UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<Eddi|zuHause> "we use the fact that nobody died from dark matter collisions to deduce that this kind of dark matter doesn't exist"?
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<Gasher[work]> well everyone died of brain failure, so no other causes of death exist anyway
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<Althego> Curious Marc's AGC Repair Shop - Solid Work, Reasonable Rates, All Work Guaranteed. The only AGC repair shop in the Solar System
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<Althego> that b12 module is basically useless, there are now 4 holes on it for the repairs
<Althego> and i bet some museum has a working one that they dont use it is just on display
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<Rokker> Althego: did you just say the word
<Rokker> M U S E U M
<Rokker> MUSEUM?
<Althego> ah i almost forgot about you
<Rokker> :(
<Rokker> I started playing KSP again
<Rokker> and it crashed
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<packbart> it happens, but not often. I've seen it about two times now
<Althego> he is probably using rss and stuff
<Althego> so can be because of mods
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<Rokker> yeah
<Rokker> its mods
<Althego> hah it is flying
<Althego> bigger wings
<Althego> 6x8 mid blade
<Althego> i forgot to put on the additional solar panels
<Althego> but still
<Althego> the props also help to slow donw for landing
<Althego> if only they generated power too
<Althego> but that never worked, not even for wheel
<Althego> s
<Gasher> like, recuperation?
<Rokker> guys
<Rokker> guess what is coming to a museum that is like 40 minutes away
<Gasher> something about the recent anniversary?
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<Althego> something going on with those blades
<Althego> also i dont get why it cant land
<Althego> it can easily land on kerbin
<Althego> it lands with around 35 m/s on duna with low vertical speed and low gravity
<Althego> and then it just wants to push its nose into the ground
<Althego> i guess the main landing gear generate some huge force
<Gasher> i noticed that in 1.7 there are some issues with wheels
<packbart> oh my, even the Truck Simulator released an Apollo 11 update with Apollo-styled trinkets to hang in the cabin and some lunar paint jobs. It's everywhere! :)
<Gasher> Althego, also maybe if you change the spring/damper values it'd be better?
<packbart> notflying.png looks to me as if the rotor speeds goes beyond the Kraken limit
<Gasher> looks like a load of bats
<Althego> it shouldnt, because all of the motors are limited to 460 rpm
<Althego> that picture looks funny when actually moving, all the blades moving around the motors seemingly as random noise
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<transitbiker> bwoop
<transitbiker> so, like... where did the kerbodyne big tank adapter go in 1.7?
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<transitbiker> and wow
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<transitbiker> i need to check the wiki because the craft i was going to build seems to be missing parts in the editor's part selection
<Althego> some parts have changed visuals, so i constantly have problems finding them
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<LupiDragon> everyone requested that they make it into a fuel tank, so they did @transitbiker
<transitbiker> -_-
<LupiDragon> like when they announced the revamp people were on a lot of the discussion avenues saying "squad you should make it a fuel tank" so they did
<LupiDragon> also i'm trying to test a vehicle for flight on laythe, around what altitude on kerbin does the atmosphere approximate that of laythe?
<transitbiker> or maybe i dunno have both since i dont need a super heavy diamater adapter
<transitbiker> or make tanks with the bevel built in on top
<LupiDragon> you can just take the fuel out of it can't you
<transitbiker> like the mk2 to mk3 ones
<transitbiker> its still like 2x heavier
<transitbiker> empty mass is higher than the plain adapter
<transitbiker> plus now if i use it for a space station i'll have liquid fuel and hydrogen meters needlessly
<LupiDragon> then make an adapter out of a fairing, take a fairing one size less than your tank diameter, widen it out, then clip the base in and close it to a tank of a smaller diameter?
