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<GlassYuri> wikipedia article on bakelite: "It was soon found in myriad other consumer products ranging from pipe stems and buttons to saxophone mouthpieces, cameras, early machine guns, and appliance casings."
<GlassYuri> one of these is not like the others
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> i want to play around with bakelite but eh
<Rolf> those have such interesting colors sometimes
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<Althego> lol one ship teleported
<Althego> from orbit around the mun to orbit around kerbin, with trajectory intersecting the surface, and achieving escape from the sun
<JVFoxy> oh..?
<JVFoxy> derp
<Althego> while still pretty much in a bound orbit
<JVFoxy> I was trying to dock with a target in orbit around kerbin once... one moment game said it was about 1km out, yet I couldn't see it still. Then suddenly it shot off away
<JVFoxy> was one of older versions
<JVFoxy> guessing game realized it made a mistake and corrected the location? I'm still not exactly sure what happened. I was having a hard enough time trying to get my vector to intersect as it was
<Althego> lol it is in retrigrade orbit
<JVFoxy> odd... sounds like game glitch
<Althego> doesnt matter, i currected this with infinite fuel, it had only 400 m/s remaining and needed to do only one small correction
<FLHerne> I remember once I was trying to dock in orbit, and suddenly collided with the surface of Kerbin
<FLHerne> Was quite annoying
<JVFoxy> lol.. got couple of screen shots, one saying I hit stupid temps re-entry warpped into kerbin. Another ship died from being crushed 100-1000 times more than tolerance
<Rolf> 70k dont seem to be sudden to me lol
<Rolf> (height change)
<JVFoxy> gotta love (or hate) the coming in for landing and suddenly wings blowing up. (status said impact with VAB/SPH or something yet you still 2km out)
<Althego> that was epic
<Althego> got it on video 3 times
<Althego> luckily it doesnt happen anymore
<Althego> used to be wings exploded because collided with launchpad
<Althego> must have been evil alpha particles
<JVFoxy> normally happened if you ran a long mission from the center, a few orbits..
<JVFoxy> think someone menitioned it was something to do with how it was doing calculations, decimal shift
<Althego> could happen from lko
<Althego> once i was coming back from duna and i was in a hyperbolic orbit (aerobrakeing, yet still high over space)
<Althego> another one was probably from the mun
<JVFoxy> still an issue? I remember it was usually something that happened in previous versions way way back.
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<Althego> i havent seen it for many versions
<JVFoxy> ya I figured it was fixed
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<JVFoxy> I recall testing something regarding how the game accounts for lattitude, wondering why it was past the usual figures, (-180, +180, or 0-360, value was something way past 360)
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<JVFoxy> er... longntude, guess brain kept htinking back to kerbla rescue on mun
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<Althego> hehe 2hot thermometer exploded
<Althego> i guess it couldnt take the heat. eyah
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<Althego> finally collected 3x9 minmus gravity data
<Althego> around 2 days back for both probes
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch time to make an update video about the falken because it has been a while
<kmath> YouTube - Falken update video
<Fluburtur> my soldering iron smells like fish
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<Althego> finally
<Althego> taking shape
<Mat2ch> flub2: maybe you shouldn't cook fish soup with our soldering iron then
<Mat2ch> flub2: do you promote those videos in a few of the rc flight forums?
<UmbralRaptop> flub2: is your tuna RoHS compliant?
<Althego> it doesnt need to be
<packbart> tuna probably isn't 100% lead-free
<flayer> your mom isn't 100% lead-free
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* UmbralRaptop puts flayer into the mass-spec
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<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: luckily no computers are allowed there ;P
<Althego> wait a sec, an other craft teleported, it is in collision with the sun
<Althego> simply has too low speed to maintain orbit
<Althego> very dumb, i have to teleport it back
<Althego> sheer luck that i noticed
<Althego> the maneuver node was several hours in the future
<Mat2ch> Althego: what is happening there with your crafts? How do they go from rails to those weird orbits?
<Althego> they are on rails
<Althego> just changed highly suborbital, one around kerbin from escaping the mun, the other around the sun from escaping kerbin
<Althego> imagine that, suborbital around the sun
<Althego> well inside moho's orbit
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<Althego> probably changed the body
<Althego> and nothing else
<Althego> i cant imagine how or why
<Althego> i havent seen a bug like this before
<JVFoxy> gets changed mid-game?
<Althego> while not focused
<Althego> first sign was i lost a rescue contract
<Althego> loaded back and i noticed the craft in collision with kerbin
<Althego> and i didnt suspect more until i was randomly checking where thing are and i noticed the kerbin soi leaver with bob was suborbital around the sun
<Althego> it was still a few hours away from leaving the soi
<JVFoxy> huh
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<JVFoxy> eep...
<JVFoxy> pulled 47gs on a little plane
<Althego> lol
<Althego> did it explode?
