious
<Mat2ch> Althego: 2x mini-hdmi with 4k support, more powerful processor, USB 3, charger over USB-C, 1 GB/2 GB or 4 GB of Ram
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<kmath> YouTube - road wheel test
<GlassYuri> so visual studio code keyboard shortcuts and intuition don't go well together it seems
<GlassYuri> today at work I looked up what the shortcut for jumping to the next diff is, and it's alt+F5
<Gasher[work]> make a save?
<GlassYuri> so ten seconds later I wanted to go back to the previous diff, and somehow intuitively pressed the key next to that
<GlassYuri> to the left that is
<Althego> easy typo for alt-f4 :)
<GlassYuri> exactly
<Mat2ch> Althego: byod at its finest. :D
<Gasher[work]> i mean, its a shortcut for KSP to make a save
<Mat2ch> Since I'm doing this it security thing it's one of the first things I mention: How well is your internal network secured against attacks from the inside?
<Mat2ch> Most of the time not at all.
<GlassYuri> Mat2ch, one of the examples we were told of what not to do was the infrastructure idiot who sold the account of a high ranking player
<GlassYuri> that was a few years ago, IIRC he's still incarcerated
<GlassYuri> ...this probably is enough info to find out which company I work for
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<GlassYuri> Gasher[work], air resistance does not cause heating, aliens are using gatling guns to prevent us from leaving the planet, wake up sheeple
<Gasher[work]> yeah it looks like tracer rounds indeed
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<GlassYuri> also, has there been any real life mission where heating on launch was a real issue?
<UmbralRaptor> only a certain ABM comes to mind (sprint missile)
<Mat2ch> GlassYuri: it's not. The search engines have already forgotten ;)
<GlassYuri> Mat2ch, I saw an article about it just a month or two ago, but I guess you have to know what to look for
<Mat2ch> employee selling high ranked player account is not the correct search term, but the most obvious. So, I guess you're safe.
<Mat2ch> oh, two Eurofighers crashed here
<GlassYuri> Mat2ch, ouch
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<Mat2ch> GlassYuri: yeah, means Germany has two working EFs less.
<Mat2ch> And only the defense minister knows how many work right now. I guess maybe 50. Well, 48.
<GlassYuri> so we're at, like, minus one now?
<GlassYuri> I'm not sure if the ministry of defense in germany knows anything
<GlassYuri> also, if they crashed, the likely weren't working to begin with
<Mat2ch> They crashed mid air in training
<Mat2ch> so they were flying at that moment :D
<packbart> New updates have been installed. Your flight computer will reboot now.
<Mat2ch> and near a city here did a ww2 bomb explode... interesting day so far
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<Mat2ch> GlassYuri: interessted in a video about the crash?
<GlassYuri> yea
<Althego> hehe language alert
<Althego> what was that
<Althego> plane crash?
<packbart> Two Eurofighters nearly missed each other
<Althego> they nearly missed, but they didnt (the george carlin definition of the phrase)?
<packbart> indeed ;)
<packbart> they nearly missed - but not quite
<taniwha> soo, bits of eurofighter all over the place?
<kmath> YouTube - George Carlin - Flying [Live from NYC '92]
<GlassYuri> so mid air collision?
<packbart> taniwha: and a forest fire, too :/
<GlassYuri> and I don't see any ejections there ;(
<packbart> articles said both pilots ejected
<packbart> one of them has been found, they were still looking for the other
<Mat2ch> latest news is that one died
<Mat2ch> probably
<Mat2ch> they're not sure yet
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<packbart> and that is what happens when you set up a rendezvous too exact and match velocities at closest approach
<Mat2ch> btdt...
<Mat2ch> Space is huge. But I still managed to crash things in orbit
<sandbox> a third plane witnessed both pilots ejecting
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<Althego> in less than halfa day, falcon heacy
<Mat2ch> in the middle of the night here.
<Mat2ch> will watch it for breakfast.
<Althego> i wake up at around launch time
<Althego> and in 2.5 days electron launch (probably not, all of them were delayed)
<Mat2ch> hehe
<Althego> apparently a non hydrazine demonstrator will be on it
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<packbart> Accepted! All Controllers standing by to watch the firewor-- erhm, the launch.
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<JVFoxy> packbart optomistic are we?
<JVFoxy> ... optimistic.. fuh, ok I just got up
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<Althego> heh two maneuvers seconds from each other. luckily it is around minmus, everything is slow there
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<packbart> JVFox: btw, re trucks in cargo bays: I've seen people use overhead docking ports and then push the craft upwards.
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program Island Base Airdrop
<packbart> the cargo ramps seem to be tricky collidy in some ways
<JVFoxy> I was trying to figure out a viable vehicle that can drive up into a plane, lock into place. Get flown over to the north cap edge and drive to a base I'm hoping to use there.
