UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | EHT papers | Поехали!
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<Webchat363> Hey
<Webchat363> How are ya
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<Webchat363> oh
<kbuck> hi
<Webchat363> It's me
<Webchat363> The Wandering Cosmonaut
<kbuck> mario?
<kbuck> oh
<Webchat363> The new guy
<Webchat363> Ahoy
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<Webchat363> Damn
<Webchat363> Let me just reenter
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<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Ahoy Hoy
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Tis I
<kbuck> you can use /nick <new name here> (without the <>) to change your name on IRC without needing to reconnect :)
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Ah
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> K
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> I'm kinda new to the KSP forum
<Neal> assuming the nickname isn't registered to someone who has nickname protection on
<Neal> then it will force you off of it
<Neal> btw IRC predates ksp by a long, long time. it was the predominant way of chatting in the 2000s
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Da
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> I know
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> I'm glad you guys still use it
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Every other forum is ditching traditional chat rooms one by one
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Discord this, discord that
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Chat rooms are a dying breed
<Neal> they're even ditching traditional forums which is bad imo
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Thats what the guys on the Daria forum said
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> And the 3DMM forum
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> And the Spongebob forum
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> They're pulling through
<lordcirth> Hopefully IRCv3 will help
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> I'm not giving up
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Hell, I'm rebuilding a fandom from the ground up
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> The forum shall be the base
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> It shall be grand
<Neal> I blame the fortnite generation
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Buddy, I'm 15
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Not all of us are that daft
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Only ever played Fortnite once, boring
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Oi
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> You two blokes still here?
<lordcirth> TheWanderingCosmonaut, since two minutes ago? Yes.
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Thanks
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Either of you have any advice for building a community
<Neal> I think I'm going to set up an iot thermometer in my car
<Neal> it got so hot it broke my glass thermometer
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Jeez
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Where do yee live?
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Tejas?
<Neal> california
<Neal> it was in the high 70s fahrenheit last week and then it suddenly jumped to 105 today
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> .....imperial savage
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> What is this Fahrenheit you speak of
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> We only obey Lord Kelvin
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> ;)
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Anyway, Neal, Lordcirth, either of you want to join my up and coming forum
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<Neal> hmm max operating temp of the arduino is 85c... I hope my car doesn't get that hot
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> I need all the help I can get
<Neal> I'm good thanks though
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Hey, have you tried painting it white
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Works like a charm
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Oi, Lordcirth
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> You want to join my up and coming forum
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> hmm
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Let me rephrase it
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> You ever watched Dan Vs?
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> (The Hub)
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<lordcirth> TheWanderingCosmonaut, probably not, and no, I haven't.
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Ah ,ok
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Any good fics I should read
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> I love a good fanfic
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Uh
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> I meant KSP fanfics
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> I go fandom to fandom, binge read fics
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Learn the culture
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<lordcirth> Ah, then no
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Eh
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Comics aren't really my thing
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> Only read two to completion
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> One was "specialty" the other was all I had on a camping trip
<TheWanderingCosmonaut> So not really my thing
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<xShadowx> did ksp ever get higher part count limits? i know at what 2.x something they changed to a thread per vessel i think it was and i could get more, but anything since T2 took over?
<xShadowx> have 12 ores, can a single vessel max out all 12 with physics yet? or has physics moved to gpu yet?
<Althego> the physics is mostly single threaded
<Althego> around 1.0 or a bit later there were some optimizations
<Althego> so you can go up to 1000 parts realistically, a bit more with very slow
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<Guest91611> test
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<Rolf> test failed
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<darsie> My spaceship turns slowly under 100 km Kerbin orbit with attitude hold/time warp.
<darsie> Is that a bug or a feature?
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<James_Kerman> Hello darsie. If you have warped time while you are in Kerbin's atmosphere then physics is still active (also holding alt while speeding up time does this).
<darsie> There's no atmosphere >70 km.
<packbart> does it really turn or does the camera rotate?
<darsie> I'm in a 70.5/250 km orbit.
<darsie> It turn. Turned the solar panels into the shade of the asteroid :(.
<darsie> Gonna do a test to confirm the exact altitude it happens ...
<James_Kerman> Are you using any mods?
<darsie> KER, EER, dated quicksaves
<darsie> James_Kerman: Are you violating rule 2.2.10?
<packbart> only if he makes you Captain
<James_Kerman> Lol.
