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<UmbralRaptop> Is that the firestarter (twisted firestarter)?
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<Eddi|zuHause> great, now i've a song stuck in my head
<Rolf> heh one of postives about being deaf
<Rolf> unless you get tinnitius
<Eddi|zuHause> being deaf while having tinnitus must be incredibly annoying
<Rolf> yeah
<Rolf> thankfully its rare for me
<Rolf> friend of mine had it for more than 30 years
<Rolf> only cure was death
<Rolf> he didnt sucide, he died from stomach a4eryerism
<Rolf> whatever thats spelled
<Eddi|zuHause> no clue what you meant
<Eddi|zuHause> no need to specify anyway
<Rolf> aneurysm
<Eddi|zuHause> is that where a blood vessel clogs or bursts?
<Rolf> yeah
<Rolf> vessel forms a "bubble" then that blows
<Eddi|zuHause> that sounds unhealthy
<Rolf> it can happen to anyone, its invisible
<Rolf> but pretty uncommon
<Rolf> theres 3 types, brain heart and stomach
<Rolf> brain is far more common
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, i've never heard of stomach aneurism being a thing
<Eddi|zuHause> well, technically you can probably have that anywhere
<Eddi|zuHause> just it might not be as serious in other places
<Rolf> never heard of arm version for example but guess so. just very rare
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<drak> every time you join i keep thinking "i see the fnords!"
<UmbralRaptop> … they're going to eat you now
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* jvfoxy dragged KSP-0.23.5 to see what old creations I came up with, prep work for a video. Instead, I ended up messing around, made a spaceplane to the station that was already up in one game. We've got it so easy these days when it comes to buildng things compared to back then
<Rolf> lol
<jvfoxy> well, for one: no offset tool, so have to do other techniques
<Althego> the lack of offset was really annoying
<Althego> place it
<Althego> ohm not here
<Althego> place it again
<Althego> too much
<Althego> place it again...
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't like the quantization of the offset tool. often when i'm applying an offset, the first thing it does is jump to a completely different position than the original
<Althego> press c
<Eddi|zuHause> what does that do?
<Althego> what it does anywhere else
<Althego> turns off snap
<Eddi|zuHause> but that's not what i want either
<Eddi|zuHause> it's fine that it's quantized. but the original position should be the origin point of the grid
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<jvfoxy> eh... -loads up the other 0.23.5 with B9, first get around the 'files locked, don't have permissions' bug...
<jvfoxy> secondly, once its loaded: whoa.. jeb you gained weight? Oh.. n/m, old graphics setting made screen stupid wide
<Althego> hehe
<jvfoxy> ah ya.. the offset thing. Wanted to stick a shielded docking port on the roof the spaceplane. seperate the fuel tanks, put that flat plate node thing on the back surface, tilt it up. Stick the dockking port on top. Attempt to reconnect the back half of the ship.
<jvfoxy> get frustrated because game refuses clipping
<jvfoxy> take that flat node thing off, pan camera 'inside' ship to see the same surface again, then reattach the node.
<jvfoxy> btw.. how did we deal with landing gear while not having offset way back then?
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<Althego> probably didnt offset them
<Althego> rotation was possible
<jvfoxy> little test I did, had to use a few tricks. Mostly attaching to a vertical surface, with it rotated the right way, where I could offset it before connecting it.
<Althego> the omnipotent cubic octagonal struts it is then
<jvfoxy> actually those were more useless back then, since you could only connect to exposed nodes
<Althego> they were always useful
<Althego> and still are
<Althego> the best part in the game
<jvfoxy> ... oh wait. thinking wrong part
<jvfoxy> the truss thing.. I was thinking that weird cube thing instead
<Althego> now if they could just add several length of this
<Althego> purely because of part count
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<Wastl2> Eddi: you can switch the tool to local mode.
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<darsie> Althego: Those are in RO or so. I guess you could copy them over somehow.
<Mat2ch> hrm. What I just realized is that Scott Manley did not do any video about the DLC...
<Mat2ch> that's odd
<sandbox> I thought he posted something to twitter
<UmbralRaptop> Did he get distracted by an РБМК again?