<JVFoxy> I thought docking ports but didn't realize how much a pain it was getting things set up properly without it all jumping around and acting weird
<Althego> heh i sent a probe and an other one there to dock
<Althego> just to fulfuill a contract
<Althego> the other ones were a kerbal rescue from minmus orbit
<Althego> with the part
<Althego> of course this one made it first, and fulfilled the docking contract
<Althego> because the claw is considered as docking
<Althego> i never thought of it as such
<Althego> runway at max
<Althego> only building remains now without upgrade is the administration
<JVFoxy> claw you can't resource transfer right?
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<Althego> i think you can
<JVFoxy> packbart listening to chatterer, got me wondering: anyone ever reversed the audio to find what they saying?
<Althego> i think the original samples are known
<Althego> dont need to reverse
<Althego> some of them are russian though
<JVFoxy> ah wiki says claw acts like docking port... at least currently
<JVFoxy> ah.. don't know me any russian unfortunately
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<packbart> yeah, Chatterer uses some Apollo and STS audio, reversed and filtered. I installed some additional samples:
<JVFoxy> ah
<packbart> "Apollo 11 and STS-1 chatter created from audio found at the Russian chatter created from audio recorded by"
<Althego> hah minmus gravity probe l landed too
<Althego> only second pass science remains on minmus now
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<Althego> one guy is going to the northern polar regions of the mun to collect the remaining stuff there, and then only some places will lack seizmometer and 2 more the gravity landed experiment from the mun
<darsie> Two children starved the last 6 s.
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<darsie> Umm, no, 10 s.
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<Althego> let's hope the harvesting continues when not focused
<packbart> there's the 6h block update when on rails, iirc
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<flub2> I need to win a race against the hoverboards at the maker faire
<Mat2ch> that's easy. Remove their copper floors!
<Althego> depends on which hoverboard
<Mat2ch> There's only one real hoverboard.
<UmbralRaptor> flub2: so if you add more boosters…
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> umm.. out of bordom, make a big passenger plane that can haul 64 kerbals, can fly half way around the planet it no problem. The fart am I going to use it for?
<JVFoxy> also fail spelling. >_<
<Althego> that is not even big
<darsie> I flew around Kerbin with ... umm, ... wihch jet engine?
<darsie> The one with teh holes, IIRC.
<JVFoxy> my KL7 used a pair of goliaths
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<darsie> Whiplash
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<darsie> This plane: Also landed on the first attempt.
<JVFoxy> ah.. turbo ramjet... gas hogs if you get them in the wrong regiem
<JVFoxy> oh..
<Draconiator> WHAT THE FART?
<Althego> but they are also fast, so you can just fly around kerbin at high altitude with very little thrust around 1200 m/s
<umaxtu> so 20k?
<Mat2ch> Draconiator: The fork you want? You son of a bench!
<JVFoxy> two of them, one design I did, 1400 at 24km up...
<Mat2ch> .oO( someone has been watching too much The Good Place. Maybe )
<JVFoxy> silly thing is, I gotta low throttle it on the way up, else it blows up from overheat too easy
<Althego> 1400 is hard to maintain thermally
<umaxtu> so the different intakes do stuff now?
<JVFoxy> althego I know... sometimes it'll run a little 'warm'
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<Guest35027> The text is too small for me to read. Can I enlarge the text?
<JVFoxy> as in text on the UI in game?
<Guest35027> UI?
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<Guest35027> Yes, the text in the user interface.
<JVFoxy> user interface.. or whatever its in game
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<JVFoxy> settings under video I believe.
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<Guest35027> I'll try that. Thanks JVF!
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<JVFoxy> let me double check.. in game already
<JVFoxy> ah its under general
<JVFoxy> guess its now a more generalized UI scale than being able to adjust each on screen part?
<JVFoxy> oh ooof...
<JVFoxy> can tweek scales on things while already in game and flight.. well then..
<Guest35027> Under general I couldn't find it, either general/game play or general/ system. Sorry I'm so dense!
<JVFoxy> k... just text or..?
<JVFoxy> which text in particular is too small?
<Guest35027> I can't read the directions, too small. I'm using a large screen TV as my computer monitor.
<JVFoxy> perhaps a resolution mis-match?
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<Guest35027> thanks
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<JVFoxy> oh
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<JVFoxy> I don't know... -sighs- figured it was either UI scale or resolution, but directions from where?
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<Eddi|zuHause> that looks strangely familiar
<JVFoxy> heh
<JVFoxy> a bit conflicted when it comes to the new lander can.. those doors on the sides, or do I block them with fuel tanks?
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