UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> starting to find it a bit harder to name stuff... sigh..
<darsie> I named my last rocket 'Eve surface science' or so.
<Gasher[work]> minimalism
<JVFoxy> I ended up naming mine Lnar Roadster.. just something to get three in to mun orbit and meet up with a waiting lander...
<JVFoxy> *Lunar Roadster...
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<darsie> EER doesn't seem to show location of COM. That would be quite useful.
<darsie> Any other way to balance a rocket other than test flying it?
<darsie> Hmm, there's torque shown in KER.
<darsie> But it's not very precise.
<packbart> RCSBuildAid show wet, average and dry COM. only in the editor but it gives you an idea how it progresses
<darsie> thx
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<JVFoxy> good thing I wasn't work'n on vid.. stupid people driving into power poles tonight
<sandbox> oh? someone just crashed into our front wall
<JVFoxy> no but caused power here to sputter for a few moments.. twice
<JVFoxy> thought someone was taking out frustrations on the breaker panel
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<Althego> hehe i forgot about the crs launch all day. and now i see that it didnt happen
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<Neal1> I set up a KAC timer for a jool launch but I have no idea what I had planned to launch
<UmbralRaptop> Throw together some random flyby or orbiter mission?
<Neal1> the "open" option in the VAB really needs an option to sort by last opened/modified
<Neal1> I remember I had something specific planned because I was going to rendezvous with another vessel
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<Eddi|zuHause> the load game window desperately needs sorting by date
<Neal1> the previously launched vessel was flown early so I could get some more science to get a few new parts
<Althego> not much to load, so not important. but the craft list in the tracking station really needs sort by time remaining
<Neal1> why not add a sort option to all the menus!
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<Althego> fix the main menu font?
<UmbralRaptop> aaaaa
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<packbart> Neal1: there's a mod for that:
<packbart> although that seems to be tied into KerbalX a bit
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<darsie> ISS resupply mission launch
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<Eddi|zuHause> for a split second there i was wondering whether ingame or real :p
<darsie> I was tempted to rotate the view :).
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<Ezriilc> The Hobbit trilogy soundtracks right before a Marvel movies marathon - too much nerd in one day? I think not.
<Eddi|zuHause> isn't that basically just repurposed LotR music, because they didn't have enough time to compose for all the reshoots and triple run time?
<Eddi|zuHause> ok, they had that funny dwarf song which should have been in a disney movie... but other than that, i remeber not a single scene where i went "hey that's great music" that wasn't accompanied by "wait, i know this already"
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<FLHerne_> To be fair, the funny song was in the book
<FLHerne_> (assuming you meant the one I'm thinking of)
<FLHerne_> I really like the Lonely Mountain song, and that's not in LotR that I remember
<kmath> YouTube - The Misty Mountains Cold - The Hobbit
<Tank2333> Hey guys