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<sandbox> I think he hasn't had a lot of free time lately
<kmath> <DJSnM> With the new Breaking Ground DLC released there's a sale on the Core Kerbal Space Program - $9.99 - the cheapest it…
<sandbox> "Of course, that doesn't include free time to play it"
<Althego> hehe
<UmbralRaptop> whelp
<UmbralRaptop> Obviously we need an expansion that permits closed tinelike curves
<kmath> <DJSnM> With the new @KerbalSpaceP DLC you can now actuate the aerodynamic surfaces on your rockets like @elonmusk proposes…
<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> Look at this fantastic recreation of @virgingalactic's SpaceShipTwo built by @DJSnM using the new robotics feature…
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<kmath> YouTube - Seeing 2020
<Althego> if that is the rover it doesnt look good
<Althego> i can recognize the body and the high gain antenna
<UmbralRaptop> As long as its wheels don't get torn up…
<Althego> supposedly bettter wheels
<Althego> oh wait i can see the mastcam too
<Althego> actually it may be in a better state than i thought
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<kmath> YouTube - Exploring new Features with the KSP Breaking Ground DLC
<UmbralRaptop> Yay
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<Althego> so implicitly i got my electric props
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<UmbralRaptop> 🎉
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<lordcirth> LOL just landed on Mun with 4 m/s to spare
<Althego> hehe
<lordcirth> And in 4x scale. The lander detached in LMO with 1700m/s
<Althego> there was a rescue mission, from munar orbit. i also landed with the kerbal on the mun because of xp. arrived back with 40 to spare
<UmbralRaptop> 4 m/s… Do you have an ascent stage?
<lordcirth> UmbralRaptop, it's a probe, transmissible science only
<UmbralRaptop> Fair enough
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<lordcirth> A probe that can return samples from LMO is next, then landed samples, *then* manned. Kerbalism + PBC.
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<SpaceFan456> Is getting a craft above 12k dV worth it?
<SpaceFan456> I'm not really sure how to do it with out bad TWR
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<lordcirth> SpaceFan456, you mean in a single stage?
<UmbralRaptop> Depends on the mission
<SpaceFan456> I'm trying to make a better ship for Dres
<Althego> but dres doesnt need 12k delta v
<SpaceFan456> It does when you are bad at the game lol
<Althego> and nobody ever goes to dres :)
<UmbralRaptop> I mean, the mass ratio will be kinda rough unless that's mostly nuclear or ion
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program - Why You Never Visit Dres
<SpaceFan456> lol nice dres video
<Althego> since then there are the dresteroids, but i they are not worth it
<Neal> that video reminded me of the time I landed on the sun
<Neal> that was interesting
<Althego> so dont go to dres, go to jool
<Althego> there was a video where one guy planted a flag on jool
<Neal> I eventually got my descent rate so low that it counted as "landed" and it autosaved
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<UmbralRaptop> hah
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<Althego> is this channel dying?
<umaxtu_mobile> we're all dying
<SpaceFan456> people were asleep for a while before
<Althego> i feel the conversations are becoming rare
<SpaceFan456> I am trying to make an example craft lol
<Althego> not very aerodynamix
<SpaceFan456> just an example craft. I put 4.3 tons on it
<SpaceFan456> just to have a payload
<Althego> it was ok in the soup days, in fact any nose cone you added, just increased the drag. but with the current stock aero it doesnt look too good
<UmbralRaptop> Hrm. I'd guess a bit high TWR on that second stage. Probably worth setting up a fairing and possibly putting a bit more fuel on the last stage
<SpaceFan456> so like 1.8 TWR on stage 1 and 1ish for stage 2?
<Althego> so it seems the 16 core amd beast is real. with only 3.6 ghz base clock though
<Althego> 3.5
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<UmbralRaptop> something like that
<umaxtu_mobile> that seems pretty high for 16 cores.
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<SpaceFan456> damn with a 4.3 ton payload I can only seem to get 9k dV
<darsie> SpaceFan456: Refuel in orbit.
<darsie> Or use xenon.
<darsie> Or Nerv
<SpaceFan456> @<Althego> but can it run crysis?
<UmbralRaptop> What darsie typed
<UmbralRaptop> especially the nerv (or at least is the final stage 340+ s?)