<Mat2ch> mhm, squish Kerbals
<Althego> humans would have died
<JVFoxy> no.. sandbox
<JVFoxy> kerbal fine, plane fine
<Althego> soon tracking station is upgraded to max
<JVFoxy> just surprised me it would pull that much so suddenly
<Althego> then only the useless buildings remain, sph, runway, administration
<Althego> although sph has a few biomes
<Althego> why doesnt the launchpad have more? there is a water tower and a flag there at least and some other small buildings too
<Althego> ok, too much science in ksc already
<JVFoxy> supposedly you can kerbal walk into hte bunker level 0 launch pad but don't think it has any biomes
<Althego> that is the issue, other sub buildings have biomes
<Althego> it is not conformant with the others
<Althego> i still miss the gravity science high above kerbin for the polar regins and badlands for kerbin
<Althego> then i collected all currently available science on kerbin
<Althego> maybe 3rd one is missing for a few, but that is negligible
<JVFoxy> lol.. 114gs with the whiplash.. yup sounds about right
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<Althego> how did you do that
<kmath> YouTube - Evolution of Microsoft Flight Simulator 1982-2020
<Althego> hehe, i had the 5.0 long ago
<Althego> was 2 floppy disks
<JVFoxy> Althego: how did you do that.. to whom you asking?
<Althego> you, the 114 g
<JVFoxy> played v1, 4.. still have 98
<JVFoxy> Althego: same little plane.. just pitched up while doing 1200m/s
<Althego> i dont get how this g blackout works
<JVFoxy> flying no more than 1km up
<Althego> if you just spin them they dont notice
<Althego> but apparently turning help
<Althego> s
<JVFoxy> oh that...
<JVFoxy> ugh, ya its a bit messed.. the g thing only accounts for when you change the center of mass's direction and how fast its going
<JVFoxy> if you spin on the spot, the center of mass doesn't really change direction so it dosen't register
<Althego> hmm, the marssociety uploaded some videos the last few days
<Althego> mars direct 2.0 sounds like directx 12.0
<Althego> lol, zubrin: i was on the team that did the preliminary desing in 88
<Althego> a bit outdated design, isnt it
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<Althego> heh i have a mun gravity scan on the surface with 0 science. currently no mun vehicles aside from the relays
<Althego> i wonder where it went
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<yee> yee
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<Althego> thought so
<Althego> i think i know it was, it was one of the gravity probes that also landed. but that came back, so it should have been retreived
<packbart> I saw Jool's shadow at Kerbin's ice cap. weird thing
<packbart> (yes, I did click that option :)
<Althego> what was the light source?
<packbart> The Sun. Jool was just passing in front of it
<packbart> wait. how?
<packbart> I do notice seeing a DistantObjects Jool flare close to the sun, though
* packbart looks at the Kerbol system
<packbart> maybe it was just my imagination. it was cold and the rover low on EC
<Althego> hee
<Althego> maybe it is time to make a mun biome hopper. it needs to be able to refill itself
<Althego> i have landed with crew in at least 11 biomes from the 17, but it was not full instrumentation
<packbart> I still need to brush the Mun craters
<packbart> I did find some Baobab trees right behind the Woomerang launchpad
<Althego> i finish this career before upgrading
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<packbart> hmm. the DistantObjects mid displays a dark dot in the sun disk, titled "Jool". Jool is behind the sun, though. maybe a bug
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<Ezriilc> Happy Father's Day, ya'all!
<Ezriilc> I think I might crash a giant rocket for the fireworks.
<UmbralRaptop> Presumably into a set of destructible buildings?
<Azander> sounds like fun :)
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<Eddi|zuHause> how long until the address bar of firefox contains more icons than letters?
<Eddi|zuHause> i now have 5 icons in front of the url
<umaxtu> I've just got the https lock
<Eddi|zuHause> i've got an (i) for page information (when have i ever used that?), a shield for do-not-track, a crossed out speech bubble for "no notifications", a crossed out play button for disabled autoplay and then the ssl lock
<umaxtu> I was grouping the i and the lock together since they act as the same button
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<Eddi|zuHause> <-- looks like this
<umaxtu> wow
<sandbox> do they still call it the "awesome" bar?
<Eddi|zuHause> never heard of that
<umaxtu> afaik
<Eddi|zuHause> is that like freedom fries?
<sandbox> people keep suggesting ditching firefox
<Eddi|zuHause> and use what? chrome?
<sandbox> brave
<Eddi|zuHause> my other browser is falkon
<Eddi|zuHause> where i have disabled all scripts and whatnot
<umaxtu> I use Vivaldi most of the time but I use Firefox for schoolwork
<Eddi|zuHause> so i use firefox mainly for youtube
<Eddi|zuHause> and mostly in private mode, because suggestions get awful pretty quickly
<sandbox> I'll stick with it for now
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<sandbox> I'm not a fan of some of their recent changes
<sandbox> the options menu is horrific now
<sandbox> not that I have to use it all that often but I still preferred the old style
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