UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<kubi> maybe better to put trash in the food
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<Eddi|zuHause> in my experience, being passive agressive never solves any problems...
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<kmath> YouTube - IBM 1401 tribute to Apollo XI
<sandbox> unrelated...
<sandbox> "I've got a very parallel rabbit" were the first words spoken when youtube subtitles landed on the moon ;p
<Althego> what does that mean
<Althego> 8 hours until soyuz launch
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<sandbox> the eagle has landed
<sandbox> I miss the terrible subtitling from satoru iwata's nintendo directs
<sandbox> the amount of x-rated stuff it would come up with
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<nar10z> Hello!
<nar10z> The mission is not fulfilled - Return to Kerbin with the object: Stone on the Moon (Muna)
<nar10z> I find an actual stone on the moon, and stand your Kerbal next to or on it, and right click your Kerbal and pick it up
<nar10z> But still the mission is not fulfilled
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<Althego> 2 hours 45 minutes until soyuz
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<Althego> 52 minutes
<kmath> YouTube - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
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<Althego> 2 min
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<Althego> wow we have external view
<packbart> yeah but I don't really see anything in it ;)
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<Althego> that back and forth movement is probably annoying for the people inside
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<Mat2ch> Althego: thanks
<Mat2ch> I've never seen the Soyuz separation and solar panel deploys
<Mat2ch> fascinating
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<Althego> must be cheap cgi, they didnt even render earth :)
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<packbart> Bingo!
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<Althego> docking is around midnight i cant watch it
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<packbart> perfect launches are sooo boring ;)
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<Althego> nest rocket is in 1 day 16 hours 26 minutes to wards the moon
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<Mat2ch> packbart: well, the pid controller on the second stage needs some adjusting. So not totally perfect ;P
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<packbart> most interesting to watch in my memory was an EVA on the ISS where a bolt wouldn't cooperate and they had to fetch hammer and chisel from the airlock's toolbox
<packbart> hammers aren't easy to use in space
<Althego> i liked the soyuz operation :)
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<mrBlaQ> I mean, I assume we're all watching right now?
<Althego> no
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<Mat2ch> nio
<Mat2ch> *nop
<Mat2ch> watching videos just showing the ocean and listening to the sound of it
<Mat2ch> which probably means, I'm going insane
<mrBlaQ> ok
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<Eddi|zuHause> can you really tell whether you are going insane, or everyone else instead?
<Mat2ch> that's an interesting question and I'm willing to participate in the study as long as I get to go to the beach for four weeks afterwards
<UmbralRaptor> Why not both?
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<Mat2ch> going insane and going to the beach?
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<Eddi|zuHause> statistically, that should happen all the time :p
<Althego> it does, but nobody notices because it happens all the time :)
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<packbart> see also: Florida Man
<eldeifo> thanks for mentioning - watching now :)
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<Mat2ch> hrm, this would make for a great movie script. Everyone is going crazy all the time, but nobody notices, because it's all natural for them
<Mat2ch> the plot is, somebody notices, but nobody believes them
<Mat2ch> now, how and why could the become crazier each time, without making it silly?
<Mat2ch> *they become
<Mat2ch> I think I must watch more Quentin Dupieux movies to get some ideas
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<Mat2ch> packbart: but that's only one level. We need more level. Like mixing Inception with Idiocracy
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<silvermistshadow> I don't know why it happens, but if I play the game too long, things seem to get... corrupted or glitchy. Like, Mechjeb will set up a node accurately... but then it'll execute it entirely wrong(the node that it's orienting toward will suddenly move for no reason, causing it to turn all over the place and screw up the whole thing), Hyperedit's landi
<silvermistshadow> ng mode will often be off by at least 100 meters, sometimes more (I told it to land on the launchpad at KSC and it put me in the ocean near the continent to the west of KSC (many kilometers away), and earlier when I told it to land on the minmus flats it put me in a mountain- so the rover exploded). I have plenty of memory (16GB).
<silvermistshadow> closing the game and starting it again does fix it temporarily. So it seems to be some accumulation of errors or something.
<Ezriilc> HyperEdit's Lander is rarely perfect, but that does sound like more that its normal oddness. I would wonder how many mods you have going, and encourage you to frequently save, which lets you change scenes and/or reload.
<packbart> I've seen something similar to the first one (maneuver nodes moving) but as far as I know that's because of some weirdness in low Kerbin orbit and switching vessels with KAC
<Ezriilc> Going back to the KSC and back to flight can fix many such issues.
<silvermistshadow> 91 of varying complexity. Mods, that is. It was a bit lower, then I added a telescope I thought I needed for a contract, only for it to turn out that the description outside of the command center for it was wrong; it wanted an existing microwave relay part (by existing I mean 'I've already got this mod') to act as the radio telescope, not the teles
<silvermistshadow> cope it named in the little contract viewer thing you can use while flying and building things.
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<packbart> it probably all comes down to the fact that computers are bad at computing (floating point) numbers ;/
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<JVFoxy> ugh.. that moment when you've only been gone from KSP for a few days, only to forget what you had going on. >_<
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