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<Guest00469> Hey guys
<Guest00469> I am having a problem with servos. When attaching them to the sides of planes, they always spin clockwise together (opposite rotation on opposite sides of craft) or counterclockwise together.
<Guest00469> IS there a way to set them to spin the same direction on opposite sides of the craft when in the o|o mode ?
<Guest00469> Hinges work, but servos for this application would be so much easier
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<Guest00469> figured it out - advanced tweakables in settings enables asymetric reversal
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<JVFoxy> yo
<Raptop> λo
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<Althego> falcon heavy in 90 minutes
<Althego> or not, it is already late
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<Althego> starting
<Althego> t-19 min
<Althego> kerbal style launch, with many maneuver nodes
<Althego> flying
<Althego> center corecrashed
<Draconiator> Ahhhh darn.
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<Althego> 55k people watching earth on spacex tv
<Althego> at least one of the fairing halves landed on the net
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<Mat2ch> Woah
<Mat2ch> Althego: I'm lagging behind. Just got up ;)
<Mat2ch> Just saw the splash of the core booster
<Mat2ch> That's a long mission running there
<Althego> 6 hours
<Althego> 4 different orbits
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<Mat2ch> gtg now. It's already 26° C outside. And it's not going to be the hottest day this week.
<Mat2ch> I might become a climate change refugee someday...
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<Eddi|zuHause> Fluburtur: that's marginally more impressive than
<Althego> the not turning gears
<Gasher[work]> than locked gears lol
<kmath> YouTube - Three Gears are Possible - Numberphile
<Althego> doesnt look like this though
<Gasher[work]> Althego, also look at the logo on the video that you linked - the gears on it are shown as having impractical square teeth. I read that it's a geraldic convention that gears on various coats of arms are shown specifically with square teeth
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that doesn't really count :P
<Eddi|zuHause> thing i never figured out: how do you see the thumbnail of the video you're watching on youtube?
<Althego> in odler versions: by not clicking it. in newer versions video does not start plaing by default, so you can see the thumbnail in big (but actually compressed ugly)
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but once you started the video, you can't go back
<Wastl4> You could request${video_id}/maxresdefault.jpg with the id of the video you're watching.
<Eddi|zuHause> that sounds too elaborate to be practical
<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: recently i ticked a switch in about:config about disabling autoplaying media, that's what made the video open in stopped mode (with the thumbnail displayed)
<packbart> that behaviour changed on Youtube without me ticking anything
<kmath> <EricMamajek> Federico Marocco @NASAJPL & collaborators find new, nearby ultracool (Teff ~ 300K, prob Y-type) brown dwarf @ ~5.6…
<Althego> 300k brown dwarf, lol
<Althego> it is a livable surface
<Althego> aside from the gravity
<Eddi|zuHause> can someone explain to me how i just ended up watching a video about casting a cannon?
<Raptop> "surface"
<darsie> Althego: Jupiters surface gravity is 2.5 g.
<darsie> But a brown dwarf would be denser.
<darsie> And not much bigger.
<Raptop> Y-dwarfs are arguably jupiters with gravity and magnetic fields that hate you even more
<Raptop> Eddi|zuHause: that sounds like it found be a neat video
<Eddi|zuHause> "jupiter" "surface"? i think i misunderstood a few things in astronomy class
<Raptop> s/found/could/
<darsie> Does the Sun have a surface?
<kmath> YouTube - How NOT To Cast A Historic Bronze Cannon Barrel. FarmCraft101
<Raptop> We can call the photosphere a surface
<darsie> Stars have a size. Some are bigger than others.
<Raptop> (It isn't, but for anything vaguely sunlike, it looks like one)
<Eddi|zuHause> darsie: i'd say there's a difference between a "size" and a "surface"
<Raptop> Annoyingly, size depends on what wavelength you measure in
<darsie> I want to eat brown dwarfs.
<Eddi|zuHause> that sounds delicious
<darsie> :)
<Raptop> darsie: Sure, M87*-chan
<Fluburtur> yeah exept mine are not locked
<darsie> Upload my mind and when the sun has burned out we'll use fusion reactors to eat Jupiter, then brown dwarfs.
<Althego> just move to a red dwarf, thiose live trillions of years
<darsie> Yeah, that, too.
<darsie> After the regular fuel is used up teh plan is to find/make a small black hole with 1 GW Hawking radiation and feed it the matter of dead stars.
<darsie> Only need 351 mg/year.
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* Mat2ch wishes that the sun would burn out right now
<Mat2ch> finally cold again
<Mat2ch> and then so cool I wouldn't care anymore.
<Eddi|zuHause> i think there's some hot bits inbetween
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<Mat2ch> any news yet why the core booster didn't make it?
<Eddi|zuHause> moar boosters?
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<Mat2ch> No, SpaceX core booster! ;P
<Althego> a bit delayed reaction
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<packbart> oopsn
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<Eddi|zuHause> (would it be breaking the language rule if we had a conversation in whitespace?)
<Eddi|zuHause> yes, that's what i meant
<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: yes it would.
<Eddi|zuHause> Mat2ch: well, it would still be english, just written in a weird way?
<Mat2ch> depends on the definition of language. And if in doubt, the most restrictive counts.
<Mat2ch> if you define a language in a way that letters are a part of it, then no, no whitespace conversations here.
<Eddi|zuHause> well, there's a pretty straightforward conversion between whitespace and ascii
<packbart> V'yy whfg fgvpx gb ebg13. Vg'f n gehfgrq fgnaqneq.
<Mat2ch> no rot13 either.
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<Eddi|zuHause> you guys are no fun :/
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<JVFoxy> Hmm... Lego meets Kerbal... woke up, noticing a couple of new lego space sets on youtube..
<Eddi|zuHause> "it is expected that wednesday will be the warmest day of the year"
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<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: yet. Don't forget about July and August.
<Mat2ch> We could get even hotter days then
<Eddi|zuHause> Mat2ch: that's not what the article said. but it might well be
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<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: link plz :P
<Eddi|zuHause> Mat2ch: can't find it again
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<Mat2ch> :(
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<JVFoxy> watching spacex landing boosters on the pads... anyone given thoughts to use them on the shuttle?
<UmbralRaptop> ?
<JVFoxy> instead of solid boosters.. use the ones spacex used for their heavy launches
<UmbralRaptop> Oh, liquid fuel boosters were considered, especially as an upgrade. But never used.
<UmbralRaptop> I think the STME design evolved into the RS-68?
<JVFoxy> some artclse says the -68 ended up on the Delta 4
<UmbralRaptop> yeah
<JVFoxy> but possibly... I never got around to researching why solids instead. I guess was thinking more alternative history, if they were able to self recover boosters end of each flight instead of pulling them out of the ocean
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<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: cost. Liquid fuel rockets are far more expensive than solid fuel rockets
<Mat2ch> Even though they recovered the boosters, the nozzled quiet often didn't make it.
<Mat2ch> Now imagine having to properly land the boosters...
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<JVFoxy> ugh.. hours of messing in KSP just to see if I can make a mini shuttle system
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<Eddi|zuHause> sounds like a normal day
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