UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<Fluburtur> I was at the airport earlier and set my phone to record a video before it went into the xray machine
<packbart> did you get a good scan of the machine?
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<Mat2ch> ohai Fluburtur
<Mat2ch> how's the weather?
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<Eddi|zuHause> it rained here a few days ago, and it blew a small 12V transformator that was supposed to be protected from rain (IP44)
<Eddi|zuHause> and i can't find a replacement with the correct pin configuration
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<Mat2ch> can't you just replace the whole unit?
<Mat2ch> Sounds like a regular power supply could do the trick
<Mat2ch> !help
<Mat2ch> Hm, kmath doesn't help.
<Eddi|zuHause> that would be silly, if i could replace a thing that's supposed to have a standardized interface
<Mat2ch> "supposed"...
<Mat2ch> oh, nice, it looks like the heat wave may stick with us for two weeks
<Eddi|zuHause> "nice"...
<Mat2ch> it was an ironic "nice".
<Eddi|zuHause> you forgot the irony marker
<Mat2ch> I didn't think that this was necessary, when talking about a two weeks long heat wave...
<Mat2ch> "I told them to go to hell. Little did I know that hell was coming for all of us".
<Mat2ch> My brain is overheating, I guess.
<Eddi|zuHause> you can never put enough irony markers...
<Mat2ch> I can put up iron markers!
<Eddi|zuHause> but they corrode quickly
<Mat2ch> Not in the heat wave. There's no corrosion under 40 % humidity
<Fluburtur> got a lot of nice flashes on the sensor
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<kubi> IP44 is protected against rain in theory
<kubi> but I'd put it under roof
<kubi> especially the chinese ones :)
<Eddi|zuHause> that might be a bit tricky...
<kubi> then use a higher grade enclosure, just to be on the safe side
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<kmath> <✔patrickgaley> France is about to experience its second #heatwave of the year, with temperatures expected to top 40C in Paris, pos…
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<nate> Mat2ch: Bah boohoo, we just had that over our past weekend. Kickback, hydrate and keep a fan on you if you have no AC :P
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<Fluburtur> oi
<Althego> ho
<JVFoxy> lo
<Azander> Mat2ch: Go to Detroit, no power, and temps planning to be over 40C
<Eddi|zuHause> i need to go outside to get more drinks, i fear :/
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<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: That's the reason, why I drink tap water
<Mat2ch> nate: AC is pretty uncommon here. But I have the feeling that this will change very quickly very soon.
<JVFoxy> I mostly went with fans up till this year. Room mate had gotten a space AC unit. Was either that or keep bugging me to leave my room door open to let cooler front room air through
<packbart> for the first time in years, I have an office with AC. now I just need to convince the coworkers to use it
<darsie> I let cool air in at night and keep windows and curtains closed during the day. I take off clothes or when this is not enough I put on a t-shirt and spray water on it. A fan would amplify the cooling.
<darsie> Maybe NSFW.
<Mat2ch> well, when the nights wont get colder than 23° C you can't let in cool air at night...
<darsie> 23 is cool compared to 40 °C.
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<Mat2ch> but won't really cool down the house or appartment
<darsie> May cool down to 26 C.
<Mat2ch> my brain stops working at 25°
<darsie> There's the clothes/spray/fan thing, too.
<JVFoxy> used to be ok here at night with just fan. But now I'm wondering if something about the house is staying stupid hot for well into the night. Room gets pretty hot fairly quickly if AC isn't running constantly
<JVFoxy> though.. tonight, AC kicked off and hasn't really warmed up again...
<TheKosmonaut> Summer here has been great.
<TheKosmonaut> Barely goes North of 30°
<Mat2ch> Where are you at? I'm coming. :D
<packbart> the weather is always bad, no matter what it is
<JVFoxy> last year, west coast Canada hit 36c.. some almost to 40s
* packbart shouldn't complain - Hamburg isn't exactly known for its great summer days
<JVFoxy> this next week or so, highest it'll get is 22c, with a few bits of rain later in the day and end of the week
<Mat2ch> packbart: Oh, I'm going to be there at the beginning of September
<Mat2ch> packbart: also the weather last week was great
<JVFoxy> poking net on usual Hamburg weather, sort of close to what we normally get over here.. or at least supposed to
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<Mat2ch> Uh, SpaceX CRS 18 later today
<Mat2ch> 22:24 GMT
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<Fluburtur> lemme get the video actually
<Fluburtur> way too hot in france
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<umaxtu_> Fluburtur, its way too hot everywhere
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<Althego> supa hot
<UmbralRaptor> KILL THEM ALL
<packbart> [Redacted by moderator]
<packbart> those forum threads sure can get a little heated
* UmbralRaptor may have gotten super hot as part of a summer sale
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<UmbralRaptor> Also, for some reason endless mode feels like some nightmares >_>
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<Mat2ch> Let's go to space. It's much much there.
<GlassYuri> it just me or do hex editors just suck
<GlassYuri> like, they show some bytes and some garbled ascii, that's it
<Althego> what else do you expect from them
<Althego> usually you can search by hec and by string
<Althego> and of course modify the content
<GlassYuri> if I have a bit which I think is floating point, I can't do the common sense thing and highlight the portion to check if it is and what value it would have
<Mat2ch> GlassYuri: uh, I'm not sure what the name was, but some have options to display more than that
<Althego> i know people who can read floating point numbers from binary
<Mat2ch> like adding a script that decodes the hex data to human readable form
<Althego> is it a structured format using records?
<Althego> because in that case you are better off writing your own dumper, in c, perl, python, etc
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<GlassYuri> Althego, ideally I would want an hex editor with an integrated scripting system that can be used to easily validate discoveries on a large set of files
<Althego> once i found a way for vim to display binary as a hexeditor
<Althego> i guess you could edit that further
<Althego> but i would even do it in ada first before trying to make it work in vim
<GlassYuri> my ideal would be to have it inside vscode
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<GlassYuri> well technically you can run vim in git bash in vscode
<Althego> they you can propably add you own viewer there too
<GlassYuri> but that doesn't solve the problem that hex editors don't have the features I expect them to
<Althego> no, but you just need a bin to hex and a hex to bin converter
<Althego> or rather bin to own format and own format to bin
<Althego> and whatever the wrapper that still needs to be done
<Althego> so i would just use std in and out
<Althego> and then integrate them into something if it is necessary, but actuallny not
<GlassYuri> I'm reverse engineering a file format
<Althego> been there done that
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<kmath> YouTube - CHB EP. 1: Missing Mars
<Mat2ch> Cody is playing on a potato, too
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<Fluburtur> uh, where did I put the usb wires
<Althego> concentrate on them hard enough and they appear in your hand
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