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<Guest58912> o
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<jUMPSu1t> How do I select another Kerbal when I have one or more on an EVA?
<umaxtu_mobile> square brackets
<UmbralRaptop> ^this cycles through all EVAing kerbals, nearby craft, etc
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<umaxtu_mobile> and if you cycle between them fast enough, your computer will burst into flames
<UmbralRaptop> How much ΔV does a typical computer have?
<umaxtu_mobile> what would a "typical" computer be at this point? A smartphone?
<jUMPSu1t> Oh.
<jUMPSu1t> Ok.
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<UmbralRaptop> Probably something embedded?
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<GlassYuri> UmbralRaptop, umaxtu_mobile,
<GlassYuri> wouldn't a smartphone have more delta V than a desktop due to the battery?
<GlassYuri> (sorry for the newline, too used to slacks shift-enter to send)
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> desktop has unlimited delta but limited range
<Rolf> phone has limited delta but unlimited range
<GlassYuri> Rolf, how does a desktop generate thrust?
<Althego> fans
<Rolf> yep lol
<GlassYuri> battery explosion works in a vacuum
<Rolf> phone could do it with extremely tiny ion engine
<Rolf> it might take 100 years to go anywhere but yeah
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> an engine for ant
<Althego> s
<Rolf> i tried rocket with that alt
<Rolf> it had many many tiny engines (not ion)
<Rolf> body overheated by all those trusters and exploded. made a cylinder pattern floating engines thats still firing and cone on top. lol
<Rolf> yes, it was quite laggy
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<Althego> toonstruck free on gog
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<Althego> hmm, falcon heavy in about 9.5 days
<Althego> but why use the heavy for a rideshare mission
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<Zephros> can't wait for that launch. The last launch was awesome. Lets hope this launch doesn't fail.
<Althego> too bad they lost the core
<Althego> because of waves lol
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<Mat2ch> Althego: sometimes the money is already payed ;)
<flayer> althego: people getting a cheap ride?
<flayer> for what is essentially a test flight?
<flayer> or publicity?
<Althego> must be that
<Mat2ch> and mainly this: The mission will support the U.S. Air Force National Security Space Launch (formerly EELV) certification process for the Falcon Heavy
<flayer> there you go
<Mat2ch> Launching a test payload didn't cut it somehow
<flayer> oh wow, they're re-using the boosters from the previous flight?
<flayer> that's a pretty quick launch-check-relaunch relatively speaking isn't it?
<Althego> that is the whole idea behind the falcon 9
<flayer> yeah, but it's looking like progress
<Althego> currently they could probably relaunch within days
<Althego> every time with the falcon heavy when the separation happens i think they smash into the core and explode ksp style :)
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<Black_Eagle> is there an air speed tolerance limit for kerbals (other than heating)?
<Black_Eagle> i.e. if i make a really fast rover will the kerbals get krakenated
<Althego> i didnt notice anything aside from them falling off
<Black_Eagle> what speed is that?
<Althego> probably dynamic opressure, not speed
<Black_Eagle> sounds like practical testing time
<Althego> well below speed of sound at sea level, but probably not applicable for command seats, sincs they are not controllable at that point
<Althego> but they do fall off from laddes and cocpits when they hang on them
<Black_Eagle> 100 m/s sound like a doable number on a command seat?
<Althego> probably way more
<Black_Eagle> good
<Althego> that is racing car speed. not that you cant do several times of the speed of sound on the ice fields
<Black_Eagle> i want to do a model of a car and the spec sheet says 200mph to 300mph on land. i'd say that's about 100m/s since the rover wheels i will be using will break after that
<Althego> a bit more
<Black_Eagle> TR-2L says 100m/s for tolerance
<Black_Eagle> or does that mean impact tolerance? idk, idc
<Black_Eagle> should be ok, might delete later
<Althego> but they cant spin that fast
<Althego> on their own
<Althego> you need some jet powe
<Althego> r
<Black_Eagle> yes. that will be a problem unless i somehow cram a juno in there somewhere
<Althego> kerbals are fine at 200 m/s in their seats :)
<Althego> fine at 400
<Althego> the runway was destroyed though
<Black_Eagle> hahah not planning to go that fast!