<darsie> bbl
<James_Kerman> Okay. You can explain what 2.2.10 is when you get back.
<James_Kerman> So I can figure out how to punish myself.
<packbart> "Roleplay, e.g. acting as a Kerbal, creating fictional organizational hierarchy amongst users and/or interactions of fictitious entities of an oppositional nature;"
<James_Kerman> Oh 2.2j. Actually I have no role on IRC besides user.
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<Guest35360> wow I forgot this irc chat existed
<Guest35360> very neat
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<darsie> Yes, it's exactly at 100 km.
<darsie> I set a 700000 m SMA, 0.00001 e orbit.
<darsie> packbart: Ahh, live rules, not like the archived ones linked in the topic.
<darsie> Why don't we use the live ones?
<packbart> ah, right. I was wondering why it suddenly was "j" instead of "10" now
<James_Kerman> Hmm are you using 1.7.1? I don't see this behavior in my game. Also does it suddenly start to rotate as soon as you hit 100km?
<packbart> I hadn't thought of looking at the topic
<darsie> 1.7.0. Yes, right when I pass 100 km. Look normal for best effect.
<James_Kerman> I'll test it in 1.7.1.
<darsie> This has always happened, IIRC, I just investigated it now and was lucky to be in an orbit that crosses 100 km.
<darsie> previously I thought the maneuver node moved.
<packbart> now that you say it, I remember seeing orbits change unter time warp
<packbart> I always thought it was a floating point fluke. computers really have problems with thise ;)
<James_Kerman> I just tested from 86000m to 250000m and my craft is holding position relative to Kerbol. Do you mean the navball is moving?
<Wastl4> It's not an orbit change, is it? Your craft just keeps pointing in the same direction while following its orbit.
<darsie> James_Kerman: The stars rotate.
<darsie> If you look up (normal)
<darsie> slowly
<darsie> If it holds position relative to Kerbol it rotates.
<taniwha> it's the rotating reference frame
<James_Kerman> I see what you mean now.
<taniwha> when "near" kerbin, the universe rotates around kerbin
<taniwha> (or any body, actually)
<James_Kerman> Thanks taniwha!
<taniwha> but when far enough out, the body rotates and the universe is (more) static
<taniwha> it's so that there's no need to rotate the body's collider mesh when near enough for it to matter
<darsie> It's annoying. I want my craft to keep pointing at the maneuver node. It's a 3600 t asteroid which is hard to turn back.
<taniwha> (moving colliders not attached to rigid bodies is slow)
<darsie> ic
<darsie> Maneuver marker
<taniwha> so use maneuver hold sas
<taniwha> or MJ
<darsie> Doesn't work during time warp.
<taniwha> persistent rotation
<darsie> k
<packbart> SAS hold should work during physwarp, iirc. but that takes much longer, of course, and would just introduce different krakenbait
<James_Kerman> I'm totally new to IRC. What are the 'live rules' and where can I read them (the link above does not work for me). Also I'd hate to have to report myself.
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<darsie> James_Kerman:
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<James_Kerman> Thanks darsie. I already know those rules pretty well. I should be okay.
<darsie> ok :)
<Wastl4> For this irc network there's also to consider, which I'd sum up as "don't be disruptive".
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<James_Kerman> Cool. Let me know if I'm being disruptive.
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<darsie> taniwha: I can't figure out the persistant rotation settings to keep pointing at my maneuver marker under 100 km.
<taniwha> hmm, I seem to remember it working with SAS in maneuver mode
<darsie> I did that.
<taniwha> then I don't know, sorry
<taniwha> been a while since I used it
<darsie> It turns away during time warp adn turns back to the marker when I stop warp.
<darsie> Persistent rotation has 1.4.9 max KSP version in my ckan.
<taniwha> that might be due to the node being in absolute space while you are in body space
<darsie> Just staying still relative to the sun would help, but it doesn't.
<packbart> so - just use Principia? :)
<darsie> Never used that.
<darsie> Maybe I'll just wait a few minutes for my asteroid to turn back.
<packbart> theoretically, it should get rid of that "space space", "body space" stuff. there is only space
<packbart> I've never tried it myself, though. Only watched the videos
<darsie> I'm lowering the apoapsis of my 3600 t asteroid from 250 km to 70.5 km.
<darsie> With a nerv.
