UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> ... jeb has a brother?
<Althego> apparently all male kerbals >(
<Althego> :)
<JVFoxy> no...
<JVFoxy> name
<Gasher[work]> right, same suraname
<Gasher[work]> * surname
<JVFoxy> Jedbal...
<Althego> not even close
<JVFoxy> B.. D.. muh, Jeb, Jed.. why not?
<JVFoxy> Dottie Kermine, cute name. Engineer
* darsie has (had?) Elon Kerman :).
<JVFoxy> .. kerman...
<JVFoxy> names just completely randomly spelled or there a list/system game uses?
<UmbralRaptor> IIRC, there's some combination of affixes
<Althego> i think most of them are random, but occassionaly you might get some specific name
<Althego> or was that just for the contracts?
<UmbralRaptor> With a few actual names, and a filter (RIP, dildo kerman)
<Althego> lol
* UmbralRaptor has no idea if that violates the language rule
<JVFoxy> I"d gotten Manley as a name in a waypoint contract
<UmbralRaptor> Yeah, that's a shout out to Scott
<Althego> yes there are a few like that
<JVFoxy> even screen shot it
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<UmbralRaptor> Also, I think the generator was changed around 1.0?
<Gasher[work]> name filter lol
<Gasher[work]> i just wonder what else does it have
<UmbralRaptor> The filter is I think only when generating names, and saves are whatever?
* UmbralRaptor should try some Unicode shenanigans
<Althego> this must be the birth of the unicode danny
<UmbralRaptor> Consider: 🔪 Kerman
* JVFoxy acks, client too old
<JVFoxy> I did a ship for a previous game. looked up translation for a word in russia or something. Copied it over, didn't realize it was using unicode.
<umaxtu_mobile> oops
<JVFoxy> windows had no problem... copying it over to show name here.. well that was another matter. :\
<Eddi|zuHause> .. said the person with the 20 year old mirc?
<UmbralRaptor> I mean, irssi plays nice with these if you have a decent terminal
* UmbralRaptor blames hexchat
<umaxtu_mobile> does that include the new Windows Terminal?
<umaxtu_mobile> I believe its got Unicode support
<UmbralRaptor> Unsure, though I assume that you'd be using the Linux subsystem for this?
<umaxtu_mobile> yeah
<Althego> mirs has been unicode capable for years
<Althego> mirc
<Eddi|zuHause> yes, but not 20 years :p
<JVFoxy> I don't generally use other language letterings. so...
<Althego> at least it is good to see them
<Eddi|zuHause> (i honestly don't understand how you can sleep at night and use an outdated program to access the internet)
<Althego> otherwise you end up with blocks
<UmbralRaptor> JVFoxy: but they let you solve the Чебышёв problem!
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> to be honest.. I didn't think I'd ever poke back on mIRC again
<UmbralRaptor> (That guy's name has hundreds of transliterations)
<Althego> hexchat works on windows too
<Althego> i actually have a mirc licence
<Althego> but since it is per user and not per system, i said i will not buy somehing twice
<JVFoxy> I only came back because of KSP forums and link to the web based irc connection terminal...
<UmbralRaptor> hrm
<JVFoxy> I"d probably have stuck with that, but with our net here crapping frequently. Each time I gotta connect back up, its always a fresh start again
<Althego> bouncer
<JVFoxy> at least with this client, not loosing everything, so there is at least that upside
<Althego> or a screen somewhere :)
<Althego> just as i am using an irssi in screen when i am in the office
<Althego> because for 3 years i was too lazy to est up a local client
<JVFoxy> did look into my own ISP connection but that was quickly shot down. I'd have to move from my current place.
* JVFoxy sends out a robotic launch, finds debris from previous mission still floating in water not far from KSC.. hmm..
<JVFoxy> do I just outright recover it or go out and have fun with a boat?
<umaxtu_mobile> how far from KSC?