<UmbralRaptop> Also, Crysis is 12 years old. I'd hope that we haven't failed so badly at computers that modern ones can't run it.
<darsie> SpaceFan456: Getting a lab to Dres is ambitious, but not necessary.
<darsie> Oh, that's a refinary, not a lab, I forgot.
<darsie> SpaceFan456: You can refuel at asteroids. If you bring an IR telescope you can find nearby ones.
<SpaceFan456> lab is only .75 tons lighter but it would require the science gear, so around the same weight
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<SpaceFan456> I have a mining and refining vessel on dres but that was kind of just sent up there for like 280k
<darsie> That's my asteroid pusher. (forgot to bring oxidizer for the vernors).
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<SpaceFan456> nice, that is a complex craft!
<darsie> yeah
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<SpaceFan456> well then... spent all this time planning a vehicle to get to dres and back. Mission only wanted a fly by
<UmbralRaptop> oops
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<jUMPSu1t> Hi
<SpaceFan456> sup?
<UmbralRaptop> lo
<jUMPSu1t> Im bored
<SpaceFan456> why?
<sandbox> go to dres
<jUMPSu1t> cause
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<UmbralRaptop> …
<SpaceFan456> Dres is annoying, too many hot girls here
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<jUMPSu1t> I assume that the odd black piece of debris that doesn't have a name is a monolith?
<jUMPSu1t> Watched a vid about it this morning
<SpaceFan456> like aliens made it?
<jUMPSu1t> I feel stupid bc I've been building cars to drive to it for the past few days
<jUMPSu1t> Thinking it was a fuel tank or something
<jUMPSu1t> No, the odd black monoliths
<UmbralRaptop> yeah, they're monoliths.
<kmath> YouTube - KSP - Monolith + Secret Base!
* UmbralRaptop has questions about what SpaceFan456 is doing with Dres
<jUMPSu1t> Ok...I think there's a traction problem with my wheels, cause they keep rearing and flipping
<jUMPSu1t> What's the star
<jUMPSu1t> Also why does everyone hate Dres?
<SpaceFan456> Idk, just never been to dres so I am checking it out for no real reason, also doing a mission
<UmbralRaptop> actions. type "/me action"
* UmbralRaptop action
* jUMPSu1t action
<UmbralRaptop> Hating on Dres is a meme for silly reasons
<jUMPSu1t> ok yeh
<jUMPSu1t> qmapzlwnskxoendjcirbvhfutyg
<UmbralRaptop> For rovers, try making them front wheel drive?
<jUMPSu1t> huh
<jUMPSu1t> you can do that
* UmbralRaptop blinks
<UmbralRaptop> Yeah, turn off power to the rear wheels
* jUMPSu1t is a noob (and she knows it)
* jUMPSu1t likes /me
<jUMPSu1t> Ok, will making a six-wheel design help?
<UmbralRaptop> possibly. Try keeping three center of mass low and making it wide and long in general?
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<SpaceFan456> have rovers gotten better?
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<jUMPSu1t> qqq
<jUMPSu1t> www
<jUMPSu1t> eeeer
<jUMPSu1t> r
<jUMPSu1t> t
<jUMPSu1t> t
<jUMPSu1t> y
<jUMPSu1t> u
<jUMPSu1t> i
<jUMPSu1t> o
<jUMPSu1t> p
<jUMPSu1t> a
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<jUMPSu1t> c
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<jUMPSu1t> m
<Guest64379> uhhhh
<jUMPSu1t> sorry
<jUMPSu1t> Im bored ok
<jUMPSu1t> And leaving in like 1 min so can't play ksp
<jUMPSu1t> Although I really, really wish I could
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<UmbralRaptop> blarg
<UmbralRaptop> … ping ops next time someone does that?
<SpaceFan456> LMAO I used a robotic arm \ hinges to align and connect my docking port and the krakken went wild
<umaxtu> figures
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<SpaceFan456> That was a pain in the ass lol
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<packbart> huh. just a single trip to the Mun's surface and the lab is already full.
<packbart> the scientist promises to turn it into hundreds of science points. better send another one
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<SpaceFan456> It was weird for me. Only about half of the saved science got transferred