<transitbiker> then i gotta mess around with staging
<LupiDragon> you can remove fairings from staging
<LupiDragon> rightclick them
<transitbiker> man i am just really unhappy with the direction ksp has been going since take-two took over
<LupiDragon> the adapter isn't to blame on take two, blame the large vocal part of the community who were like "this thing is dumb if you're gonna revamp it you should actually improve it and make it a fuel tank"
<transitbiker> same with microsoft and minecraft to be frankly honest
<transitbiker> yeah i get it, but some people still used it as a low mass adapter
<LupiDragon> I am patently of the opposite belief, minecraft has just been getting better as they've gone through and patched all the stuff that seemed half finished or poorly implemented like the oceans, villages, et cetera
<transitbiker> 1.13 is still a giant mess
<transitbiker> and 1.14 still has chunk loading issues
<transitbiker> as well as lighting update lag
<Althego> you can turn off the meters
<transitbiker> dont get me wrong, i'm glad they are trying to innovate, but, if there are bugs, they should be addressed head-on
<LupiDragon> i mean, yeah, sometimes bugs creep in, but it's not like they're not working on those? they've clearly been paying attention and working through reports and feedback given that they went from "we're changing how this works, no more iron farms" to "try iron farms in this snapshot let us know if it seems fair"
<transitbiker> i leave the resource panel up basically all the time
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<transitbiker> 1.14 was roundly slammed by basically everyone that runs a server and aslo a vast majority of single player world content creators/streamers
<transitbiker> myself included
<LupiDragon> Oh I'm aware, I watch hermitcraft and scicraft
<transitbiker> i dont just watch
<transitbiker> i'm on the back end of several medium sized servers and its been hair pullingly frustrating
<transitbiker> and i had to stop my 1.14 survival series first episode because of the mountain of bugs
<LupiDragon> I did my time playing it back in like 2012-2015 or so with occasional returns; heck, I used to play with someone who's now on hermitcraft. Either way, they're clearly working on it just like Squad works on things; since take two we've gotten things they previously said they'd never do, "stock delta v? this is a toy game"
<transitbiker> could i personally write code to improve these issues? no. do i expect a multi-billion dollar company like microsoft to have the capacity to release vetted and pest controlled software? yes..
<Althego> they dont even do that with windows
<Althego> last few updates were quite bad
<transitbiker> the bugs in ksp were mostly related to constantly active simulation cone like wheels and textures... the fundamental core, the game engine has been solid for some time now
<transitbiker> code not cone
<LupiDragon> anyway where does the atmosphere on Kerbin equate to that of the first couple KM of laythe? if I can get my little multirotor up to 4.5km will it fly on laythe
<transitbiker> with minecraft, they updated content ANd the core game engine at the same time
<Althego> also now that we have propellers, where are my balloon and submarine parts (aero and hydro stat)
<LupiDragon> That's what I came here to ask as well as engage here
<transitbiker> which i think is what they did wrong to bring about all the problems
<Althego> what i hate in this dlc, that the bundled the mu8ch needed props and robotics parts what i have been waiuting for to science stuff
<Althego> why not modularize, release these separately
<transitbiker> you mean you pay for propellers
<transitbiker> yeah... in all i think the quality of software has been going downhill with few exceptions... too much emphasis on marketing not enough emphasis on solid coding
<LupiDragon> if you want to, nobody's putting a gun to your head and saying you have to buy BG, there's no shortage of plane parts mods still out there and last i checked mods like BDB and FASA didn't get taken down when the MH parts pack dropped
<transitbiker> ive been playing ksp for a very long time, and some updates were very welcome, but others have been just added frustration to something that should be enjoyable
<LupiDragon> but yeah, bundling the ground science stuff with robotics seems a little curious, but then they added a desert launch site in maknig history for some reason
<transitbiker> yeah
<Althego> i like the desert launch site
<transitbiker> prolly to simulate white sands proving grounds
<LupiDragon> I'm just pointing out the sorta variance of theme that resulted from it
<Althego> which is called dessert
<Althego> and i never noticed until month later somebody said it here
<Althego> months later
<transitbiker> where the redstone and others were tested before being ok'd to be fitted for a manned capsule
<transitbiker> away from public eyes and far from heavily populated areas
<LupiDragon> but yeah i like the ground science stuff, i can't wait to put it to work; and the sequencer in BG is pretty cool, i've found plenty of unorthodox uses for it.
<transitbiker> i dont think people really understand how gigantic of a feat it was to get people into space
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<transitbiker> we went from breaking the sound barrier and balloon testing to orbital flight in 8 years
<LupiDragon> I find it funny how the maintainer/creator of the SEP mod decided to throw in the towel the day before BG was announced
<LupiDragon> that's one of those funny timing things
<transitbiker> then orbital flight to waling on the moon in what another 6?
