UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps:
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<kmath> YouTube - チュッパチャプスが開かないときの対処法。
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<Althego> maybe few minutes until electron launch
<Althego> with shameless self ads
<Althego> one minute
<Althego> seems to be working
<umaxtu_mobile> seems kinda slow
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: nice
<Mat2ch> did they have an ac? ;)
<Mat2ch> and with your self built bass even!
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<Fluburtur> no but it was a kinda small room and it was quite open
<Fluburtur> yeah it grabbed some attention
<kmath> YouTube - some jam
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<Eddi|zuHause> what happened to the trumpet?
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<Althego> probably the neighbors blew it up
<Althego> maybe i do want to build an eve surface return from 600k in career
<Althego> but potentially i would need the ion for the return trip
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<Althego> maybe not, it would be smallenough anyway
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<Kabouik> Is there a way to save a mod selection in CKAN for later? I spent one hour curating what I wanted, and now the installation fails. I would like to save it until I can fix CKAN.
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<Althego> yay, nuclear drone won
<kmath> YouTube - Announcing a New Mission to Saturn’s Largest Moon on This Week @NASA – June 28, 2019
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<kmath> YouTube - Settling the Galaxy (ACT's entry to GTOCX)
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<darsie> short but lovely :)
<darsie> An der schoenen blauen Donau
<Rolf> it is
<darsie> I'm waiting for it to happen. Maybe I can be part of it.
<Eddi|zuHause> i think we're a few thousand years out from that
<Eddi|zuHause> doesn't look good for happening in your lifetime :p
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<darsie> No, but I still have a bit of hope.
<darsie> Also, if I don't make it myself, I can still help make self replicating machines.
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<Kabouik> Folks, years without playing and I'm hesitating between Astronomer's pack and Spectra. I know it's best to compare myself, but I'm still interested in your opinions. Which one do you prefer?
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