UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> cargo bays on side of the 2 person lander pod is nice, but still no clue what to put in them.. not a lot of stock parts fix nicely
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<UmbralRaptop> I guess batteries, thermometers, barometers, and the like?
<Althego> what about the new deployable things?
<Althego> yes, i still didnt get there yet because of the ongoing career game
<JVFoxy> add-on stuff? ugh.. haven't gotten there yet.
<Althego> anyway there are some container to which you can pack soem science experimetns and deploy them
<JVFoxy> to be honest... I haven't even gotten the first add-on pack yet from last year
<Althego> not that important
<Althego> the robotic parts seem a lot better
<Althego> to be
<JVFoxy> I had considered dropping in KIS/KAS, or at least looking. Something I wanted to put on anyways. I guses I may as well now
<JVFoxy> is it bad form to drop a couple mods part way through career? like one of the life support ones?
<Althego> your choice
<JVFoxy> I've something ready to go, 3 ships. Though, there is some extra space for a little bit of weight. I don't want to end up having to redesign everything if lifesuport adds a big burdn
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<Wastl4> JVFoxy: You can add Breaking Ground to an ongoing career.
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<Portuguese_Musketeer> ayy
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<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> Behold the mole! Now with the support structure out of the way, my team has a view of the mole’s position. Read mor…
<Althego> apparently there is nothing ther to be stuck on. so probably they are right and the problem is lack of friction
<UmbralRaptop> Yay (I hope)
* UmbralRaptop 🔪 Nature in the paywall
<UmbralRaptop> ah, it's on arχiv
<Althego> ah i always thought it was an x
<X> That is me.
<X> I am an X.
<Althego> at least there is no snow in the summer :)
<X> Do not confuse me with χ.
<X> χ is my evil twin.
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<UmbralRaptop> I mean, it's an x in the URL, but it's supposed to represent a chi
<UmbralRaptop> uh
<Althego> i didnt know about that
<kmath> YouTube - 4K - Orion Launch Abort Test (Nikon P1000)
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<Althego> nextrocket doesnt report suborbital launches
<Althego> er i thought the point of launch abort is to survive the launch
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<UmbralRaptop> And Principia now supports 1.7.2
<Althego> and libssh reached 0.9
<Althego> i was waiting for this for a while
<Althego> based on the code it has a sensible timeout handling now, or at least it had when i checked on the head version, so finally i can replace libssh2
<UmbralRaptop> yay
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<kmath> YouTube - European Southern Observatory (ESO) Live Stream
<Althego> solareclipse?
<Althego> based on the stream time it is almost over
<UmbralRaptop> Still starting, actually?
<UmbralRaptop> Or maybe just a really disappointing partial eclipse at sunset
<Althego> still lot of people there in the middle of the desert
<Althego> and i should be sleeping by now
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<UmbralRaptop> Totality soon
<UmbralRaptop> ?
<darsie> !
<darsie> 4 min
<Rolf> drat
<darsie> A that place.
<darsie> 3
<UmbralRaptop> \o/
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<JVFoxy> oh.. wait..
<JVFoxy> lunar?
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<darsie> solar
<JVFoxy> south america.. somewhat narrow band
<JVFoxy> won't be till 2084 one'll pass my area. :\
<Eddi|zuHause> there's one over here when i turn 100
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<JVFoxy> eh... floaty planets down river.. for some reason:
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<Eddi|zuHause> confirmed: if you dropped jupiter into water, it would float
<JVFoxy> saturn... don't know, those rings seem somewhat sketchy
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<JVFoxy> and I kind of like Saturn out of all the planets
<JVFoxy> poking ckan for which lifesupport to go with
<JVFoxy> ooof.. load time when going just EVA x.x
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<Eddi|zuHause> snacks!
<Eddi|zuHause> the other ones are a bit too complicated
<Eddi|zuHause> or, say, too elaborate
<JVFoxy> dind't do the snacks one..
<JVFoxy> although.. a little bothered by the fact texture replacer and this cloud system causing my system to tax pretty badly
<JVFoxy> not even in game and my GPU core already maxing out according to a system monitor
<JVFoxy> switch to game, game idle, gpu sitting %100.. ugh. I'd go for a new graphics but, friend says because of bit coin mining, prices rocketed
<JVFoxy> ksp suppose to use up to 6gigs ram?
<lordcirth_> JVFoxy, with mods? Yeah 6GB is normal
<lordcirth_> Also, GPU prices went up because of other cryptocurrencies, not Bitcoin. You can't practically mine Bitcoin on a GPU anymore.
<JVFoxy> 7700 series HD AMD card.. friend says its ancient by today's standards. :\
<JVFoxy> just.. not liek I can afford $500 for a new card right now. Given I'm in Canada, I don't exactly give our dollar very good prespective
<JVFoxy> mods: chatterer, a flag pack, KIS/KAS, TACLS, texturereplacer (not sure which res pack though now), module manager, Backgrond Resources/Community Category Kit+resource pack/EVS/KSP AVC which are all requested by CKan as dependancies
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<lordcirth_> JVFoxy, That is old, but you should be able to play KSP fine. Just remove the clouds.
<JVFoxy> ... I thought it be nice to have clouds. I no idea it was going to cause this much of a problem... :\
<JVFoxy> it does run.. just some scenes are slow to transision at the moment
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<JVFoxy> ok .. just noticed, auto struts not an option now.. a mod take it away or does it show up later in career somehow?
<JVFoxy> oh.. needs actual struts unlocked
<lordcirth_> JVFoxy, yeah, adv tweakables and struts
<JVFoxy> btw...
<lordcirth_> Rigid attachment can help a little
<JVFoxy> I find it funny, you remove kerbal's helmet on the surface, yet they still suck up O2 resource
<lordcirth_> O2 from what mod?
<JVFoxy> ya rigid nodes.. plane still yaws a bit though.
<JVFoxy> have TACLS
<JVFoxy> I'm mostly testing a couple of mods to get used to them for later project
<JVFoxy> plane with intakes, flying, but doesn't supply o2...
<lordcirth_> JVFoxy, IIRC TACLS has it's own filter part for that
<lordcirth_> I believe Kerbalism makes them stop consuming oxygen when in low atmosphere
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<JVFoxy> k.. I'll look into it then. At the moment, seems i can't use the inventory system from KIS
<JVFoxy> or at least I can't seem to put items into crew seats on a pod
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