<JVFoxy> about 6 degrees south, a slight bit west.. don't know exact distance. Its in water. Currently descending from sub orbital mission
<JVFoxy> er.. I'm currently descending that is
<JVFoxy> well... make that two parts now.. another crashed and survived around the slopes west of KSC
<JVFoxy> lol.. both were stack seperators.. meh just simple recovery then
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<packbart> meh. Forum search gives error 500. and Bing is a useless search engine. I give it all the keywords I know exist in the post I'm looking for and it finds everything else. Trying to find the collection of Module Manager snippets again
<packbart> ( ah, this one it was: )
<Rolf> use google with tools -> specific word
<Rolf> verbatium
<packbart> I try not to use Google. I did just now and it sent me into and endless stream of hydrants, buses, traffic lights and motorcycles
* packbart is not Google Captcha compatible :(
<JVFoxy> oh derp..
<JVFoxy> I had module manager page up as one of my tabs for later
<packbart> so I'm using Bing for, oh, several months now
<packbart> JVFoxy: I have it bookmarked now :) I was just looking for auto-hibernate patch
<JVFoxy> oh.. thought that was a setting already in game?
* JVFoxy also face palms, forgot not to race at 75ms across KSC in jet car, hit a bump, byebye wheels and other things
<packbart> yeah, but I'd like it to be on by default. It's nothing critical and I'm packing enough EC by now, anyway
<JVFoxy> ah.. I hadn't find myself in shade long enough to really worry about it yet...
<Eddi|zuHause> <packbart> I try not to use Google. I did just now and it sent me into and endless stream of hydrants, buses, traffic lights and motorcycles <- you must be one of them filthy scum that wants to hide their identity from googles all-seeing eye
<Eddi|zuHause> <packbart> so I'm using Bing for, oh, several months now <- have you tried duckduckgo?
<JVFoxy> eh.. bing...
<Eddi|zuHause> i can't imagine bing being useful for ... anything
<JVFoxy> didn't it used to drop all sorts of ad things in pages as you browsed and other things?
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i ever visited that site
<JVFoxy> I noticed it came with firefox/waterfox on a few updates in the past...
<packbart> I guess I'm going to call it Ninja Base. If it lands in this configuration, needs a bit of weight balancing.
<packbart> with reversible robotic rover deploymment
<JVFoxy> ... what are the elbow joints made from?
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<Gasher[work]> space squid
<packbart> G-00 Hinges. The arm has 3 hinges, 2 telescopic cylinders and 1 servo to align a returning rover before stowing it
<JVFoxy> more wondering the 'bellows' of the arms
* JVFoxy hoping little suborbital tourist rig will make the re-entry safely
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<packbart> JVFoxy: or did you mean the 45° connectors? those are from Station Parts Expanded Reduxed ( ) - I don't want to build stations without it ;)
<JVFoxy> welp.. came down, pulled some high g's trying to get out of hte dive.. landing was a bit a wreck though. ah well
<JVFoxy> packbart: ah.. I probably ran across it in one of Kottabbos' reviews
<JVFoxy> re-watching, huh.. rextured some of the ohter parts too I see
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<JVFoxy> ya.. plane is a little.. squirley, it controls.. maybe just a little too responsive
<packbart> "Excessively maneuverable" is the euphemism, IIRC
<JVFoxy> eh.. tit for tat
<JVFoxy> I kind of got it landed but then it decided to bounce up into the air for a moment then slam back down, boom
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<JVFoxy> packbart watching the vid on the mod, which parts in particular? I'm guessing you took two parts and angled them
<packbart> this one is the "PPD-MULT Multi-Point Station Connector". it can be configured from 6-way down to 2-way angled (30°, 45°)
<Gasher[work]> hm, is that normal that a rescue mission's craft comes within Mun's influence and is being slingshotted by it around kerbin?
<JVFoxy> packbart mm ok
<Eddi|zuHause> as long as it doesn't crash into the mun, or kerbin...
