UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<packbart> "What's a Mission Control Party? It's when you get a bunch of friends together and each person has a separate station, and you somehow have to coordinate with the pilot (who you may have locked in the bathroom with some snacks for dramatic effect) to try to pull off an actual mission." - interesting fun
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<Eddi|zuHause> wasn't there a VR game like that, where you're a starfleet crew?
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<Rolf> Eddi|zuHause: I recall that yeah
<packbart> this one's more like table-top than VR ;) it uses Telemachus to display KSP data on multiple browsers ( )
<Rolf> first solar sail sent off into space
<Rolf> lets see if it works
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* packbart rips off tourists - fly by the moon, burn just enough to make it count as orbiting, then immediately burn about the same in the other direction to resume course towards a Minmus fly-by where the bus will perform the same maneuver, then adjust course for Kerbin reentry
<Rolf> lol
<packbart> I'll put the 3 landing tourists into other missions
<Gasher[work]> yeah that's how it's done - fulfill the contract to the letter but by the lowest bid
<packbart> why do I even do tourist missions? :)
<Rolf> money
<packbart> well, the tourist bus did even fulfill a station contract after launch
<Eddi|zuHause> you never fulfill station contracts with an actual station...
<Gasher[work]> i left the craft dangling on orbit, with a lab it makes a bit more sense
<packbart> I did. I wanted two science labs in orbit around Mun, anyway. Had to ferry over some fuel because it arrived with just a little less than the required 4k units LF
<Gasher[work]> i remember the early tourist crafts had one pod for each tourists and they were then detached to be akin to MIRV lol
<Rolf> tourist bombs!
<Gasher[work]> yeah
<darsie> I did satellite contracts and destroyed the sats right after.
* packbart dreams of Kerbal drop suits -
<kmath> YouTube - Starship Troopers Animated Series Trailer
<darsie> packbart: Did burning to orbit at high Mun altitude save fuel oven doing it at low periapsis?
<Gasher[work]> i think of that as role-playing really
<darsie> over
<darsie> ... but you didn't say you did that.
<packbart> darsie: no, but I had planned for fly-by only and found some fuel left. The Mun periapsis was quite low to get to Minmus at that time
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<packbart> Fun Fact: if you manage to push a solar panel below the surface without breaking it, it might pick up sunlight.
<taniwha> and how did you pull off such Philedelphia Experiment shenanigans?
<packbart> I flipped the rover :/
<taniwha> that's not supposed to push things into the ground
<taniwha> I guess the solar panel's suncatcher transform is offset from the surface of the collider
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i could collect sunlight all night long on several bodies
<Althego> above surface
<packbart> indeed, the arm should probably protect the panel from being pushed into the ground (far):
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<darsie> Hmm, I could check if asteroids work with 1.7 and RO/RSS
<darsie> I accepted an asteroid contract, but there were none and Vesta/Ceres are planets.
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<Althego> hehe there are pictures of earth from the moon showing the shadow of the moon
<darsie> pics or it didn't happen ;).
<Althego> watch scott
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<Althego> hah! a miracle happened
<Althego> somebody looked at my bug from 1.2.2
<Althego> and they found it doesnt happen
<Althego> anymore
<Althego> fantastic
<QuantizedRaptop> Yeah, I got burned out on the bug tracker somewhere between it becoming available and 1.0
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<Althego> hehe quantized
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<Fluburtur> im almost done putting otgether the suspensions of the tank
<Althego> and martin is on holiday
<QuantizedRaptop> Tank, tank, or is it actually an IFV?
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<Althego> the 3d printed tank
<QuantizedRaptop> ah
<Althego> we havent seen the top yet
<Althego> i think
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