<transitbiker> 66 years from first recorded powered flight to waling on the moon
<transitbiker> walking
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<transitbiker> anyway, enough venting..... i need to rebuild thie launch vehicle i accidentally deleted in yesterday's livestream
<Althego> hehe
<transitbiker> i thought it was a solid performer, and i want a new launch vehicle that isnt mongoose 1 based
<transitbiker> the mongoose line of launch vehicles are meant for super heavy lifting into medium to high kerbin orbit, not for capsules and small things
<transitbiker> end up with massive extra fuel
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<transitbiker> i do like the new big nose cone
<transitbiker> and i think they had to have that due to the adapter being a fuel tank now
<transitbiker> used to be you put an adapter and the old nose cone
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<Althego> i like the tiniest nose cones, which despite their name can be used for the engines, obviously on the hub when you are running propellers
<LupiDragon> yeah they're nifty
<LupiDragon> working on this lad, trying to figure out how to tell if it'l work on laythe
<Althego> it is overpowered, it would
<transitbiker> i use them for streamlining in the aft facing bits quite often
<LupiDragon> it can only get to 4km
<LupiDragon> on kerbin
<Althego> hmm
<transitbiker> can the props on the top be put on a taller shaft?
<Althego> never tried that
<LupiDragon> i have those motors torqued down to 2kn and that gives it about a 30 minute flight time?
<transitbiker> then you could make the blades a bit longer?
<Althego> you could change the small props to helicopter blades, those have higher lift
<LupiDragon> too big
<Althego> you just need two pairs in the center
<LupiDragon> i just wanna figure out what altitudes on kerbin correspond to the first km or 2 of laythe's atmosphere so i can test without having to hyperedit there time and time again
<LupiDragon> and reenter and wait to find out it doesn't generate enough lift to not plummet into theocean
<Althego> you can use an exponential function for quick reference
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<transitbiker> or better yet
* Ezriilc 's Spidey sense tingles...
<transitbiker> use the action groups to stage your prop sets based on altitude and lift requirements
<LupiDragon> i have it set up to control entirely differently
<Althego> sea level pressure * exp(- altitude / scale height)
<LupiDragon> i'm using RPM between the motors using KALs
<transitbiker> that way you have like an extra "gear" to shift into for lifting loads or going higher
<transitbiker> hm
<Ezriilc> HyperEdit's Planet Editor can change Kerbin's attributes to that of another body, to make testing crafts much easier.
<Althego> scale hight and sea level pressure are available in the wiki
<transitbiker> then again, i build craft very differently from most people ;)
<Althego> yes we noticed :)
<Althego> so sea level pressure on laythe is 0.6 atm compared to 1 of kerbin
<LupiDragon> let's see, if i want to get to 3km on eve i wanna be atound 45kpa
<LupiDragon> laythe*
<transitbiker> you guise are gonna love this thing once i build it
<transitbiker> livestream time in 5 minutes or less
<Althego> and scale heights are 5.6 km and 8 km
<LupiDragon> so if this thing can get to 5km on kerbin, it can get to about 2.5-3km on laythe?
<LupiDragon> not factoring in weight reduction from laythe's lower gravity
<transitbiker> first stage testing
<transitbiker> if i built this right, it will be where i start the livestream
<transitbiker> aaaand forgot struts
<Althego> around 3.2
<LupiDragon> that's probably enough
<Althego> but this is just an approcimation because there are some variations in scale height by altitude
<transitbiker> is there a mothership for this thing?
<Althego> mothership. drives offline
<LupiDragon> what, the tiny multirotor? No i'm just launching it Curiosity-style in an aeroshell on a conventional rocket
<Althego> just have enough thermal protection for a direct laythe
<Althego> that tends to get really hot
<Althego> laythe has a somewhat weird atmosphere
<LupiDragon> I'm not sure when/if i'm launching this in my main campaign, i just kinda wanted to make it
<LupiDragon> my save has been going long enough that the first jool probe i launched in nov 2016 still hasn't made it, it's still a few weeks out from SoI entry
<transitbiker> looks like some radiators are needed for the twin boar due to the added thuddies on the outside
<transitbiker> lets try that
<transitbiker> edge radiators installed and active
<transitbiker> liquid helium cooling systems should be a thing
<Althego> i dont know of an engine aside from the nuke that needs cooling
<Althego> also you should be able to stick parts to the side of the nuke
<Althego> like radiators
<transitbiker> oh yeah they work holy cow
<transitbiker> well the twin boar is fine on its own, but i have 3 thuds stuck on one side which makes for dense thermal area
<Althego> arent you all happy because of the info on the dragon explosion?