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<taniwha> 3600t... featherweight
<packbart> that takes a lot of nerv
<James_Kerman> lol
<taniwha> try 500kt :)
<darsie> mhm :)
<taniwha> (I set my asteroid masses to something more realistic than that of compressed air)
<packbart> well, I just make them all class E and be happy with the featherweights I get ;)
<darsie> It had strangely low drag. I initially aerobraked at 25 km.
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<packbart> finally researched MechJeb Docking Guidance. I haven't destroyed any station parts while docking manually, yet, but docking is one of the most annyoing and automatable tasks, imo :)
<packbart> MechJeb needs some guidance, too, though. some fiddling with parameters required
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<Guest49097> I was wondering if any one is having trouble getting in to the program? When I try to go into the program the play button is there and I press it then it says downloading patcher. I left it to download at 3:30 P.M last night and came back at 9:00 A.M
<Guest49097> and it still was not working am I the only one that is having this problem?
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<darsie> Keep wondering.
<packbart> I never used the launcher. Either I click the button in Steam or I run ./KSP.x86_64
<packbart> something something SpaceX -
<kmath> YouTube - RADARSAT Constellation Mission
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<Mat2ch> \o/
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<packbart> out of the fog
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<Mat2ch> and in it again :D
<Mat2ch> But something was shaking there pretty hard at the landing burn
<Mat2ch> and it didn't look like it was totally straight, did it do a hard landing for some reason?
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<kmath> YouTube - Marble Loop Completed - Marble Machine X #85
<Mat2ch> That was great. But too short. ;)
<Mat2ch> Sat depoy happening right now
<Mat2ch> next one in around two minutes
<Eddi|zuHause> oh, i just watched that...
<Mat2ch> and it's impressive as usual! Go watch it!
<Eddi|zuHause> i meant the MMX
<Mat2ch> that's also impressive :)
<Eddi|zuHause> music was a bit repetetive :p
<Mat2ch> I expected the snare to be played, but that part is not finished yet :(
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<Eddi|zuHause> well, the marble catcher seems to be ... unfinished :p
<Eddi|zuHause> also completely unrelated, someone linked me earlier
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<packbart> hmm. when I try to return an experiment container with just a parachute and heatshield, it always turns the chute into the plasma, not the shield
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> it survives, though it takes three passes to finally return from the Mun
<packbart> just doesn't slow down enough in its bullet shape
* packbart tried adding a battery between container and shield
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<Wastl4> Have you tried adding fins?
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<packbart> I was going to if I can't get the center of mass down towards the heat shield
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<packbart> it launches under a payload fairing, anyway, so the reverse fins shouldn't matter on ascent
<Althego> you can also add something that adds drag
<Althego> on increase them ass of the heat shield
* packbart taps the 0.625m shield - it's already full of ablator
<packbart> the 3-part contraption survives either way
<Althego> the science container is really tough anyway
<packbart> it just doesn't look right ;)
<Althego> high heat and hit tolerance
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<packbart> the number of experiments doesn't increase container mass, or does it?
* packbart flew the simulation with an empty capsule
<Althego> aas far as i know only command seat kerbals increase craft mass
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<Neal> wow soldering <250μm wire is ahrd
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* darsie has 80 µm wire.
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<ChadderVox> Hey, anyone on here know how to use BDA?
<ChadderVox> I need to know how to access the camera views
<ChadderVox> from the camera booms
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<ChadderVox> Hey, anyone on here know how to use BDA?
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<packbart> point at the target, fire rockets. that's all I know ;)
<sandbox> new version
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* packbart takes a surface sample from Baikerbanur
<packbart> (well, 4 surface samples, actually)
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UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps:
<UmbralRaptor> updates!
<Eddi|zuHause> oh, steam scheduled it to only 6 hours from now!
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<umaxtu> so do I have to update the dlc as well?
<Eddi|zuHause> no, steam should handle that in one go
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* UmbralRaptor doesn't know how Steam does things
<packbart> "Fix scanner arms being audible across the known universe." :)
<UmbralRaptor> Scanner arms no longer exploit the EPR paradox
* packbart goes to compile Kopernicus - I hate this stupid exact version dependency or else the mod deactivates itself
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<packbart> sometimes I forget that I have this KIS/KAS stuff installed
* packbart sends an engineer on EVA with a screwdriver to mount the lander's scanning arm in a more useful position
<Eddi|zuHause> hm... my vassal collapsed because he had only one planet and that planet rebelled... now all the other systems he had are just empty space
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