UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> huh...
<JVFoxy> looking for a name for a flyby probe for mun. French: Survol. Googled the word and it comes up with planetary flyby from Wiki on the side bar
<Eddi|zuHause> was there a question in there?
<JVFoxy> Eddi|zuHause no question.. more just a curious note. Looking up a french word on google, first thing that ended up coming across was space related.
<Eddi|zuHause> so... firefox is telling me "parts of this website are not secure" [as in http vs https], but i can't get it to tell me which parts...
<Azander> if you go to the media tab
<Eddi|zuHause> where is that?
<Azander> Click the info circle on the URL line, click the right arrow on the secure section, click "mor einfo" at the mottom
<Azander> then there are 4 icons, one of which is media
<Azander> * "more info" at the bottom
<Eddi|zuHause> ok... that is a bit convoluted...
<Eddi|zuHause> but all listed items there are https
<Azander> yeah :(
<Azander> then you need to view source and search for http:
<JVFoxy> when they started hiding the 'alt+tab' menu up top, that threw me for a while..
<Azander> probably a css or javascript library that is being loaded as http instead of https
<Eddi|zuHause> can't find anything useful
<umaxtu_mobile> Azander, or go through the f12 menu
<Azander> that too, but macs' dont work with F12 that way
<Azander> So I wnet the long way without knowing his OS
<Eddi|zuHause> "Loading mixed (insecure) display content “” on a secure page subscriptions"
<Eddi|zuHause> the F12 thing helped
<JVFoxy> so an image...
<Eddi|zuHause> i've never seen that image, must be one blocked by ublock anyway
<Azander> I do not understand the push for everything being 'secure'.
<Azander> for many things, it just adds more load to the server for little to no benefit
<Eddi|zuHause> you also leave your front door open because it creates more effort opening it every time you want to go through?
<umaxtu_mobile> actually, https can be faster given that some browsers use http/2 only for secure connections iirc
<umaxtu_mobile> trying to find something that backs me up on that
<Eddi|zuHause> in an unrelated note: i wanted to message my friends that age of wonders III is free, but they all have it already
<umaxtu_mobile> lol
<JVFoxy> eh.. world where everyone wants to encrypt /everything/... next thing you know, we'll be using 256bit hash encrytping on notes to person sitting next to you
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<JVFoxy> or you get countries that'll ban programs that use encyrption, or demade the companies that use them, hand over the keys..
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<Eddi|zuHause> you're talking like that isn't already what's happening?
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<JVFoxy> happened or not, people will still end up doing what they want regardless
<JVFoxy> I'm just sad that a lot of whats happening puts rifts between societies, individual peoples.
<JVFoxy> granted, not asking for a perfect world... just, sometimes things get taken too far.
<Eddi|zuHause> no idea how that applies here
<JVFoxy> sorry went off on a tangent or something... the engryption thing. I've come across a few things myself in the past. Some people have pretty strong opinions
<JVFoxy> that case, ksp related then just was mulling over: LKO parking orbit prior to transfer to Mun. I recall someone saying not to park too high or you end up with delta-v losses or.. does it really matter?
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<Eddi|zuHause> the oberth effect says that your delta-v packs more punch the lower you are
<Eddi|zuHause> so burn at PE if possible
<JVFoxy> circular vs eliptical...
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<packbart> JVFoxy: the faster you already go, the more energy your dV will put into the orbit
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<JVFoxy> nod
<Althego> brotherhood of nod
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<JVFoxy> sorry just .. feeling a bit out of it
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<Eddi|zuHause> man, that was like 20 years ago?
<Eddi|zuHause> 1995
<Althego> closer to 25
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<kmath> YouTube - KSP 1.7.3 - NEW Helicopter Parts, Ejector Seats, New Docking Features
<umaxtu_mobile> wow
<Althego> the heli is lol
<Althego> finally, remove symmetry
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<packbart> Jebediah Kerman was killed. Again.
<Althego> but he is like daniel jackson
<Althego> always comes back
<Eddi|zuHause> there's more where that came from
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<Althego> i find it wrong that you have to deploy the blades to create lift
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<Althego> thrust, whatever
<Althego> so it is basically an on off switch
<Althego> instead of doing it correctly and take the angle into account for thrust
<Althego> and deplyot would change the angle as it does now
<packbart> people in the forum suggest to bind the deploy limiter to the throttle axis
<packbart> and keep the engine at a fixed RPM
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<Althego> i thought there are 3 levers on real airplane for this kind of control
<packbart> so in any case, it seems to be the real physics deal behind it
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<packbart> not quite, I see
<packbart> a game engine Kraken Limit of 1rad per physics tick maximum for everything
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<Althego> hmm it seems the electric motor takes surprisingly little power, it can fly while recharging
<Althego> that was my dream for duna and eve
<Althego> in fact you could make a really small eve ascent vehicle with this
<Althego> with folded blades!
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<kmath> YouTube - Eviation’s All-Electric Alice Regional Airliner Secures a Major Launch Order – AINtv
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<kmath> YouTube - Apollo AGC Part 19: Restoration complete!
<Althego> lol scott visited them
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<umaxtu_mobile> mentour has a 737max cockpit tour video up
<umaxtu_mobile> I think its actually a simulator though
<Althego> yes it is obvious because of the image in front
<umaxtu_mobile> still a good video though
<Althego> makes me a bit nostalgic. but then i think o all the horrors, no, not going back to simulators
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<kmath> YouTube - Stentors: Single-Celled Giants
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* UmbralRaptor was expecting an ediacaran
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<UmbralRaptor> … GOG is having a baguette sale
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<umaxtu_mobile> anything good?
<Althego> i think i already have the best :)
<Althego> but helium rain looks interesting
<Althego> not much price cut on that
<umaxtu_mobile> deadcells, but I've got that on my Switch
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