<transitbiker> no clue what that even is
<Althego> you must be living under an asteroid :)
<transitbiker> yes inside a space worm
<Althego> is the empire chasing you?
<transitbiker> no just some cyborg in black
<transitbiker> stalker etc
<transitbiker> brb
<transitbiker> like 100 degrees f here
<Althego> anyway if you remember a dragon v2, i think the one that returned from the station, exploded during a test of the superdraco engines a few months ago
<Althego> and there is finally info on it
<Althego> funny enough the engiens themselves were not hurt :)
<Althego> the plumbing and valves were at fault
* transitbiker looks at mario & luigi
<transitbiker> plumbing problems eh?
* transitbiker looks at mario & luigi again
<kmath> YouTube - Mario Pipe Sound
<Althego> now that a test version of the propeller plane works on eve and duna, i need to add some payload
<Althego> and heatshield and stuff
<Althego> hmm iss will be busty in the next few days. soyuz and dragon launches coming up
<Althego> *busy
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<transitbiker> everyone else in ksp "what is my delta v to jool?!"
<kmath> YouTube - 1770 French Cugnot (Repro)(1)
<Althego> 2k m/s
<Althego> ah one of the first steam powered vehicles
<Althego> or rather the replica of it
<Althego> from the 18th century if i remember correctly
<Althego> quite iconic
<LupiDragon> wow that decrease in gravity helps too
<Althego> oh i didnt factior that in
<Althego> just the pressure
<LupiDragon> yeah i didn't either
<LupiDragon> i knew it would help, but i was looking for worst-case
<kmath> YouTube - Queen - Under Pressure (Lyrics)
<Althego> jet engines struggle somewhat
<Althego> because of the thin atmiospher that has lexx oxygen anyway
<LupiDragon> i generally try to build for what i can imagine the worst case to be, then i'm proven wrong about how bad it could be
<Althego> but this seems to be working really well
<LupiDragon> like my moho probe where i had to sacrifice 1 of the 2 landers in order to make my capture burn
<Althego> flying curiosity, just lacks the science arm
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<Althego> hmm i still havent realy tried the props underwater
<LupiDragon> me neither
<Althego> also i havent checked if solar panels work underwater
<Althego> let our experiments combine!ú
<LupiDragon> so if this thing has 1300 EC, and uses .5 a second, that means about 40 minutes of flight time right
<UmbralRaptop> yes
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<LupiDragon> that's a good amount for biome hopping
<transitbiker_> Apollo 11 TAKE TWO! Kerbal Space Program LIVE! Moon or bust! Tune in here:
<kmath> YouTube - Apollo 11 tribute LIVE in Kerbal Space Program! (TAKE TWO!)
<LupiDragon> i'm not sure if it's enough for island hopping
<LupiDragon> maybe if i'm not trying for altitude like this
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<LupiDragon> i mean, i COULD replace the grip pad skids with some sorts of floats, maybe using mk0 tanks
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<Althego> no, you dont need floats. everything floats
<Althego> you need heavy parts, usually ore containers with oire
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<Althego> surprisingly solar panels work under water
<Althego> but i cant get deeper because i am stuck on the shore, havent thought of density imbalance
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<Althego> and the prop although capable of rotation, does not generate any force
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<LupiDragon> no i mean, i would need floats to land on the water
<LupiDragon> and keep the props from getting' submerged
<LupiDragon> on my little multirotor
<LupiDragon> but that's assuming it wouldn't be able to cross a reasonable body of water on laythe
<Althego> you could simply put all props on top
<LupiDragon> that's slightly out of the spirit of what i wanted to do with it, bein' somewhat inspired by titan dragonfly
<transitbiker> mmmm powah
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<LupiDragon> this thing can get really movin'; i had just enough to get from the waypoint there to where i am now
<LupiDragon> idon't know what sort of ground distance that is
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<transitbiker> 150 tons hovering weeee
<packbart> .oO(“The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.”)
<transitbiker> HAH
<JVFoxy> transitbiker this intentional?
<transitbiker> nooopee
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<transitbiker> WHEW
<transitbiker> this is taking 5ever
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