<Althego> the "car" was destroyed, the runway was destroyed, but jeb is just smiling
<Althego> should have turned him around
<Althego> just because cool guys don't look at explosions
<kmath> YouTube - Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions
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<Althego> haha no man's sky is 50% off and still 30 eur
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<UmbralRaptop> uh
<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, GOG is doing another free game thing
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<Eddi|zuHause> i probably wouldn't even buy it at 75% off
<Althego> that was my point, it has way too high price
<Althego> but toonstruck for free should be good
<Eddi|zuHause> i've got exactly two responses from telling people about that... "i don't have a gog account" and "i just take the CD that i have and use that"
<Althego> i am the reverse, i dont have a steam account
<Althego> but gog is almost as good as a cd, you can own the games there
<Eddi|zuHause> i have an old gog account that i can't access anymore due to 2-factor auth
<Eddi|zuHause> cause that email doesn't work anymore
<Althego> strange, i had this one for many years and i dont have any issues
<Althego> i own my email account too :)
<Althego> yes, i apy for it
<Eddi|zuHause> it was my old university account
<Eddi|zuHause> and they shut that old server down a while back
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<Eddi|zuHause> was it a good idea to write to gog customer support in german?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> maybe
<Tank2333> i think they know what google translate is
<Althego> this rumored 1903 update doesnt seem to get to me
<Althego> (windows)
<Eddi|zuHause> the last time i tried installing windows 10, it just plain told me "nope, i don't run on this computer"
<Eddi|zuHause> after like 2 hours of installing
<Althego> hehehe
<Eddi|zuHause> i couldn't actually figure out why...
<sandbox> that's about the level of their error messages now
<Althego> but hey added a smiley face to the bsod
<sandbox> "nope, i don't run on this computer :("
<sandbox> typed that before you said
<Althego> wait, it was literally that much it said?
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<Eddi|zuHause> yes. that was literally it
<Eddi|zuHause> well, it might have been something like "windows cannot be configured on this computer. rebooting now..."
<darsie> When I optimize a future maneuver from LKO to solar orbit and try to maximize apoapsis by adjusting departure time, these back and forth changes decrease apoapsis a little. It's significant if you have a close encounter, e.g. with Duna.
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<darsie> Changing stuff back and forth gives in a one way result change both directions.
<Althego> i have a 20 minute gap in nodes and i cant come up with anything to do there, so i am stuck
<darsie> Do the time warp?
<Althego> then i lose 20 minutes
<darsie> Of productivity?
<darsie> Take a nap.
<Althego> probably going to switch between 2 crafts to see if i can catch a biome in high altitude with th gravity thing
<JVFoxy> got relay in orbit of mun.. hoping to use it to cover backside of mun for another craft but not sure on timing it right
<darsie> JVFoxy: You can get the time from a maneuver node set n orbits into the future.
<darsie> Doing a little orbital change now will accumulate a large time/location change for the future node.
<JVFoxy> darsie: going to see what its like when I launch at day break.. mostly cuz of light for recording for later.
<JVFoxy> but ya.. suppose I could set target, see what happens.
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<JVFoxy> daytime launch shows promise...
<JVFoxy> though seems change to my RCS setup got a little boogered up
<JVFoxy> ugh ok faffing around, finally got them setup right
<Ezriilc> Strange question: Does anyone know if any parts of the old "Algol 68" programming language is used in or referenced in KSP?
<Ezriilc> Possibly in Unity?
<Althego> use grep?
<Ezriilc> I don't actually know how I would do that, and I'm on a Winderz box.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> doesnt seem to be in the text
<Ezriilc> I'm trying to use an encounter with what appears to be an edje case of a KSP save file in "text/Algol68" mime format.
<Ezriilc> I'm trying to use it as a teaching moment and learn from it.
<Eddi|zuHause> algol 68 is like the grandfather of 95% of all modern programming languages
<JVFoxy> ooof... look'n up Algol 68 took me to ICL and picture of data storage system. Imagine retro space, launching with computers that use data storage in drums
<JVFoxy> or massive flat cylinder type things.. think some rockets actually used drum storage for data and stuff back in the early days
<Eddi|zuHause> the first rocket computers used ROM-storage that was weaved by hand
<Althego> rope memory, has seen use in the apollo program too
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<JVFoxy> ASC-15 used drum memory but was more for Titan rockets and Saturn I
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<JVFoxy> Mind you, Shuttle used core memory for engine control, then switched off it at some point in the middle of the program.
<JVFoxy> at least from what I remember, trying to find the article, think was when I was researching info on shuttle computer systems. Any case, haven't time to do more a search, gotta run
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<Althego> i wonder what spacex uses :)
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<Guest53814> Hi. Anyone knows how to make the Telemachus cameras work? The telemachus/cameras endpoint is empty even if I add a bunch of cameras to my vessel
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* Ezriilc is intruiged and satisfied at how a question about some archaic programming language evolved into something about rocket science.
<Ezriilc> Loving this community right now.
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<Guest53814> Hello?
<darsie> .
<UmbralRaptop> Guest53814: It's possible that none of us currently online are sufficiently knowledgeable about Telemachus to answer the question
<packbart> I've read about it. I use kRPC but that doesn't have video streaming
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<Guest53814> Is there any other mod that streams video via web? I can't find any
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<packbart> random piece of debris unexpectedly crashed into the Mun, generated some 300 science points. that's nice