<Gasher[work]> timewarped for a few days and it slingshotted itself into stable orbit. I think it made three such hops
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<packbart> the rover is too light. I'd need another 2.5t to balance the greenhouse on the other side. time to shift parts around
<JVFoxy> or just add ballast?
<JVFoxy> 2.5 .. quite a bit
<Gasher[work]> i wonder why i try to use L to light EVA suit lights - so it was that until 1.2
<JVFoxy> using ' for default ship focus threw me too
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<JVFoxy> ugh.. the fairings on these lvl0 wheels, just love to go the wrong way while building
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<Gasher[work]> looks like that mission ask for the mun stone lol
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<JVFoxy> ...
<JVFoxy> "untitled craft has detected something. Go out and get an EVA report on the surface."
<JVFoxy> ok.. this is a new one for me.
<JVFoxy> oh derp.. marker sitting literally right on the center..
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<JVFoxy> oh fun... hit waypoint, its got ya going to another
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<Gasher[work]> did not find mun stone, instead grabbed a stranded kerbal on orbit lol
<JVFoxy> huh.. 4 way points, a little goose chase of sorts.
<JVFoxy> good thing they weren't way out there beyond KSC.. last one was 12km or so west on ground
<JVFoxy> and.. gotta redo. bump on terrain flipped car over, blew up half the parts
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<packbart> JVFoxy: yeah, I did one of those yesterday on Minmus. had to move the rover up and down between Slopes and Flats. good thing it's got rocket engines
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<JVFoxy> Packbart: I was like, 'craft.. wait.. I don't have anything out there. Um ok, well its just one way point' Turns out, nope, 4.. don't know where the other 3 are till you hit each one in turn.
<JVFoxy> I just built a little Mk1 plane cockpit, with mk1 crew pod, landing wheels, and engine.. just something simple to putter around in
<JVFoxy> oof, ok finally got it done.. missed my launch window for docking with an orbiting craft though
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<kmath> YouTube - Flying LEGO NASA Apollo 11 Lunar Lander
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<packbart> I've got no luck putting scanning arms on rovers. every time they hit the ground when extending. didn't looked like that in the editor. well, back to the drawing board
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<kmath> YouTube - KSP_Rotation.mp4
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<packbart> The Lawnmower Jeb
<Mat2ch> Althego: When does he get transported away?
<Althego> doesnt
<Mat2ch> than this is not built according to the plans.
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that one is naughty
<Mat2ch> Woah :D
<Althego> almost 100k subs and still these kind of titles :)
<Althego> dead space
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<Althego> how do you say chroot?
<nate> groot
<UmbralRaptor> chroot
* UmbralRaptor has only used the term in text
<Althego> that occured to me, that is why i asked
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<floptapuss> yo
<Althego> ho
<nate> Realistically since it's not capitalized my assumption would be literally hard ch-root, or simply say it outloud for what it's doing (change root)
<UmbralRaptor> λo
<nate> The latter is more the experience I deal with among other sysops
<darsie> I say change root.
<Althego> hehe this sounds funny
<Althego> hehe, chroot says it like cherry, but chr
<floptapuss> guyz why cant I get rid of my old KAS files ??? where are they hidden?
<Althego> inside gamedata?
<floptapuss> nvm fixed it, all of it was hidden in a different folder than expected
<floptapuss> just deleted folder and then restored the files i needed in that folder back through steam
<floptapuss> god I'm so bad at mods
<Althego> heh, what happened to techreport, i cant stand it in white, usually i could turn it back to blue
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<JVFoxy> oof...
<JVFoxy> racking head over design ideas for a tiny LKO station while using TAC LS...
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<JVFoxy> 3 days too short to leave Jeb up there?
<JVFoxy> also grr.. windows.. make a change to my ksp folder on desktop, it decides to relocate it after reboot. >_<