UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<lordcirth_> JVFoxy, use Linux already?
<lordcirth_> (half joking)
<JVFoxy> room mate uses ubuntu...
<JVFoxy> I was going to virtual box something, but it was more for a map thing for a friend's minecraft world save
<umaxtu_mobile> Ubuntu is lame
<umaxtu_mobile> you should start with LFS
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<packbart> JVFoxy: any of the Tac LS life support containers should last months on a small station. The SSPXr parts also contain recyclers, so Oxygen is no problem and Water lasts for years. Only Food needs to be sent up or grown on orbit
<packbart> I once built this one. went up as a single column, provides 3 Kerbals with enough room and supplies. (the sciency parts aren't really necessary, this was a sandbox)
<JVFoxy> Packbart ya.. not exactly looking for something quite /that/ big... technically I should focus on the docking target (redoing career) Just I missed the window this orbit because I didn't expect a contract would keep popping up waypoints on me earlier
<JVFoxy> Just messing around for ideas for next project
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<UmbralRaptop> Today in UmbralRaptop actually not knowing enough about KSP: launching east from Dessert gets you into a 6˚ orbit
* UmbralRaptop eyes Minmus
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<packbart> because Minmus looks like Dessert
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<UmbralRaptop> So if I combine surface samples from both locations…
<umaxtu_mobile> your head will explode
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<UmbralRaptop> Right, have Jeb try them first
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<umaxtu_mobile> UmbralRaptop, did you head explode while I was dealing with WiFi issues?
<UmbralRaptop> uh
* UmbralRaptop probably disconnected a lot this afternoon because GMU WiFi
<umaxtu_mobile> its not like I'm using a cheap AP. its a ubiquiti unit
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<Gasher[work]> reddit yields fun things
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<JVFoxy> anyone play with Chatter?
<packbart> I do
<JVFoxy> huh
<JVFoxy> ever decoded hte SSTV audio? :)
<packbart> I actually turned the SSTV volume way down ;) but no, I haven't looked to decode it
<JVFoxy> ah.. doing that right now myself. wee.. kerbals in BW pics
<packbart> the Internets say, I should use "QSSTV" and pipe the audio into it
<JVFoxy> well... I can share if you want after I get them all done
<packbart> by all means, share the decoded pictures :)
<JVFoxy> ah forgot it tags each image... using RX-SSTV myself. Turns out someone in my local area was doing some SSTV on 2m a little bit back. A bit of a surprised. I wanted to try it out for quite a while
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<JVFoxy> ok uploading
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<JVFoxy> Chatter SSTV sound files converted to B/W images
<JVFoxy> all files 1 to 10
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<packbart> ooh, nice :)
<JVFoxy> feels like missing something... no not the big gray middle part
<JVFoxy> ya.. images were pretty small, used B/W 12 protocall for SSTV.. figured better to just fit them together.
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<JVFoxy> oh ya.. just realized
<JVFoxy> I was originally going to check these audio recordings from chatterer, curious what they actually saying
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<packbart> I accidentally agreed to test the Wheesley engine without even having researched the nacelle and larger intakes
<packbart> so I just mounted it on top of a small plane witj 2 Junos :)
<packbart> up to 6km, then descend to 5km to pick up the required 200m/s, stage and shutdown immediately. huge drag but it worked
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<Gasher_> hm, it was an interesting launch when you notice that the return pod's ablator
<Gasher_> got used up a bit
<Mat2ch> So... Scott Manley fell for the old "I cut your tires and then offer help and rob you" trick in Spain.
<Mat2ch> And I hate those people who are doing this
<UmbralRaptop> packbart: I assume that it's like testing landed engines in that they don't care if you brought fuel?
<packbart> I guess so. I just had to activate it through staging and then quickly shut it down again before it could produce thrust perpendicular to the wings
<packbart> or it would have been a VLO craft - vertical landing, once
<Gasher_> eh, what's that mossy rock on minmus?
<packbart> Gasher_: "Olivine Formation", iirc
<Gasher_> any uses for that?
<packbart> science and contracts
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<packbart> can be scanned with the rover arms
<Gasher_> well at least i found it
<Gasher_> no rover arms, also base contract failed - i miscalculated fuel needed. or it was used up somehow
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<kmath> YouTube - Where does NASA keep the Moon Rocks? - Smarter Every Day 220
<Althego> well, not so global live stream it seems :)
<Althego> it was live less than an hour ago
<Althego> anyway polar circumnavigation speed record attempt
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<packbart> sometimes, I launch on a Rhino
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