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<Althego> heh i need to grab a decoupler in orbit with the claw in total darkness. one that you cant hit it, because the center is not where its mass is, but the claw does not engage
<kubi> something is strange with the contracts
<kubi> I need to swith away, then back to the vessel to get the contract accepted
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<Mat2ch> Althego: do you have to claw it? Could you just put it in a container thingy and then go back (well, only physics warp then, but still possible)
<kubi> the changelog says it is fixed in 1.7.2, but only at the DLC section
<darsie> Althego: Why can't you wait till sunrise?
<Althego> too many nodes in progress
<Althego> also i am already there if i wait they they are going to drift again
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<Althego> but i managed to catch it soemhow
<darsie> Althego: You can use the eclipse of the milkyway to see it and it's target marker (press F4).
<darsie> its*
<Althego> yes basically that is what i did
<darsie> Those folks playing realtime ... :)
<Althego> without the background there wouldnt have been any chance
<Eddi|zuHause> why can't you just adjust the orbit so you don't drift too far apart, and wait a few minutes?
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<Althego> recovering
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<Mat2ch> wait what
<Mat2ch> I thought it was just a small decoupler
<Mat2ch> that thing is massive!
<Eddi|zuHause> that's the 3.25m version?
<Rolf> lol
<Althego> that is why i said it was hard
<Eddi|zuHause> when he said he had to aim in the center where nothing is, i was assuming he meant the giant version
<Althego> it was probably the largest one permitted by making history
<Mat2ch> you should have gone for the small side and then the ring ;)
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, i was going to ask, why didn't you claw it from the side?
<Althego> still need to hit a very small strip of material
<Althego> and i dont have rcs on these things
<Althego> because usually it is not needed
<Althego> they can bring back anything from kerbin, mun or minmus, if they are in orbit
<Eddi|zuHause> without RCS you're just making it needlessly difficult
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<Althego> no, not really
<Althego> i can grab them at 1 m/s
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<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but you have less room for error
<Eddi|zuHause> and less correction abilities
<Althego> no corrections for the last 10 seconds, except rotation
<Althego> works out ok
<Eddi|zuHause> it works out ok, most of the time. but sometimes it doesn't.
<Althego> this was the only case so far
<Althego> which meant it took 2 minutes
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<Mat2ch> .oO( looks like Martin and Fluburtur melted in the heatwave )
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<Althego> cleaned the pc and replaced the thermal paste too. it wasnt particularly dry, but it was almost 4 years old anyway
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<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i ever changed the thermal paste of anything...
<Mat2ch> I had to once, because it dryed up and didn't conduct anymore and I had several overheat related shutdowns
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<Fluburtur> yeah
<Althego> hehe american tanks drove through a romanian corn field by accident
<Mat2ch> warning, the next week to 10 days you'll here all kinds of Europeans complain about the heat. We'll get 40° C probably. That's nothing compared to the 50° C in India, but we're not used to this...
<Althego> not used to? it goes up to 40-42 each summe
<Althego> i awas kind of disappointed that because of all the rains it wasnt as hot as i would like it to be
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<Mat2ch> Althego: not here
<Mat2ch> a few years ago even 35° C were unusual
<Althego> true
<Mat2ch> and now we have every year almost 40° C
<Althego> not the last 10 or so
<Althego> and of course trump keeps denying climate change
<Althego> even in my life there was a significant change
<Mat2ch> he makes money by destroying things, so it's quite logical to do so
<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> hm, ice cream really helps to get the core temperature down
<Mat2ch> I should get more
<Althego> also helps to make you fatter :)
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<Mat2ch> depends on how much else you eat over the day...
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> and action lab
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<ChadderVox> Oi! :)
<ChadderVox> hello fellow Nauts
<darsie> .
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<Eddi|zuHause> that sounds like a derogatory exonym
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<Althego> bugged auto exploding oscillations
<Althego> i remember what the offset landing legs did to danny, it is not as bad, but still
<Althego> all because you cant decrease symmetry
<Althego> (i have 6 tanks but want only 3 legs)
<Althego> i guess i have to do dual 3 symmetry, one group with legs one without
<Althego> and then i can decouple them
<Althego> so i get even more delta v
* UmbralRaptor has had booster configurations that wobble and explode in Dessert and Woomerang, but are fine on KSC
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<Althego> must be the rotation of kerbin :)
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<sandbox> does kerbin rotate or is it everything else that rotates around it? :)
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<UmbralRaptor> Depends on your altitude
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<Eddi|zuHause> did the kerbals have a Kalileo?
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<darsie> sandbox: <100 km from Kerbin the universe rotates with Kerbin.
<darsie> That's why maneuver nodes shift while you stand "still".
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